
Tag: ‘photography’

Sadie & Cali, Chihuahua Mix Puppies!

Monday, August 22nd, 2016

Looking for your daily dose of adorable? You’ve come to the right place.

I am soooo excited to introduce you to Sadie & Cali! These dogs are chihuahua mix puppies living in San Diego, and I can already tell that they have a long, happy life ahead of them… they’re best friends and just too cute together. They wrestle as much as they possibly can – with full bodyslams! – and simply adore their parents. Sadie is 6 months old, and it wasn’t long after adopting her that her parents decided she would benefit from having a furry sibling. So they adopted Cali very recently – she’s only 8 weeks old now! – and I’m so happy for these chihuahua mix puppies to grow up together in such a great little family. Something tells me they’re going to be inseparable as the years go by!


This is Cali! At only 2 months old, she didn’t quite get the hang of the “photo session” idea until almost the end of our time together… but that’s okay! She was a fun little challenge to work with, since I rarely get to photograph dogs her age!

chihuahua mix puppies


Stop it. Too cute.

chihuahua mix puppies

And this is her “big” sister Sadie! (6 months old and weighing in at just a few pounds isn’t “big” by many standards, but it is in this case, haha!) How cute is her sideways-head-tilt?!

chihuahua mix puppy picture


Things got pretty wild in the studio, too…

chihuahua mix puppy


Sean & Reanna, thank you for introducing me to your puppies – and for helping wrangle them during our session, too! I’m looking forward to sharing the rest of our photos with you soon! :)


Stella the Shepherd Mix on Coronado Beach!

Friday, August 19th, 2016

This photo session is proof that I get to work with the most gorgeous dogs in San Diego. I don’t know how, I don’t know why – but my gosh, Stella the shepherd mix is stunning, and I’m pretty thrilled that I got to spend the afternoon with her & her family!

Stella is a 3-year-old shepherd mix (with collie? maybe?) and she lives with her parents in the Mission Hills neighborhood of San Diego. She’s an athletic, energetic pup and her happy place is Coronado Beach – so that’s exactly where we went for our photo session! And boy, she was excited to be there – although I insisted on staying away from the dog beach. That’s because I didn’t want a million other dogs running through the background (and probably the foreground, too) of all of Stella’s photos… plus, she loves to play with other dogs, so it was much easier for me to get her attention with those dogs a few hundred yards away, haha! I’m pretty sure she thought I was a party pooper for that idea, but I can already tell that the photos are well-worth the private playtime! Stella posed for the camera like a total pro; I couldn’t help but be impressed. And her parents were willing to run up and down the sand with her so many times that I’m pretty sure I gave them a workout, too… so without further ado, here is Stella’s “sneak peek”!


I told you. Stella is gorgeous.

shepherd mix on the beach


You can’t tucker her out! Trust me, we tried! This dog is a fetch machine. (Well, except for the part of fetch when you’re supposed to bring the ball back… she’s not so great at that part, haha! I think she considers the ball her prize – and why would you give up a prize?)

shepherd mix running


We ran, fetched & posed until the sun dipped beneath the horizon, and that’s when the truly amazing light came out to play.

shepherd mix photo


Luke & Paige, thank you for a wonderful afternoon! I had such a great time with all three of you! :)


Jackson the Rhodesian Ridgeback Puppy (San Diego, CA)

Thursday, August 18th, 2016

I was especially excited for this photo session with Jackson, because he’s a purebred Rhodesian ridgeback – and my dog Bailey is part ridgeback too! So I joked with Bailey as I headed out the door that day, “I’m headed to a session with one of your relatives!” (She was not impressed… and for the record I’m not surprised.)

Jackson is a 14-month-old Rhodesian ridgeback puppy – and I can hardly call him a “puppy” since he’s so BIG! He had a rather questionable upbringing – his dad rescued him from a pretty suspicious situation, to say the least – and I’m so glad he did, because Jackson pretty much hit the puppy lottery. He gets to live in a condo downtown and spend all his time relaxing & playing. (I hear his first visit to a doggy daycare is this week, too!)

For our photo session, we visited Presidio Park in central San Diego, and had a great time together. Jackson isn’t a crazy bundle of energy; he’s actually quite even-keeled and content to take life at a slower pace. But when he does run around, boy, it’s incredible to see! Those long, lanky legs propel him across the grass and he can really move! But he’s still a bit clumsy (he might actually still have a bit of growing to do, I can hardly believe it, but his paws are still pretty huge!) and it was downright hilarious to see him stretch his legs in that goofy puppy way.


