
Tag: ‘pet photography’

Sneak Peek: Skidd ~ {Milton, FL Pet Photography by Allison Shamrell}

Thursday, September 1st, 2011

Did you know there’s a dog-shrinking machine out there somewhere?

It’s true, and 11-year-old Skidd was perhaps one of its first subjects.

Or at least, that’s what I think. Because although her parents told me that Skidd is a lab mix, she just looks like a miniature labrador (40 lbs). I think the only difference (or evidence of some other mystery breed) is found in her ears – they’re more expressive than any lab’s that I’ve ever met! They seem to float around her face, like somewhere there are little jet streams of air continually pushing them up. It’s pretty darn cute.  You’ll see what I mean in this Sneak Peek…


I can’t resist captioning this one: “HEY MOM! HEY!”



She has the prettiest white eyelashes!


I’m loving the light on her golden coat… thank goodness the rain held off!!


Thanks for a great session, Skidd! I’ll see you & your parents again soon!


~   Dog Photography by Allison Shamrell in Milton, Florida   ~


Sessions in New Orleans!

Monday, August 29th, 2011

I just can’t keep it to myself any longer! This project has been in the works for quite a while now, and I’m so happy to finally share it with you!

I’m coming to the Big Easy, and bringing my style of natural-light pet photography with me!



Residents of the New Orleans area are now able to sign up for time slots for a custom pet photography session! Here are the details:

~   WHEN: Saturday, September 10th (and Sunday the 11th, if the 10th fills up)

~   WHAT: one time slot gets you my signature Beagle Package, which includes a full hour of session time, an online gallery of 25-35 finalized images, and and an 11×14 print of your choice. Not to mention a darn good time! I’ll also give you a full introduction to my innovative product line.

~   WHERE: Audubon Park in New Orleans; we’ll meet near the fountain

~   HOW MUCH: $129

~   WHY: So you can have high-quality pet portraiture that you’ll absolutely adore. I’m talking about wall portraits that make you smile every time you walk by them, albums you’ll want to show off to all your friends, and digital images that you can share on Facebook to your heart’s content!

~   HOW TO BOOK: call this number, 850-255-0903, or email me at allison@allisonshamrell.com. I’d prefer you to call, just so that we can make sure you get your first choice of time slots.


If you’d like to see examples of my work, you can visit my portfolio here, or watch this video featuring images from other (similar) park locations:



Unfortunately, this is a one-day-only type of situation. I’ll be leaving the Gulf Coast very soon, and going wherever my husband’s Naval career takes us. But I wanted to visit New Orleans one last time before I have to go – and what better way than to meet a few nice dogs while I’m there?? I hope I get to meet and photograph the furry member(s) of your family – and I promise we’ll have a fabulous time!



  1. My dog is crazy. Can you still photograph him/her? Absolutely! I have experience with all types of crazy! I welcome the challenge of a high-energy dog, and I love bringing shy/timid pups out of their shells. It helps that I have a never-ending supply of patience (and treats)! I think you might be surprised at how well your pup can pose for my camera.
  2. I didn’t see any humans in that video. Can I be in some of the photos with my dog? I thought you’d never ask! I love documenting the bond between people and dogs; I think it’s incredibly special. Here’s a gallery featuring pets & their people on my website. So yes, please, I’d like you to jump in on as many (or as few) photos as you want!
  3. How do I see my photos after the session? I’ll post the very best images in a password-protected online gallery as soon as possible after September 10th. You’ll have access to my entire product collection, which includes a DVD of your photos, canvas gallery wraps, custom-designed albums and much more.
  4. Will my dog have a huge ego after the session? Probably. He might prance around your house, just looking for cameras in front of which to strike another pose. It’s a common side-effect.



More questions? Give me a call and I’ll answer them! The best number is 850.255.0903, and email works too: allison@allisonshamrell.com


I’m SO EXCITED to visit New Orleans again – and with my camera + treat bag for the first time! I hope I’ll see you there!!



~   Dog Photography by Allison Shamrell in New Orleans, Lousiana   ~




Sneak Peek: Farley & Dougal ~ {Pensacola Pet Photography by Allison Shamrell}

Monday, August 29th, 2011

I had a great time photographing brother-and-sister duo Farley and Dougal on Saturday! But I was kind of surprised that I was able to meet them at all: you see, there were several forces at work in the universe trying to stop this session from happening.

  1. Farley (the beautiful shepherd mix) and Dougal (the cream-colored terrier mix) live in Atlanta, Georgia. Very far away from Pensacola.
  2. Their mom and dad, Carey & Scott, only had about 24 hours’ notice that they were able to visit the Pensacola area – and they were staying in Gulf Shores, AL, not even Pensacola!
  3. I had an event scheduled for all-day Saturday. (It was cancelled at the last minute!)
  4. The Great Insect Infestation of 2011. Seriously – Bay Bluffs Park has never been so buggy. And the flies and ants followed us to Seville Park, too!
  5. A bunch of washed-up jellyfish freakishly appeared on the beach. I would blame that on Hurricane Irene if I could, but honestly I have no idea why they were all there. It was a little scary! I think they were trying to stop us too… although why the jellyfish population is angry at me, I have no idea.

But despite all the obstacles, we had a wonderful afternoon! Carey + Scott, I have a feeling your gallery is going to be supersized. Enjoy your Sneak Peek!



I’m pretty sure Farley is thinking, “come on lady, I want that treat!”



I had to leave you with one image of Farley’s incredible tongue! She is a goofball :)




~   Dog Photography by Allison Shamrell in Pensacola, Florida   ~




Miss Ada Mae ~ {Pensacola Pet Photography by Allison Shamrell}

Saturday, August 27th, 2011

Can I be completely honest?

I think this dog is ADORABLE.

Ada Mae (if you missed her Sneak Peek) is 1/4 dachshund, 1/4 rat terrier, and 1/2 chihuahua. And for being a mixture of those breeds, and only a year old, she’s remarkably well-behaved. This little lady (yes, that’s the best word to describe her: lady) kept her mother Nora and I laughing during the entire session. Nora, thanks so much for bringing in your downright charming pup!





~   Dog Photography by Allison Shamrell in Pensacola, Florida   ~




Sneak Peek: Max & Cole ~ {Ft. Walton Beach Pet Photography by Allison Shamrell}

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

Max and Cole are brothers – maybe not biologically, but perhaps in every other sense of the word. Cole is the older one that moves a little slower and generally tries to do his own thing – and he’s certainly old enough to be the stubborn one. (Although he’s a softie for a belly rub, as you’ll see in a minute!) Max, on the other hand, still has puppy-esque rambunctious energy, and I think his inner monologue goes something like this: “gotta see this! gotta sniff this! who is this! hello new friend! ooh what’s over there? let’s RUN TO IT!”


You know what’s funniest about these two? Watching Max pick a fight with Cole! They don’t really fight, of course, but there’s plenty of growling and teeth and and play-biting. You get the sense Max has woken up a sleeping bear and just doesn’t know when to stop! (It helps that Cole kind of looks like a bear.)


I’ll let you guess who’s who from the photos:







Thanks for a great early-morning session with your furkids, Theresa!




~   Dog Photography in Fort Walton Beach, FL by Allison Shamrell   ~






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