
Tag: ‘photography’

Parker the Super Dog!

Wednesday, March 21st, 2018

Every dog has a backstory…

Much like his predecessors Krypto, Lockjaw & Cosmo, Parker is a super dog! He even has special powers to prove it! His powers include: incredible obedience skills, unrelenting guard-dog vigilance, and the ability to sniff everything. (Plus, he’s pretty good at convincing you to give him belly rubs.) I first met Parker in my studio, where – oh! another power! – he shredded a record number of toys before my very eyes, haha! As he de-stuffed to his heart’s content, we planned a photo session to capture the personality and good looks of this friendly neighborhood dog.

(I know, you’re probably wondering: why all the superhero references? Well, let’s just say Parker’s parents have been to a few Comic Cons, so I figured this sneak peek could use an infusion of “super” energy that even Tony Stark could be proud of!)

But to be honest with you, Parker’s not the only one in his family that’s super. His parents have had out-of-this-world patience with him, since they rescued him a couple of years ago and discovered that he had some pretty significant issues. But they’ve been working together on developing his self-confidence, and over time Parker has turned into a wonderful, happy boy. So although he still has a handful of kryptonite-like weaknesses, he’s light years further along than where he started. And in my opinion, that’s evidence of a love that’s far beyond ordinary. It was an honor to photograph this beautiful family!


Look at that face… Parker is so adorable! And believe it or not, he may look like a labrador, but according to his DNA he’s practically everything except lab!

super dog


Now that’s a handsome boy. I’m pretty sure that’s his “proud” look – I’m just not sure whether it’s for fetching the ball, saving the world, or getting a belly rub…

super dog san diego


Did I forget to mention Parker’s other power?! Levitation, of course!

super dog in action


We also visited the beach for part of our photo session… Parker thought that was a pretty good idea too!

super dog photo



Janet & John, thank you so much for introducing me to your handsome boy – and for being willing to jump in the chilly water at the beach with me!! You’re both such great sports, and I can’t wait to get together with you again soon! :)


Justin Bieber, the Mischievous & Handicapped Dog

Tuesday, March 13th, 2018

I knew I was in for an interesting photo session when I got the very first email from Justin’s dad, in which he described Justin as “kind of a jerk sometimes”! It was shortly followed by Justin’s mom, describing him as “A little piss-ant! But excited to pose for you!” As you can probably imagine, I normally hear my clients describe their dogs as “sweet”, “loving”, “adorable”, etc – but Justin’s parents weren’t pulling any punches! Haha! I absolutely loved their raw honesty – because what dog doesn’t act naughty from time to time? – and I knew we’d have an entertaining time together as we photographed Justin Bieber in all his naughtiness. (Good thing he’s actually pretty adorable after all!)

I know you’re wondering, so I’ll answer the question: his parents aren’t actually fans of the pop star. As it turns out, on the same night that Justin’s mom chaperoned her younger cousin to a Justin Bieber concert here in San Diego, her roommate’s dog (to everyone’s surprise) had puppies. Due to the timing, they named one of those puppies Justin Bieber, and that was the puppy his mom ended up adopting! And he was a completely normal (albeit mischievous) dog until about age 2, at which point he became paralyzed. There was no trauma – it was all natural causes – but unfortunately he lost the use of his back two legs. And ever since then, his parents have accommodated Justin with ramps to their front and back yards, as well as a wheelchair that makes it easier for him to get around. But he’s actually quite capable of getting around on his own; his back half just kind of drags behind his fully-functional front half. So that’s exactly how we let him run loose during our session… and to be honest, he’s actually pretty quick for a dog that only runs with two legs! Something tells me Justin doesn’t actually know (or believe) he’s a handicapped dog; his bright spirit and relentless curiosity tell a different story. So if you meet him, or (more likely) if he barks at you when you walk by his house, just smile and tell him he’s a good boy. Because I don’t know any other little rascal that ignores all the odds stacked against him and still finds a way to light up his parents’ lives the way Justin Bieber does.


Here’s the face of the little “piss-ant” himself, JB. Look at those big, innocent eyes – you can hardly believe he’d do anything naughty! (Trust me, he can. I’ve heard stories.)

handicapped dog


Sometimes JB rocks a hoodie. Because he occasionally gets cold… and because it perfectly matches the pretty red flowers in his yard, too!

handicapped dog photo


We went to Balboa Park and played a bit of fetch – and this boy can RUN! It was the most adorable thing to see him propel himself forward with his front two legs, ears and tongue flapping in the wind, while his back two legs dangle behind. I’m telling you, this dog does not know that he’s handicapped.

handicapped dog running


Christine & David, thank you for introducing me to your incredible & hilarious little boy! I had a great time with all of you, and I can’t wait to get together again soon! :)


JD & Anna, Dogs from the Wilds of Escondido

Wednesday, February 28th, 2018

Okay okay, I’m just kidding, JD and Anna aren’t from the “wild” – in fact, when I first met them, they were living in Poway! Not exactly the wildest place, so maybe the title of this blog post is a little dramatic… but I’m pretty sure their incredible new 6-acre estate in northern Escondido is more “wild” than most dogs ever get to enjoy! These lucky pups have plenty of land & hiking trails to explore, and they’re full of native plants & animals (that certainly keep Anna on her toes). Their mom has done a phenomenal job of landscaping and designing the outdoor area to be a cozy and welcoming – yet gorgeous – space. Not to mention, the view from their front porch of the surrounding hills is simply breathtaking. A few of my clients & their homes make me wish that I could be reincarnated as a dog and adopted by them, haha… and this is definitely one of those times!! Something tells me any dog would be thrilled to live in Anna & JD’s “wilderness” paradise.


