Oh boy – I am so excited to tell you about this adorable San Diego wheaten terrier, Oscar! I was thrilled to meet him a few weeks ago at the Navy Woof Walk, a super-fun local event, where he & his parents found my booth. Honestly, I did a double-take when I first saw him, because the Wheaten terrier breed is rather uncommon… and also because it’s the same breed as my childhood dog!! The very first dog my family owned was a Wheaten terrier, and I named him Sparky (because I was especially creative as a 9-year-old, ha). So I feel a special affinity toward Wheatens whenever I see them… and as luck would have it, Oscar’s mom won the drawing that day for a $100 gift certificate! I couldn’t have been more thrilled to learn that she was the lucky winner, and seeing Oscar again was absolutely delightful! He has a constant smile on his face that’s positively infectious… this is one happy (and treat-motivated) dog! He actually has a rather busy schedule these days: Oscar is a therapy dog! He visits local schools on a regular basis to interact with kids, and his mom told me all about the good work he does around the San Diego & Rancho Bernardo communities. So don’t be surprised if you see his cute face around town! :)
This is Oscar! Can you stand how cute he is?! (I cannot.)
He strikes a lovely profile in black & white, too.
I’m pretty sure this moment occurred right before he leaped up to get the treats in my hand! Haha!
Okay, fine, one more photo… this one’s a little blooper! :)
Thank you, Luanne & Alan, for introducing me to your handsome boy! I had a great time with all three of you! :)