
Tag: ‘pet photography’

The Park and the Beach with a Husky Puppy and Boxer/Basset Hound Mix

Monday, April 9th, 2012

I first met Angus (the 4-year-old boxer/basset hound mix) and Denali (the husky puppy) at 3 Dogs & A Chick‘s Easter Egg Hunt just two weeks ago. I pretty much melted when I first saw Denali; I think she’s strikingly beautiful! Those markings – those eyes!! I absolutely couldn’t wait to photograph her, and as it turns out, once I started shooting, Angus was even more of a delight to work with! His soulful, hound face had us laughing the entire session.


Here’s the Sneak Peek of your images, Chae & Jarred! I’ll be in touch soon to figure out when we can get together again. Enjoy!


Dogs; a husky puppy on a dock and bassett hound/boxer mix in a park.


A young family stands on the beach with their bassett hound mix and husky puppy.


Pet Photography Video

Thursday, April 5th, 2012

Putting yourself out there isn’t easy. I think it comes easily to other people, but I always hesitate. I guess I’ve gotten pretty good at talking myself out of making my business personal – or at least it’s something I constantly have to remind myself to do.

So the idea of really putting myself out there, talking about myself and this business I love so much – let’s just say it wasn’t an easy thing for me to wrap my head around! But I look back and think about all the people to whom I’ve ever said “I’m a pet photographer” and their questions follow: “Pet photography? What is that? How does that work? How do you take pictures of dogs?” The puzzled looks on their faces always go away after a few minutes of explanation, but I realized that an introductory video would answer those questions for anyone who cared to know, all at once, and better than I could answer them just with words.

So a few days ago I released this bad boy: my promo video. It still makes me incredibly nervous to know that it’s out there; I feel like I’ve bared a small part of my heart and it’s open to judgement by anyone, anywhere. But at the same time, I know it’ll give people that’ve never heard of pet photography a great idea of what actually happens during a session. And that was the goal all along.

There’s one more thing you should know about this video: it was made by my husband! I think it’s incredible that he has next-to-no videography experience, but this looks like something I should have paid a LOT of money for! He worked incredibly hard on it, for weeks, and all on our old laptop that constantly gave him issues. The fact that something like this is the result boggles my mind.

This video can always be found on my Facebook page and the homepage of my website. I really hope it answers lots of questions for people who’ve never known what pet photography is – and that it shows how much FUN we have!




A Bulldog and a BIG Lab Puppy: Deuce & Huntley

Friday, March 30th, 2012

This session was so much fun! I think it was especially interesting because we used our fair share of props, and while these dogs are both oh-so-handsome on their own, I think incorporating their favorite things really brought out their personalities! First, we used a stick, and this was not any old stick – it was brought from home, because Huntley the chocolate lab puppy has a love affair with it. And let me tell you what, getting his focus when I had the beloved stick in my hands was a piece of cake! The other prop was – well – edible. And I don’t recommend it for other dogs! But Deuce the English bulldog has, over time, built up a tolerance (and a love) for this particular food.

Since this is only the Sneak Peek, I can’t show you everything… but here are the handsome boys!


An English bulldog with an overbite sits with his owner in a park.



A chocolate lab puppy chews on a stick.


Did I mention it was a gorgeous afternoon in a pretty new park? Deuce is diggin’ it.

A happy English bulldog in a park.


Okay, here’s a preview of Deuce’s snack…

McDonald's food bag with an English bulldog's snack.


Stay tuned for the rest of these boys’ photos! Thanks for such a great time at the park, Nicole & Andrew – I’ll be in touch very soon!


Premium Albums: The Leather Cover

Thursday, March 29th, 2012

Ahhhh, we’re here. This post reveals the last Premium Album that I offer, from one more totally separate album provider. This is the album I’ve been most excited about all along, for two reasons. First of all, it’s leather, and leather is always what I’ve envisioned as being a huge characteristic of a top-of-the-line photography album. I suppose I have a soft spot for it. Secondly, this album features my favorite dog in the world: my girl Bailey.


The box it comes in is leather, and has a small magnetic closure.

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


Oh. Oh yes. Take in that leather.

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


And the imprinting of Bailey’s name on the cover…

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


I hope you can see the texture of the leather. It’s top-of-the-line, and I could tell you the technical qualifications a quality guarantees surrounding it… but suffice to say, it’s NICE. And not just “nice”… I mean NICE.

