
Tag: ‘photography’

Photo Session with Rosie the Border Terrier Mix!

Monday, September 5th, 2016

I absolutely loved working with Rosie the border terrier mix! She’s a little sweetheart who simply adores her family, and is happy to perform any trick for a treat! And she knows plenty of tricks, too – Rosie is adept at sit, stay, and she’ll even oblige with a “down” every once in a while. I love working with dogs that have great obedience; it makes the session go soooo much smoother, haha! And for me, it was interesting to see how Rosie interacted with her 10-year-old human brothers (all 3 of them!), compared to how she worked with her dad. With her brothers, it’s all fun & games – she does anything they ask, they give her a treat, and it’s right back to playtime. But with dad, something subtly changes, and Rosie seems to take on the attitude of “I’m on a mission”. I really saw this when we were playing fetch – she does NOT go after that ball casually! It’s a fierce race to grab it! I loved seeing the “business” attitude that she takes on with her dad, in comparison to the silly, carefree play with her brothers. Little Rosie is adaptable & smart, that’s for sure!  :)


We started in the studio, and this kind of cuteness just never stopped coming…

border terrier mix dog


… and then we headed up to Old Poway Park! I love the rustic feel of the old train cars & railway atmosphere, and I think it works so well with Rosie because of her scruffy fur.

border terrier mix dog


Don’t let her pose fool you: Rosie’s not exactly from the “other side of the tracks”. She has an awesome life!

border terrier mix picture


Okay, I can’t resist including this photo too! Catch that ball, Rosie! Haha!

border terrier mix jumping


Cris, thank you so much for introducing me to your whole family! I had a blast with all of you & can’t wait to get together with you again soon! :)


At-Home Pet Photography Session with Marshall & Sassy!

Monday, August 29th, 2016

As much fun as it is to visit the beach, or even to host families at my studio, I absolutely love visiting my clients’ homes for photo sessions! Your house – or apartment, or condo, or ranch, or estate – is where your pets live their everyday lives, and capturing them in a place that’s so comfortable, familiar & personal is always a good idea, in my opinion.  :)

So I visited Marshall & Sassy’s house to photograph them in their element – and my gosh, I was thrilled to discover they have a massive property and plenty of great natural light! It was pretty much the perfect environment, haha. But as excited as Marshall was to meet me (and play with the toy bone I brought), Sassy had other plans for the afternoon, which mostly included sleeping. She is 15 years old, after all! So it was only after a bit of bribery (yummy food & treats, of course) that we were able to convince Sassy that a photo session was a good idea – and even then, I don’t think she was ever fully convinced. But in her wonderful feline way, she gave me a few elusive moments of pure beauty, and I honestly really enjoyed the challenge of coaxing her out of her shell. Marshall, on the other hand, was happy to perform all day long for treats & toys – so he was a blast to work with too! Plus, I got some “help” from their 3-year-old human brothers… so this was definitely a fun & unique at-home pet photography session!


This is Sassy, who probably just wanted to make sure I was willing to lay on the kitchen floor before she’d strike a pose for me…

at-home pet photography example


Turns out, chin rubs are the way to Sassy’s heart. Especially chin rubs from her mom, who’s had Sassy since she was a tiny kitten.

at home pet photography session


And this little muppet is Marshall! Isn’t he adorable?!

at-home pet photography


Marshall’s favorite thing: chasing bubbles. My new favorite thing: photographing Marshall chasing bubbles.

at-home pet photography session


Kristy, thank you so much for the opportunity to meet your adorable pets (and sons)! I can’t wait to share the rest of our images with you soon! :)


San Diego Photo Session for Arizona Dogs Levi & Toby!

Friday, August 26th, 2016

I am so thrilled to introduce you to two travel-ready dogs, Levi & Toby! This sister-brother duo came out to San Diego with their parents for a quick vacation; they actually live in Phoenix, Arizona! So I was over-the-moon excited when their mom contacted me for a photo session – I thought it was a great idea to capture a few beach portraits while they’re in town! What a fun addition to a vacation – a San Diego photo session for Arizona dogs!