This is Anna! She’s an Anatolian shepherd with a strong (and sometimes comical) independent streak. Since our photo session was not exactly on her to-do list that day, I didn’t get to see her perk up & smile too many times – so I relished the rare occasion that I was able to coax a gentle smile out of her! Isn’t she gorgeous?! And she’s standing in “her spot” in the backyard; with all that dirt it wasn’t exactly the place her mom most wanted photographed, but Anna was pretty insistent on spending some time there – so who are we to argue with Anna?!

anatolian shepherd in escondido


And this handsome boy is JD! He’s a Rhodesian ridgeback (a breed very close to my heart) and a total mama’s boy! It was so adorable to see him stick so close to his mom during our whole session; he’s incredibly loyal and I couldn’t help but fall in love with him & his sweet, childlike personality. Plus, he runs everywhere he goes! He’s just so excited to be there!!

rhodesian ridgeback in escondido


Anna helped me show off a few pretty spots too – like this custom front gate her mom had designed!

anatolian shepherd on walkway


There’s something undeniable about the way JD looks at you… I’m pretty sure he saw into my soul that day.

rhodesian ridgeback close up



Julie & Curt, thank you so much for the grand tour of your new property, and a wonderfully fun afternoon! (Not to mention lending me a very necessary sweatshirt, haha!) I’m excited to get together with you again soon! :)


Tug & Frankenstein, Doggie Siblings from San Diego!

Tuesday, February 6th, 2018

I first met Tug & Frankenstein in my studio – and although they look so similar, I immediately knew I wouldn’t have any trouble telling them apart! These lookalike doggie siblings (no, they’re not twins or biologically related – but I don’t blame you for wondering!) are best friends and polar opposites. Tug came right up to me as soon as we met; looking back, I realize that it was probably to see if I had a ball or toy of some kind on me. When he realized I was empty-handed, he confidently strolled right past me, into the studio… probably to continue the search. He’s a happy boy and always ready to lead the way! Frankie, on the other hand, wasn’t so quick to say hello: she’s a shy girl and preferred to stick close to her mom for most of our pre-session consultation. She cautiously said hello and sniffed my hand a few times… it takes a little time for her to warm up. But during those moments when she feels happy and safe, she gets the cutest smile on her face!! Her ears relax, her whole body gets wiggly and she grins from ear to ear. It’s absolutely adorable – and a total change from the “cautious” look she normally has on her face!

So we spent our session in the studio as well as visiting their favorite place, Fiesta Island. And since their dad is currently deployed, I’m excited to say that this is their first session – but we’re planning some great family photos when the whole family is back together!


Doggie siblings. Not to mention doppelgänger status. (Although I bet you can tell who’s who from my description above!)

doggie siblings picture


Oh my gosh, Tug is a rocket when he gets to play fetch on the beach! You wouldn’t think a dog that’s half French bulldog would be so athletic – but it must be the half-Jack Russell terrier coming out! Fun fact: the only way to get the ball back from Tug is to trick him, distract him, or step on the ball so hard he can’t get it out from under your foot. Otherwise you’ll never get it from him! #ballislife

doggie siblings


See what I mean about Frankie’s sweet smile?! And those floppy ears, oh my gosh… Her favorite thing to do at the beach is chase her brother as he chases the ball – she tries to bite his ears as he runs back & forth! Extracurricular hobbies include chasing birds if her brother is slowing down, and wandering off to find other families to adopt her. (She found a fisherman at Fiesta Island and I swear she wanted to stick around and help him catch fish!) But really, she’d never go anywhere without her brother, or her mom. It was so much fun to see them play together!

dog sibling


Becca, thank you so much for introducing me to your amazing dogs! And Alex, I’m looking forward to including you in our next photo session in a couple of months! :)


Bailey, the San Diego Dog

Monday, February 5th, 2018

Hey everyone! I’m participating in Rover.com’s Tail of 20 Cities, celebrating my dog Bailey and our city of San Diego, along with 19 other photographers from around the world! Check out all the different city/pet portraits here: Tail of Twenty Cities Photo Journey and feel free to join the fun by posting a own picture of your own pooch representing your city with the hashtag #RoverCities!


Bailey and I visited Coronado for this project – because can you believe that view of San Diego at sunset?! Those colors make my photographer heart happy…

san diego

(Although Bailey was a little more interested in the birds that flew by…)

san diego dog with skyline

dog looking at san diego

The we headed out on the pier for a better look!

san diego dog

san diego

san diego dog picture

san diego dog with skyline

san diego dog skyline


And just for fun, a little throwback… you can tell this photo is a few years old because there’s no gray fur on her face… (sob)

san diego dog water


You know what? Why stop here?! This post has got me thinking about “quintessential San Diego” photos… and I have no shortage of those, thanks to my clients and their pups! Here are some of my favorite photos at various locations around town, modeled by just a few of my favorite dogs!


Maverick at the dog beach (well, one of the dog beaches!)

happy beach dog

Lucy, Gracie & Scarlett in Presidio Park

san diego dogs at the park

Haley & Teddy at Sunset Cliffs

san diego cliffs and dogs

Trevor & Tori and their parents – that’s San Diego (Bay Park) in the background!

san diego family

Garnet, hiking at Mission Trails

san diego hike with dog

Foxy at the botanical gardens in Balboa Park

san diego balboa park dog

Stella, on Coronado (with the Hotel Del in the background, of course)

san diego coronado dog

Candice, in North Park

san diego sign dog

 Mister Mister and his parents, out for a sunset walk on the beach.

san diego dog sunset


What a fun project – I love San Diego! And who better to explore it with than all these dogs?! Thanks for inviting me to participate, Rover.com – I can’t wait to see all the other portraits from photographers around the world! :)



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