
Tag: ‘photography’

Penny the Vizsla from Lakeside (Photos)

Thursday, July 27th, 2017

Penny is a sweet vizsla who’s spent most of her life right next to her dad. And I mean that quite literally – Penny’s family adopted her when she was very young, and her favorite place to be is only a few inches away from her favorite person in the world! Nothing can tempt her away from her dad’s side: not toys, other dogs, or even a treat… she even seems to think treats taste better when they come from his hand, haha!

For our photo session, we visited Mission Trails Regional Park and Lindo Lake County Park. While Mission Trails is already one of my favorite locations, I’d never been to Lindo Park before – so Penny showed me all around! It was a gorgeous sunny day, and we had a great time together!

I love photographing dogs that have close relationships with their humans, and it’s clear to anyone who meets her that Penny is head-over-heels for her dad. But to be totally honest with you, this photo session was a bit challenging for me! Penny was totally disinterested in my silly noises, trigger words (like “walkies!”) and treats. All the antics I typically use to earn a dog’s attention were simply not interesting to this little vizsla, as she preferred to take in her surroundings instead. (Or just look at her dad to see what he was thinking.) So I had a bit of a creative workout during our session, haha! I soon realized that Penny’s ears perked up whenever I threw something – so my treat bag became a toy, and I tossed it (and other random objects) around all afternoon! And at first, I really wanted to figure out the secret of getting her attention, but you know what – Penny wasn’t focused on me because she’s an independent little lady. She has a unique personality and her affection is clearly earned over time, over years of steadfast friendship… so while we don’t have as many photos of her looking at the camera with perked ears (a few of them actually do exist, haha – one is below!) we have plenty more photos of Penny scoping out her environment, perhaps envisioning the next adventure she’ll have with her dad. And I love that about her! So while she was overall unimpressed by me & my camera, her personality still shone through in our session, and I think we created some gorgeous, unique portraits of this sweet girl.


Penny was happy to go for a little walk on the trail with her dad, for a break from “posing”!

vizsla walking on trail


Such a sweet little lady.

cute vizsla dog


Lindo Park is Penny’s happy place, and it shows. She was really pleased to be there.

vizsla photo



Sandi & Nihil, thank you so much for the chance to meet your beautiful girl! I’ll see you again soon!


The Best Pet Photography Products

Tuesday, July 25th, 2017

how much should a pet photo session cost

I absolutely love creating gorgeous images of pets & families around San Diego… but you know what’s just as much fun? Doing something with those photos! It’s a tragedy, in my opinion, to let high-quality imagery languish on a forgotten hard drive… and products are often an afterthought of people seeking photography. Which is totally understandable, to be honest with you; it’s hard to envision what you’ll do with photos that haven’t even been taken yet. But I’d love to provide you with some inspiration today! I’ve been photographing 4-leggers and their families for over 6 years, and over that time I’ve seen firsthand which types of products have a lasting impact & can truly stand the test of time. I’ve also curated my product line throughout those years to include the best & most popular products that my clients & I have consistently loved. These are some of the best pet photography products that I’ve ever seen – so I’m excited to share them with you!


1. Wall Art

best products and prints

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best canvas products

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best product collage

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pet photography canvases

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pet photography canvas


Wall art is a classic way to enjoy your portraits every day. This is hands-down my favorite type of product; decorating the space you spend your life in with images you truly love.

I offer fine art prints, canvas gallery wraps, and metal prints – and as you can see, they all have a very different look! I typically recommend choosing the medium that best suits your design style; if modern & contemporary is your thing, go with metal! It’s stunningly gorgeous and makes an impact wherever you display it. But if rustic & organic is your look, then canvas gallery wraps are a perfect fit – they have subtle texture and a vibe that evokes the natural side of life. On the other hand, traditional and classic style lends itself well to fine art prints. Whichever medium you choose, you want it to fit in with the rest of your home’s decor, and a variety of wall art products allows me to work with any client’s design style.


