
Tag: ‘photography’

Nomi & Nita, Poodle Mixes from North Park

Thursday, June 7th, 2018

You know what I love? Christmas gifts!

You know what I love even more? Christmas gifts in June!

Haha – Nomi & Nita’s mom received a gift certificate for a photo session for Christmas, and decided to spread out the holiday cheer by redeeming it a few months later. So although I had to wait a little while before meeting these cute pups, I have to admit, it was worth the wait – Nomi & Nita are the sweetest dogs! These poodle mixes live in North Park with their moms, and I photographed them both at home and at Presidio Park. And while they may be similar in appearance, they each have completely distinct personalities: Nomi is a little princess, ready to steal the ball from her sister at a moment’s notice, and averse to the idea of a “collar” and “leash” when she would simply prefer to be relaxing in her mom’s arms. Nita is a bit more submissive, happy to let her sister dig out the ball from underneath the couch, and loves to run & romp in new places (as long as her family’s there with her, of course)! So here’s my question for you: think you’ll be able to see their photos without squealing from all the cuteness? Good luck…


Although you’d never know it just from seeing her, Nomi has a rare affliction called mega-esophagus. Her moms have done an incredible, painstaking job of taking care of this sweet girl, and ensuring that she lives safely with this life-threatening issue. And as a result, she rules the roost at home! I just love her big fluffy ears!

cute poodle mix


This is Nomi, ready to play! Can you tell that she’s a poodle-chihuahua mix? She doesn’t have any medical issues like her sister, because their moms deserve to have at least one low-maintenance dog! ;)

poodle mixes photo


What a sight to come home to… I would literally sprint home after work every day if these sweet faces were waiting for me like this, haha!

poodle mixes


Tiffany & Kelly, thank you so much for introducing me to your darling girls! I’m excited to see you both again soon! :)


Billy, Jasmine & Snickers: San Diego Schnauzers!

Monday, May 21st, 2018

I pulled up to their house, got out of the car, shut the door – and was immediately greeted with a cacophony of barks, yips and woofs from behind the fence! Billy, Jasmine & Snickers had all come out to greet me, and like all good schnauzers, it took several minutes for them to trust me enough for the barking to die down. (They had met me about a week beforehand, in my studio for our pre-session consult, but I’m pretty sure any absence of more than 5 minutes causes the same reaction… so I didn’t stand a chance, haha!)

We spent our session in their gorgeously-landscaped backyard in North Park, which provided the perfect mix of dog-friendly grass to run around on, pathways to pose on, and shrubbery to peek out from behind! Each dog had their own unique style, of course – and I have to admit, I really enjoyed working with Billy, the senior man of the bunch. He had such a feisty look in his eyes, even though he toddled around somewhat slowly on those 16-year-old legs… I think he really would have given me a workout a few years ago! But he let Snickers & Jasmine be the energetic ones for our session; they’re puppies by comparison at 4 years old!

All 3 dogs were really quite lovely to photograph; schnauzers are so expressive and not afraid to speak their minds! It’s that little dash of attitude that made our session so much fun. :)


This is Snickers! Can you handle that head tilt?!

san diego schnauzer


This is Jasmine, in one of her favorite spots in the backyard. I think she likes to be surrounded by the outdoors…

san diego schanuzers photo


And this is sweet Billy. That face, that expression, those eyelashes… he’s so amazing!

san diego schnauzer photo


David & Ton, thank you so much for introducing me to your beautiful dogs! (And Karen & Kimmy, thank YOU for introducing US!)


An Update for Cosmo Kramer & Simone, the Frenchies!

Thursday, May 17th, 2018

So every once in a while, the schedule gods decide NOT to be on my side. (Or maybe I anger them somehow? Who knows!) When that happens, it usually ends up delaying appointments that I’m looking forward to… and this time it meant that Cosmo Kramer & Simone’s family has had to wait far too long (in my opinion) to see their images! But the good news is that they’re finally coming in to the studio in just a few days, and then they’ll get to see all of our adorable portraits – yay! But until then, I decided that their saint-like patience should be rewarded with a second sneak peek! (Did you see their first sneak peek?) Because these Frenchies are way too cute to keep to myself. :)


So without further ado… here’s a fresh look at these Frenchies from San Diego!


frenchies walking in studio






frenchie dog


Martha & family – I’m excited to see you SOON! Yay!  :)


Chloe & Callie, Mixed Breed Dogs from Escondido!