Jackson, you are unspeakably handsome. I love your deep brown, furry, wrinkly face.

rhodesian ridgeback dog


You do not want to be in Jackson’s way when he runs. He’ll go right through you!

rhodesian ridgeback


Seriously… the handsomeness is dripping out of my computer. Jackson, you are stunning.

beautiful Rhodesian Ridgeback


John & Terry, thank you so much for introducing me to Jackson! (And thanks to Kelli & Grayson too!) I can’t wait to show you the rest of our photos soon!  :)


Alabama’s Last Day – An Emotional Photo Session in Talmadge, San Diego, CA

Wednesday, August 17th, 2016

You guys, I don’t even know what to say about this dog.

I met Alabama (“Bam” for short) during a very brief amount of time. We shared about 20 minutes together in her front yard, until she simply got up and walked back into her house, signaling that we were done. (Which I’m told is a very Bam thing to do.)

But in that time I spent with her, I fell in love with her. This dog is sweet, gentle and loving. She did her very best to keep her head up and perk up those gorgeous ears, despite the fact that she was very weak and hadn’t slept all night. Her mom Nicole laid down a couple of blankets on the dewy, wet grass, and they both sat together, as I’m sure they’d done plenty of times before. And Nicole told me about Bam’s life – about her popularity with all of Nicole’s friends, about how she was getting along with the new puppy – and Bam sat patiently while we created a few portraits of them together.

At one point we were both crying – and by the end, we were laughing so hard. To say this was an emotional photo session doesn’t even scrape the surface.

I was honored to meet Bam, and I think she thought I wasn’t so bad either. And I wish she could come over to the studio with her mom to see their photos together… but she’s not going to make it that long. In fact, as I’m typing these words, Bam may have already left this earth. I hope you’ll say a prayer for her mom… because I know she’s not having a good day. But it’s my hope that these images bring back the happy memories – over time, of course – and in the meantime, hopefully, they provide some small amount of comfort. Because Nicole & Bam’s relationship was truly beautiful.


emotional pet photography shoot


Bam’s fur is so completely gorgeous. I couldn’t get over how beautiful she is.

emotional pet photography session

I guess you don’t really own a dog, you rent them, and you have to be thankful that you had a long lease.”   – Joe Garagiola

emotional pet photography


Nicole, I’m thinking about you today. And sending lots of hugs. Thank you for introducing me to Bam… I’ll never forget her.


Pet Photography in Balboa Park – Foxy & Munchkin!

Tuesday, August 16th, 2016

I spent my afternoon with two adorable, sweet, silly chihuahuas – and I’m so excited to introduce you to them!

Foxy & Munchkin are two sisters who live in San Diego, and they couldn’t be more different from one another. Foxy is outgoing, energetic, and will do anything for treats! I commented to her mom that I think she has two speeds: “go” and “go faster”! She definitely doesn’t have a “stop” button, that’s for sure, haha… it was so funny to see her race around my studio & Balboa Park all afternoon – mostly in search of treats! Munchkin, on the other hand, is a much calmer dog. She was perfectly willing to wait for the good treats to come out – not just any treats, the extra-smelly ones – and she has a dubious case of “selective hearing”. But she was lots of fun to work with, and it was definitely a fun challenge to balance her personality with Foxy’s! We started our photo session in the studio, and then spent most of our time together out at the park. Doing pet photography in Balboa Park is always a bit tricky since it’s such a popular destination, but I’m thrilled with our results and so glad we braved the crowds there! So without further ado, take a look at a few of Foxy & Munchkin’s images…


This is Munchkin, in the studio! I love her soft, cream coloring and big eyes…

pet photography


… but it was at Balboa Park that her personality really came out! She posed like a pro for the camera!

best pet photography in balboa park


This is Foxy, amidst the flowers & caught in a rare moment of standing still! (I had to make sure I was using a super-fast shutter speed with this little firecracker, haha!)

pet photography balboa park


I love all the architecture at Balboa Park, and in my opinion, Foxy makes the scene even prettier.

pet photography in balboa park


Joanna, thank you for introducing me to your awesome little dogs! I’m excited to show you the rest of our photos soon! :)



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