
Tag: ‘San Diego’

Lola the Gorgeous Standard Poodle! (Rancho Santa Fe Pet Photography Session)

Wednesday, May 11th, 2016

I think rescue dogs know when they’ve been rescued. They know when their life changes; when they have a loving, happy home and they’re a treasured member of the family, when beforehand there was more pain & suffering than love & stability. I think they know. And Lola the standard poodle definitely knows just how lucky she is.

This Rancho Santa Fe pet photography session features the gorgeous Lola, an all-black standard poodle, who was rescued from a very poor beginning in life. She’s still less than a year old, but for her first 4 months or so, she was brought up in absolutely deplorable conditions. She didn’t even know how to drink water out of a bowl, because she wasn’t given bowls of water as a puppy, much less toys or treats, or any basic facets of a puppy’s life. Can you imagine?! Who could do that to such a sweet creature – any animal, really – I have no idea, but thankfully Lola’s mom Debra came along, and she rescued her to live a fabulous life! Lola & Debra live in a beautiful, safe neighborhood in Rancho Santa Fe, and they simply couldn’t be happier together. They’re best friends! And Lola absolutely adores her mom: she follows her around as close as a shadow, always ready to jump up to face-height to say hello up close, haha! In fact, Lola’s life is so filled with love these days, that as our photo session wrapped up and I was giving Debra a hug goodbye, Lola jumped up to join the hug too!! It was absolutely hysterical – she just doesn’t want to be excluded from any bit of love & affection she sees around her (especially a hug with her mom)! Haha! What an adorable, goofy pup. :)


This is Lola. Such a sweetheart.

rancho santa fe pet photography


She absolutely loves running around her backyard! Action photos turned out to be a significant part of our session, thanks to her boundless energy!

rancho santa fe dog photo


Sigh. This dog is gorgeous.

rancho santa fe photography


Debra, I had a great time with you & Lola during our photo session! I’m excited to show you the rest of our photos very soon!


Kaina’s Mission Hills Pet Photography Session

Wednesday, May 4th, 2016

Kaina the dog is a happy guy – easygoing, relaxed, and always content to be with his parents. You get the feeling he really knows how to enjoy the simple things in life, like a comfortable spot in the shade on a sunny day. And so we had a great time relaxing around his neighborhood during our Mission Hills pet photography session!

The name “Kaina” means “younger brother” in Hawaiian, but Kaina the dog actually shares his backyard with a few younger sisters – who happen to be chickens! That’s right, I got to spend time with two different species during our photo session, and I absolutely loved meeting Kaina’s feathered siblings, who live in a coop out in their family’s backyard area in Mission Hills. But it wasn’t long before Kaina stole the show; he completely won me over with his sweet smile and happy willingness to sit by my side and offer me a paw. I mean, this dog could not be any more adorable. He’s slowing down these days, since he’s not as young as he used to be, so he takes life one day at a time… and to be honest with you, he almost reminds me of an old man who contentedly sits on the porch all day, happy to be comfortable and near the people he loves. (An old man with the cutest little floppy ears, haha!)


Here’s Kaina in his backyard, with the chicken coop and his mom’s favorite kangaroo-paw flowers too!

mission hills pet photography session


We also visited Presidio Park, the honorary “backyard” of Mission Hills residents, and had a fun time exploring the scenery there too! We finished up our session at Coronado Beach, but I love how at-home Kaina looks amongst the lush greenery of the park.

missions hills pet photo session


Have I mentioned that Kaina loves spending time with his parents? I don’t think anything makes him happier.

mission hill pet photography


Mary & Rob, thank you for such a fun afternoon! I’m so glad we were able to get together on a tight schedule! I’m excited to show you the rest of our photos soon. :)


Cooper the St. Bernard, Riley’s New Puppy Sibling!

Friday, April 29th, 2016

Eeeeeeek! I’m so excited to share this cute little fluffer-butt with you!! Are you ready for this blog post to make your day? ;)

You might remember Riley the border collie/husky mix from his session several months ago. I absolutely loved working with him – he’s a gorgeous dog – and I figured he’d never have any competition for the title of “most adorable” member of his family. Turns out, I thought wrong. He has serious competition… because his parents just adopted a St. Bernard puppy.

Cooper is the new puppy in the family, a too-cute-for-words ball of pure fluff! He’s already 40 pounds, at only a few months old, and he’s expected to tip the scales at 130-150 lbs when fully grown. He’ll be BIG – but I’m excited to watch him grow, since his parents are Clients for Life – which means I’ll get to see Cooper on a (somewhat) regular basis! I have a feeling he’s just going to get more & more handsome as he grows up, too… he has the sweetest demeanor, he just wants to snuggle and lay down all the time. He doesn’t run around like crazy, he doesn’t chew on things or bark; he’s just a well-behaved, calm puppy, and I’m pretty sure he spoiled me for working with any more puppies in the future since he was sooooo easygoing! Haha!