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


The pages have a substrate in-between them that’s actually a different color than the prints. I think it gives the album’s side view a really distinctive look!

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A black spread to start…

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


With my embossed logo on the inside cover!

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


Could these pages be any flatter? They’re so flat they’re bending back with the cover! I love that they lay directly against it like that.

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


Sigh. I know I’m a nerd for swooning over an album… but that’s okay with me.

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


Oh hey Bailey! Here’s an example of a spread – you can see that there’s a seam in the middle (not really a gutter, per se) but it’s so thin that in the 24-inch span of this book (it measures 12×12 when closed) I think it hardly makes any difference in the overall layout.

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A closer look at the pages…

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


More leather texture. Man I wish you could feel this through your screen…

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


I know these photos haven’t done this album (or the photo-cover one, or the silk one) justice. But I hope you can see a small part of why I’ve been so, so excited for a very long time to introduce these products. They are at the very top of the line, the best of the best in the photography industry, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to offer them to my clients!

Thanks for taking a look!

Premium Albums: The Silk Cover

Wednesday, March 28th, 2012

Welcome to Part Two of my Premium Album introduction! And really, (I was thinking about this just now) what better way is there to introduce these to you than blogging about them? This way, I can show you ridiculous amounts of photos, so that you can get a grasp on what these albums are like inside and out! Pretty perfect, right? (I know, I know: there’s technically a better way of showing off the albums. Videos. I’m working on that. For now, you get wonderfully long blog posts!)

This album is a fabulous one: the cover is made of silk! That’s right – it’s not a scarf – it’s an album. And it’s made of silk. Excited to see it yet? Without further ado…


The box this album comes in isn’t custom like the photo-cover album, but what it lacks in custom-ness it more than makes up for in luxury. It’s leather, it’s padded, and it’s just fun to hold. Trust me on that one… you’ll love this box.

A premium album with a silk cover featuring pet photography of two Westies by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a silk cover featuring pet photography of two Westies by Allison Shamrell.


Here’s the book with its box! And look – a photo window in the cover!

A premium album with a silk cover featuring pet photography of two Westies by Allison Shamrell.


Here’s the book by itself.

A premium album with a silk cover featuring pet photography of two Westies by Allison Shamrell.


I believe this is actually the thinnest premium album that I offer…

A premium album with a silk cover featuring pet photography of two Westies by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a silk cover featuring pet photography of two Westies by Allison Shamrell.


Can you see the silk texturing?

A premium album with a silk cover featuring pet photography of two Westies by Allison Shamrell.


Again, pages that lay completely flat…

A premium album with a silk cover featuring pet photography of two Westies by Allison Shamrell.


… no matter what page you’re on.

A premium album with a silk cover featuring pet photography of two Westies by Allison Shamrell.


Augh. It’s a thing of beauty. To me, at least.

A premium album with a silk cover featuring pet photography of two Westies by Allison Shamrell.


A peek at an inside spread…

A premium album with a silk cover featuring pet photography of two Westies by Allison Shamrell.


Check it out! There’s NO gutter! This album provider takes an actual photographic print (12×24 inches, in this case) and spreads it across the page sides, so the look is completely seamless!

A premium album with a silk cover featuring pet photography of two Westies by Allison Shamrell.


The shiny part you see at the middle-bottom is just light reflecting, from my flashes to take this photo. It’s not a gutter or break in the book.

A premium album with a silk cover featuring pet photography of two Westies by Allison Shamrell.


The pages are thick and sturdy, just like the photo-cover premium album.

A premium album with a silk cover featuring pet photography of two Westies by Allison Shamrell.

A premium album with a silk cover featuring pet photography of two Westies by Allison Shamrell.


This album company provides an extremely customizable product. Don’t like the silk cover? Okay, how about leather? Don’t like leather? Then how about patterned & embossed silk? Don’t like the cover photo inset? We can leave it blank… or would you prefer two photos? There’s pretty much no limit to all the combinations I can make for my clients; and let me tell you, that made choosing a style/design for this sample album incredibly difficult! But I love how this album turned out, and in my opinion, nothing calls for the luxury of silk more than two pampered Westie girls!

If you missed seeing the photo-cover premium album, you can see it here. Stay tuned for Premium Album #3…





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