2. Albums

best products for pet photography


Okay, I know I said that I love wall art the most – but my albums take a very close second place! Books & albums are the best way to display ALL the photos from your pet photography session. You probably won’t choose to hang up 40 photos on your walls (do you have that many walls?), but you can enjoy them all in the pages of a premium album! Plus, albums are a great place for the detail images, the silly moments, and the funny outtakes that simply aren’t suited to be hung on the wall.

I also like to include quotes from various authors & historical figures in my albums; there are SO many great sayings out there about pets, love and family, and they help tell the story of your session and what your pets mean to you as you’re flipping through the pages.



3.Digital Images

best pet photography products


It’s 2017, so this post simply wouldn’t be complete without a mention of my digital products. But can I share something with you that not many people know about digital photos? The resolution is key. Purchasing a photo with high-resolution is like pulling out all the stops; you can print it at many sizes and it won’t look grainy or pixellated. It can, however, be overkill for digital use; super-high resolution is why photos on websites take a long time to load. Whereas photos with low-resolution are the perfect quick digital option! They load quickly, take up less hard drive space, and are generally more nimble & versatile online. But their weakness is printing; a physical copy of a low-resolution photo will often appear pixellated. (It’s not the printer’s fault – it’s the photo!) So make your choice carefully, based on what you want to do with the images from your photo session! My clients often choose the high-resolution option, so they can make Christmas cards and fun stuff in the future (like mugs & mouse pads!) and in that case I give them a complimentary low-resolution version of each image too, just in case they want to share them online without a headache. But many of my clients also choose to have a custom mobile app with their images, which is a great low-resolution option! It’s so much fun to have a quick-access app on your phone, so you can always bring up the photos from your session!


4. Desktop Prints

pet photo desktop print

Okay, I admit, this is not a high-quality photo – it’s an iPhone snapshot of my desk! But what better example can I give you of why I love desktop prints? This is a photo of my girl Bailey, and I absolutely love keeping it so close by. Because as much as I love to pull out all the stops with archival wall art & custom-designed albums, I also know that there’s a beautiful simplicity to an old-fashioned framed print on your desktop. (Or your shelf, or entry table, or dresser…) So why argue with tradition? My fine art prints are UV-coated, too, so even if your desk sits in the sunlight, your prints will never fade. That happy face will always be as vibrant as the day of our photo session.



So there you have it! These are some of my favorite options, and I think they’re the best pet photography products on the market today. If you’re working with a photographer, keep this in mind: I hope you’ll choose products that fit your lifestyle & how you prefer to experience photography. There are tons of options out there (I offer a few more products, too!) and I think you’ll love picking out your favorites!

In the meantime, let me leave you with a couple of my creative wall art collages (in metal and canvas) for inspiration…


metal collage pet photography  canvas collage pet photo


Vacation Pet Photography Session with Violet! (San Diego)

Wednesday, July 19th, 2017

I met the most beautiful & happy-go-lucky dog recently! Violet is here in San Diego with her family, on vacation from Tucson, Arizona. They’ve been renting a house on Coronado while they’re here – what a place to relax, right?! So we chronicled a bit of their time here in San Diego – as well as Violet’s mature good looks & laid-back personality – and I’m loving the photos from our session. So while I don’t often get to meet with families for vacation pet photography sessions, it’s definitely a lot of fun!

I don’t have the time to tell you much else about Violet – since her parents are coming over to see her images in only 2 days! (Usually it’s 2 weeks!) Eeeek! Gotta get back to work – but don’t worry, her sweet eyes say it better than I could anyway. :)


This is Violet, amongst the rose garden in Centennial Park in Coronado. Isn’t she gorgeous?!

vacation pet photography


We explored the Coronado neighborhoods a bit…

vacation pet photography


… before heading to Sunset Cliffs to finish our session! (And the colors in the sky came out to play, too!)

pet on vacation


Violet, it was lovely to meet you while you’re here on vacation! I’m excited to see you & your parents again very soon!  :)


Dakota, Firefly & Bella Rose! (Horse Photography in Rancho Santa Fe)

Thursday, June 29th, 2017

Oh my goodness – I am SO excited to share this sneak peek with you!! I don’t get to photograph horses every day, so this session was an absolute treat for me – and hopefully the photos are a nice treat for you, too!