This photo is proof that A) Cooper is ridiculously adorable, and B) I have the best job in the world. Seriously.

new puppy


We spent a lot of time sniffing & exploring. He’s a curious boy, but very content to just “be”, and he’s never far from his parents & brother. Cooper’s just happy to stay close and relax with his family!

new puppy brother


Okay, okay, I couldn’t let Cooper have the whole spotlight today! Riley is such a beautiful boy. And he’s taken to being a caring, protective big brother for Cooper – they get along great and I even saw a flash of Riley’s protective instincts during our session when we passed by another dog. These two are going to grow up to be best friends. (Extremely fluffy best friends.)

new puppy sibling


Oh Cooper. You are too cute for words.

new puppy picture


Mackenzie & Jonas, I had a blast at our session! It’s an honor to document your growing family, and I’m so excited to watch your little new puppy get really big! :)


1-Year Anniversary Session with Marlow, the German Shorthaired Pointer

Wednesday, April 27th, 2016

This was a very bittersweet photo session… I was thrilled to see Marlow, the German shorthaired pointer, a year after our last photo session, especially since that session got scheduled in a hurry due to a cancer diagnosis. The fact that he’s still here, happy, and feeling like “himself” is nothing short of miraculous! But unfortunately I can’t add the word “healthy” to that list of how he’s doing… because after surviving brain cancer for the past year, his veterinarian recently found another type of cancer – completely unrelated, in his lymph nodes – and so he’s back on chemotherapy again. Which is the most uncanny, unlucky turn of events I can imagine for this sweet boy.

But don’t worry about Marlow – he’s tough. He has the spirit of a champion, and he’ll be just fine. I know it.

So we made sure to have a fun time for our photo session, and we played around his backyard with his two siblings, Cielow & Darla! All three of them love to play fetch (especially Darla, she takes it to a new level) and it was great to spend the afternoon with these gorgeous, happy dogs.


This is Marlow. The fur around his face is a bit erratic these days – but you know what? I think it’s a wonderful patchwork, a testimony to his struggle and victory. Cancer survivors are beautiful. And this boy is one of the best.

german shorthaired pointer


This is Marlow’s younger sibling, Darla, in-between throws of the ball! She’s also a German shorthaired pointer, a few years younger than Marlow, and just as sweet!

german shorthaired pointer picture


This is their husky sibling, Cielow! She’s one of the most easygoing, happy dogs I’ve ever met… the smile on her face is constant!



I can’t help but share this photo too – a fitting “end” to this post? (har har!)

german shorthaired pointer butt



Amanda, thank you so much for another opportunity to work with your gorgeous dogs. We ended up with quite a few photos, haha! :)


Ruby the Chihuahua Mix in Del Mar, CA (Photos)

Tuesday, April 19th, 2016

I had the pleasure of meeting the most adorable little chihuahua mix in Del Mar recently! Ruby is a happy little dog from Vista, CA that’s always happy to be with her parents, and I met her on the beaches of Del Mar for our photo session!


Ruby is an 11-year-old chihuahua mix, and good luck guessing her other breed(s) – I personally think she’s part coyote, haha! Her soft, fluffy fur seems to overflow from every angle, and I loved seeing all the different positions her big, pointy, expressive ears could take! She loves the beach, although not for the water – this pup is definitely anti-swimming! Her survival instincts took over every time a wave came near, and she’d rush back up the sand to higher ground. That’s only if her mom didn’t scoop her up first, though – Ruby’s mom always kept a watchful eye on Ruby to make sure she was safe! In fact, some of my favorite images from this session are of the two of them, because they have the most amazing connection together. It was beautiful to watch them interact and make sure each other was happy & content. I’m sure that connection has grown even stronger in the last couple of months, since Ruby was unfortunately diagnosed with Addison’s disease, and has been spending more than her fair share of time at the vet. But she’s feeling great these days – her mom is hoping they’ll have several more years together! – and I was glad we were able to get together for this session so I could see Ruby run around the beach with plenty of energy. (Although, truth be told, Ruby’s not terribly big on running or playing fetch or getting much of a workout. She’d much rather meander around the sand, stay close to her parents and keep a much more relaxed pace! She’s at the beach for leisure, not exercise, haha!)


I just love Ruby’s warm coloring against the cool blues of the beach & sky! She’s such a cutie!

chihuahua mix at the beach


Close to her parents = Ruby’s happy place. Always.

chihuahua Del Mar


She may be 11 years old, but she can still run down the coastline like a puppy – especially if there are treats involved, haha!

chihuahua Del Mar beach


Brooke & JB, thank you so much for introducing me to your adorable little girl. I’m looking forward to seeing you all again soon! :)



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