
Tag: ‘pet photography’

Happy Dogs & Shy Dogs: Marlee & Amia

Wednesday, July 18th, 2012

Let me introduce you to two dogs who are total opposites – around strangers, at least. Marlee is a bouncy 8-month-old golden retriever and couldn’t be more friendly! She’ll “attack” anyone who comes to the door with kisses and tail wags. Amia, on the other hand, is a much more reserved Boston terrier. She’d prefer to keep her distance, and it’s a little more difficult to gain her trust.

I absolutely love it when dogs open up to me, and with dogs like Marlee it’s incredibly easy, but with Amia it can be more challenging. So I’m always thrilled when I walk away with images like the ones below, because it means all the steps and precautions I take to let dogs get comfortable with me, really work! (I study dog behavior, I meet dogs before their session, I warm them up to the camera slowly, etc.) I hope their mom Jane sees her dogs in these photos not as through the lens of a different person, but simply as she sees her dogs every day. Enjoy the photos!

A boston terrier and a golden retriever dog in their backyard, close-up.


A boston terrier and golden retriever relax in the grass.


Thanks again Jane – I’ll talk to you soon! (and don’t worry – I have plenty more photos of Marlee positioned more than just a few inches away from the camera!)


A Difficult Senior Dog Session: Bubba the Border Collie

Monday, July 16th, 2012

Bubba is a super-sweet old border collie whom I had the honor of meeting on Saturday. We had a great session – he was a patient model, he made us laugh throughout the whole hour, and we scheduled a follow-up session for outdoor photos later this week! At a glance, it was a wonderful time, and a typical experience for my clients. But under the surface, unfortunately, we were working with a very time-sensitive purpose: at 13, Bubba has stopped eating his meals and appears to be in a bit of chronic pain. His mom Kim doesn’t think he has much time left, so we got together as SOON as possible. And while that thought made the session harder than most, it also made it SO important. (Future clients, please know that if your dog is in a similar condition, I make it a policy to drop what I’m doing and come to you immediately. When time is short I don’t want to leave anything to chance, and I’ll do whatever I can to make sure you have beautiful portraits of your dog, even if it’s in his or her last hours.)


Enjoy these photos of Bubba – hopefully I’ll have even more to blog (from a gorgeous farm, with horses!) by the end of the week!

An old border collie dog barks and lays down in the studio.


We found a couch to relax on, and that was a bit more comfortable for Bubba…

An old border collie dog relaxes on a couch in the studio and smiles.


But mostly he just wanted to be close to mom.

An old border collie dog lays down in the studio and looks up at his owner.


Thank you so much for the privilege of working with your family, Kim. I’ll see you soon!



Bulldogs and boxers and shih tzus – oh my!

Monday, July 9th, 2012

I first met one of these dogs (Mr. Chubbs, in fact) during Mini-Sessions at 3 Dogs & A Chick – see his ridiculously happy, smiling face here on Facebook! So I was absolutely thrilled when his parents, Ashlee & Joseph, invited me back to their house to meet the rest of their pack! As soon as I walked in the door, all SIX dogs converged on me, and it kind of made me feel like I was the victim of a relentless, multi-tier assault. With super-adorable assailants, of course! Let me introduce you to them!


Maggie (left) is actually just as cheerful as Cleatus (right), but she wanted to show off her serious side.

Two English bulldogs look up at the camera.


Tink is the eldest of the family at 11, and this shih tzu gets to come to work with Mom & Dad every day at one of the veterinary clinics they own! Lucky dog!

A shih tzu dog stands in a back yard and looks at the camera.


Romy isn’t exactly an “outside dog” but we eventually got her to brave the elements (of the gorgeous sunny day), and she really lit up when the toy pig got involved!

An English bulldog plays with her owner with a squeaky toy.


I am so taken aback by how beautiful Desi is that I can’t post just one photo. Look at this sweet, pretty girl!

A brown brindle boxer dog sits in front of a backyard tree.


And last but certainly not least, Mr. Chubbs, enjoying a blissful solo escape to the front yard.

A bulldog pug mixed breed dog lays in the front yard and smiles.


Thank you so much for such a wonderful afternoon, Ashlee & Joseph! I have MANY more photos to show you, including all the ones we took inside the house! I can’t wait – so I’ll see you soon! :)


Labradors and Dachshunds and Mixed Breeds… oh my!

Tuesday, June 26th, 2012

Here’s just a quick post since I’m out of town (in Portland, Oregon) on a “working vacation”… these pups should look familiar! I suppose you could call this an extended Sneak Peek since their mom has to be so patient before she can see the rest. Enjoy, Lori!






The semi-miraculous group shot!


See you soon after I get back, Lori!


Dogs in Kayaks: Gracie & Chief

Wednesday, June 20th, 2012

You probably expected to see golden retrievers, labradors, or perhaps setters of some kind upon reading this post title. Those are outdoorsy breeds that probably love kayak trips, right? Well I have a surprise for you: this session features a miniature poodle and a rat terrier! Ha! This is just one of the things I love about dogs: breed “standards” oftentimes don’t matter at all! Each dog is unique, with his or her own likes and dislikes, and you just can’t pigeonhole a dog because of his or her breed. My clients have pups with totally individual personalities and I love capturing that!

Gracie is a ten-year-old miniature poodle that her mom rescued from a puppy mill. This poor, sweet girl has given birth to 149 puppies in her lifetime. Did you hear that? Should I say it again? One hundred and forty nine!!! Some love and TLC is WAY overdue for miss Gracie. Chief, on the other hand, is just ten months old, and he’s a little more wary of strangers than Gracie. But I’m so glad he found such a great family so early in his life! These dogs’ dad, Andrew, will be deploying soon, so we did our best to get him some great photos of his furkids before he leaves!

Gracie is a natural in the kayak!

A grey miniature poodle in a kayak with her owner in Pensacola, Florida.

Chief was… a bit unsure. :)

A rat terrier shyly peeks out of a kayak.

Don’t they make a cute pair?

A rat terrier and a gray miniature poodle in a park in Pensacola, Florida.

I hope you enjoyed their Sneak Peek, Kirsten! I’ll see you soon!


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