Thursday, April 12th, 2018

There’s something amazing about mutts, don’t you think? There’s a special individuality, almost a defiance, about who they are to their core that stops you from putting them into a box. As if each of them is telling us, “You can’t label me – I’m one of a kind!” Mixed breed dogs are truly unique – and that’s why I was thrilled to work with these two mutts, Chloe & Callie!

These rescue dogs are not only unique and un-label-able in their breeding, but also in their personalities. You might think that siblings would rub off on each other, that they’d have similar traits after spending so much time together? NOPE! (Okay, to be fair, you probably only thought that if you’re an only child. Trick question, haha!) Chloe is a beautiful senior girl who’s more than happy to relax with her mom all day. No need to run around, or expend too much energy – unless you have food! Food is VERY interesting and worth jogging across the park for, not to mention sitting/staying/being a very good girl. Whereas Callie is a little firecracker – I’m pretty sure she thinks life is meant to be lived at top speed, all the time! I absolutely loved capturing her boundless energy and mischievous spirit. She’s such a cutie too! And honestly, I have to give kudos to their mom, Julie, since she handles both of their personalities in stride: she’ll walk quietly down the sand at the beach with Chloe, making sure not to go too fast, before bursting into a sprint to race Callie to the water! These girls simply couldn’t have a better mom, and they know it: she rescued both of them from pretty scary situations. I don’t know what would have happened to Chloe or Callie if their mom hadn’t stepped into their lives, but I know it wouldn’t have been good… so I’m really thankful that these three found each other! #cutestfamilyever


This is Chloe! Don’t you want to snuggle her sweet fluffy face?! She’s such a beautiful, lovely girl. (Although she’s not allowed near any high ledges anymore – turn out she hasn’t forgotten her younger & more agile days!)

cute mixed breed dog photo


And this is Callie, in a rare moment of sitting still. We also ended up with plenty of action photos of this little speed demon, when she let loose at the Del Mar dog beach. (But honestly, the next time I get a blowout I’m showing this photo to my hairdresser! Look at those flowing waves, haha! #goals )

mixed breed dogs photo


Happy girls. Who just happen to be crazy about their mom (and vice versa).

mixed breed dogs


Julie, thank you for introducing me to your amazing dogs! I can’t wait to get together with you again soon! :)


Tank & Petunia, English Bulldogs from Oceanside!

Friday, March 30th, 2018

Some people have a hard time deciding their favorite breed of dog… maybe they’ve adopted several different breeds over the years, or they have no idea what kind of dog they’ll get next. I can understand that dilemma. But Tank & Petunia’s family do not have that problem!! They’re loyal to one of the most faithful, loving breeds of dogs ever created: English bulldogs!

Tank & Petunia are the current 4-legged residents of the family, and their predecessors (also English bulldogs, of course) still have their portraits hanging on the wall. So it was time to capture these dogs’ spirit, and all the love & life they add to their household! We spent our photo session in their gorgeous backyard – and I was totally spoiled, since it’s a gorgeous yard! We let each dog have their time in the spotlight before bringing everyone together for a few family photos, and the whole session was a lot of fun. And although Tank & Petunia aren’t exactly best friends, I absolutely loved documenting each of their distinct personalities with a little 1-on-1 time. Tank is a big, goofy guy who unfortunately doesn’t see or hear very well these days, which gave me a slight challenge to work with – but he’s so happy & good-natured that I couldn’t help but fall in love with him! And Petunia makes up for his general lack of attitude with a double dose of her own; she’s a funny & sassy little lady, and a total daddy’s girl. (Let’s just say I was glad she “allowed” me to photograph her, haha!)


This is Tank – such a handsome boy!!

english bulldog in backyard


It’s not safe for Tank to run around too much anymore, since his vision has declined so much, and he can’t see if there’s a piece of furniture in his way – but when there’s a clear path toward treats, he doesn’t hesitate!

running english bulldog


Petunia has the best head tilt. I mean, just look at that face!

english bulldog


Honestly? The backyard is her domain; we’re just visitors. (Watch out, lizards in the bushes!)

english bulldog laying down



Cheryl, thank you so much for introducing me to your adorable pups! I can’t wait to get together again soon! :)



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