Well, ever since covering the incredible Loews Surf Dog Competition, I’ve been REALLY busy behind the scenes at my new studio! I’m soooo excited to be working on San Diego’s newest pet photography studio & consultation area that it makes all the construction worth it. Because I’m not exactly the kind of person that loves renovation, haha… and there’s been a LOT of construction involved to make this place perfect! Let me show you!
Note: all photos taken with an iPhone. I’m saving my DSLR to take photos of the final, completed product! (It’ll look extra-pretty that way, right? haha!)
Hmmm, I wonder why my phone wanted to make the gray wall look yellow. Regardless, it’s gray! With a few stripes of blue!
I’m not so good at staying in the lines, apparently, so I used 2 pieces of tape for twice as big of a boundary. I’d be way too nervous painting like this with just one piece!!
This is one of two MASSIVE tape balls, after I peeled off allllll the tape from the walls. I have to admit, it was really fun to rip it off and see the clean lines underneath!
Here’s a big peek: one of the finalized walls! I felt a bit weird about painting a door, but when you look at the whole room it really looks great!
When all the painting was done, I had to do something that really scared me. I cut up the carpet! I’ve never done anything that even comes close to hard-core renovation like this! It’s just so permanent, you know? I guess I don’t really count painting as permanent. I feel like a first-time homeowner without ever having bought a home, haha!
The day I cut up the carpet was also an infamous day of 3 trips to Home Depot. In the space of about 3 hours. Because what was under the carpet was more than slightly unexpected. Let’s just say… I can laugh about it now! Wasn’t doing much laughing that day, though! :)
But LOOK! It was soooo worth it! Beautiful laminate hardwood floors!! And these were put in, from beginning to end, singlehandedly by my husband. He is just incredible – he’d never done this before, and they turned out absolutely perfect!
And last but certainly not least, look what just arrived TODAY! It’s a flashy new MacBook Air, and it’s part of a sweeping new master plan to improve the way I present session images to my clients! What used to be a fun, post-session get-together is about to turn into a grand unveiling! This laptop is only part of the plan, and I can’t wait to show you the rest of the experience. Seeing your session photos is going to be an unforgettable event!
Thanks for keeping up with the new studio progress – I’m excited to share more with you soon! Hopefully I just have one more blog post of in-progress work to show you, and then I can reveal the completed studio! (eeeek!) Fingers crossed! :)