Dakota and Firely are incredibly gorgeous horses – my eyes basically popped out of my head when I met them the other day after Gemma’s photo session (she’s their feline sister!). So I recently headed back to give them my full attention, and we had a spectacular time together! The boys are both slightly jumpy, so we kept the pace nice & easy, and I did my best to get their attention in a way that was interesting but not scary – and those of you who’ve heard the funny noises I make to get a pet’s attention know exactly what I’m talking about! But their handlers were a huge help, so with a bit of teamwork I think we were able to create some gorgeous images.

Not to be overlooked (literally or figuratively), Bella Rose the miniature horse joined us as well! She kept us laughing the whole time with her adorable antics, since she’s got enough attitude for a full-size horse, that’s for sure!


This is Dakota – I can’t get enough of his warm brown fur against the rich green grass. LOVE him.

horse photography


This is Firefly! I adore his unique patches and so-dark-it’s-almost-black fur. He’s a big fan of carrots.

horse photography image


Of course, this is Bella Rose! She was looking fresh for her portraits – that mane has volume, haha!

miniature horse


We have several images of the horses together, but most of them are going to require a significant amount of retouching… so for now, I’ll just share this peaceful moment of the horses enjoying their chance to munch on the soft grass.

horse photo



Tanya, I’m so excited to get together with you soon!! Emily and Sue, these photos certainly wouldn’t have come together without you – so thank you for being willing to work with me! :)


Pork Chop the Hound Mix from Tucson, Arizona

Monday, June 26th, 2017

Life is so unpredictable, isn’t it?

At the beginning of last week, I didn’t know that I’d be meeting Pork Chop, the sweet hound mix, at her favorite spot in Ocean Beach for a photo session.

Pork Chop’s mom didn’t even know that she’d be calling me for a photo session.

But things change quickly when you get bad news… especially if it’s a diagnosis. And I’m heartbroken to say that Pork Chop got bad news at the vet last week. 9 years old is far too young to be diagnosed with cancer… but her mom acted quickly and we met less than 72 hours later. Which is definitely NOT the circumstances in which I would have wanted to meet them, it’s not a scenario I’d wish upon anyone – but in the end I’m so glad that I got to meet this sweet girl and her mom.

Pork Chop lives in Tucson, Arizona – which is a pretty far distance from San Diego! But she and her mom have made the road trip out here several times in the past, so they hopped in the car again and didn’t stop until they reached their favorite place: Ocean Beach dog beach! They love relaxing in the sand and watching all the people & dogs play in the water together. Pork Chop doesn’t run around much; she’s always been a calm, even-keeled dog who’s happy to simply be right by her mom’s side. (Except when they walk around, haha – Pork Chop quickly forms a single file line right behind her mama! It’s like her favorite game is “follow the leader”!) So I joined them for a classic trip to the dog beach, which included a few brief spurts of energy and plenty of rest breaks. (And maybe a little spontaneous crying from her mama – and me, too.) But we had a fun time – despite the circumstances – and I’m loving the images we created together.


Pork Chop can still run through the waves! It’s not as easy as it used to be, but she can still move like a young dog!

hound mix


You can’t tell from this photo, but Pork Chop really made me work for those ears. She’s a crafty lil’ lady.

hound mix beach photo


There’s just something about sandy paws…

hound mix paws


… they’re almost as cute as a sandy face.

hound mix close-up


Laura, thank you so much for introducing me to your sweet girl. I’ve been thinking about you both recently – I’ll talk to you soon! :)



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