So I had the pleasure of meeting Levi & Toby, two dogs with very different backgrounds & personalities. Levi is a sweet labrador/pit bull mix, who came from an extremely rough upbringing. Let’s just say she’s very lucky to have been rescued by her parents… and when they took her in, they promised her an amazing life to make up for her not-so-amazing puppyhood! And I can tell you for a fact that they’re going above & beyond on their promise to her. Toby, on the other hand, has never known any sort of abuse, since he’s lived with his parents from a super-young age. He’s incredibly cute and has the most unique coloring! He’s only 3 years old and I’m so excited for him to have a fantastic life with his family… some dogs really hit the jackpot.  :)


This is Miss Levi! Don’t you love her sweet head tilt?!

san diego photo session for arizona dogs picture


And this is Toby! I adore those big fluffy ears.

san diego photo session for arizona dog


What’s better than a belly rub in the sunlight?

san diego photo session for arizona dogs


And then, of course, we visited the one place they just don’t have in Arizona. The beach.

san diego beach photo session for arizona dogs


Shasta, thank you so much for introducing me to your adorable dogs! I can’t wait to get working on the rest of your photos too! :)  Have a great rest of your vacation in San Diego!


Abby the Hound Dog – Photos in San Diego

Thursday, August 25th, 2016

Are you a sucker for a dog with a gorgeous brown coat & the deep, soulful eyes of a hound dog? Like I am? Well if so, you’ve come to the right place. Abby the hound dog mix has those characteristics, and with sweetness to spare!

Abby lives with her dad in North Park, and I have to admit, I’m kind of jealous of her life! She gets to spend plenty of time with her dad on a daisy basis, since he sometimes works from home – and when he works at the office she often gets to come too! Plus, her favorite treats are Greenies, which is a pretty awesome treat to have a constant supply of… this girl might just be a little bit spoiled. But that’s okay with me, haha – she & my Bailey have a lot in common! ;)

We started our photo session at the studio, which – as it turns out – now ranks pretty high on the list of places that Abby does NOT like! As soon as my lights started flashing, she decided that this wasn’t a game she wanted to play. And she’s a rescue dog, so who knows what kind of exposure she’s had in the past to lightning or flashing lights. So we quickly realized that Abby would prefer to fast-forward to the outdoors portion of our session – and that’s exactly what we did. We grabbed just a few portraits in the studio and hightailed it to the beach! And for whatever reason, things seemed to be working against us that day: we drove into Pacific Beach and saw nothing but clouds on the horizon. Totally gray skies and water… yuck! But we decided to wait it out (instead of rescheduling), in the hopes that the sky would clear up, and I’m so glad we did! I’m absolutely loving Abby’s portraits, even though our session definitely didn’t go “according to plan”, haha!


This is Abby’s sweet, pretty, hound dog face. I just love her rich brown eyes & flappy ears!

hound mix picture


Abby loves the beach! Although I think she’d love anywhere with that much room to explore, run around, and chase the birds…

hound mix dog photo


… and then sunset happened. And this is exactly why I was suddenly thankful for all those clouds.

hound mix dog photo


Bill, I had a great time with you & Abby! Thank you for being such a good sport! :)  I’ll talk to you soon!


Quinzel the Mixed Breed Puppy in San Diego, CA (Photos)

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2016

I absolutely love it when past clients call me to document their family for a second time – especially when t’s because they’ve added a new pet to the mix! So I was thrilled when I heard that Nyx & Fae have a new puppy sibling!

Quinzel (named after Harley Quinn!) is an adorable mixed breed puppy who’s only about 4 months old. She’s sweet, intelligent and curious – and a total daddy’s girl! With those big ears, different-color eyes and pretty brindle coat, she was pretty much a photographer’s dream to work with. And despite how incredibly traumatic it was to be more than 5 feet away from her sisters at any time, haha, I was so happy to spend plenty of 1-on-1 time with this girl during our photo session. After all, her siblings already have their place on the walls at home – so it’s time for Quinn to have her space too!


This is Quinzel, the sweetest little mutt you could meet. Seriously, that mischievous little smile kills me.

mixed breed puppy photo


And this is Nyx! If you’ve been following the blog for a while, it’s okay to do a double-take! The last time I photographed Nyx she was a tiny puppy – but she’s all grown up now! Her fluffiness factor has increased by about a million percent, too… she was so much fun to catch up with after all this time! (Well, at least after she finished barking at me, haha!)

mixed breed dog


And this is the true model of the family, Fae. She’s a corgi mix (perhaps mixed with with pomeranian? Long-haired chihuahua? Who knows!) and is a natural in front of the camera. Seriously, every time I see this little lady, I’m so impressed with her. Although during this photo session, she decided (as the resident professional) at one point that she was “done” posing! It was so cute to see her simply walk away from treats, the other dogs, etc. once she decided that she’d had enough. You just can’t fake it with dogs, haha!

mixed breed puppy dog


Okay, I have to share one more of Quinzel, in her dad’s arms. This dog is seriously too cute.

mixed breed puppy in arms


Patrisha & Scott, I feel so honored to have met the newest member of your family! Thank you so much for introducing me to Quinzel – she hit the puppy lottery with you!  :)



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