
Tag: ‘pet photography’

Aspen and April on the Beach (Photos in Del Mar, CA)

Wednesday, July 11th, 2018

Working with repeat clients is one of my greatest joys… so I was thrilled to reconnect with Aspen and his family, for a beach photo session to celebrate April’s high school graduation!

Yes, you read that right – I took Aspen’s photos as well as senior portraits for April’s graduation. Since I’m not a “people” photographer, it’s safe to say I wouldn’t do that for just anyone! But April & Aspen & I go way back, so I was honored to help her celebrate this exciting time in her life. (Plus, did you know? My camera works on people too! I think it’s so funny when people ask “can I be in the photos with my dog?” because the answer is a wholehearted YES! I loooove creating portraits that feature the connection my clients and their pets have. It’s priceless!)

So we visited the beach in Del Mar (after having to reschedule at the last minute, thanks a lot “June gloom”) and the blue skies were definitely worth the wait! Plus, we got to update the portraits from our session over 2 years ago, and focus on the truly special connection between April & Aspen.


I don’t know about you, but I find everything in this photo absolutely gorgeous.

girl and dog on the beach


Aspen is such a happy boy! Although I think his ideal trip to the beach would have involved a bit more off-leash time to play with all the other dogs…

fun beach pet photo


I can’t wait to see the places these two will go.

beach photo of a girl and dog


April, Shelli & Tim, it was SO great to see you again! I hope you’re having a great time in San Francisco (maybe even visiting Alcatraz?) and I’m looking forward to getting together again once you’re back in town! :)


In-Home and Balboa Park Photo Session with Ben & Ranger

Friday, July 6th, 2018

When I first met these dogs, they were their parents’ only children… okay, besides their feline sister Dottie. But by the time our session rolled around, they had adapted quickly to their new role as big brothers – to their new human siblings, baby boys! And since I got to meet the adorable little twins during our photo session, which took place at their home and Balboa Park, I’ve been thinking about all the ways Ben & Ranger are similar as brothers… but also incredibly different!


This is Ranger, a lab mix with one of the most joyful, irresistible smiles I’ve ever seen! His ears seem to prop themselves up on stilts whenever he’s paying attention to you, and he’s a playful, curious boy. Not to mention I adored photographing him – he’s so much fun to work with!

home photo session example


And this handsome, pensive face belongs to Ben (short for “Big Ben”), a retired racing greyhound from Mexico. He’s a gorgeous, lithe, graceful dog – but all that went out the window about 2 minutes into our session, when he skittered around on the hardwood floor at home in feverish excitement to jump up on the couch and pose for a few treats! Haha! If Ranger didn’t already have me laughing, Ben made sure to fill in the gaps, so there wasn’t a dull moment during our session. (Plus, I loved the challenge of making weird-enough sounds to ensure those greyhound ears are on full display!)

home pet photo session


Like I mentioned, we split our photo session between the dogs’ home and Balboa Park, so before long we were off to the visit the flowers, architecture and splendor of San Diego’s most famous park. Both dogs did surprisingly well amongst the crowds, and of course we took time to stop and smell the flowers. :)

balboa park dog photography


“Ranger” and “thoughtful” are two words that don’t usually go together, haha… but doesn’t he look like he’s pondering the mysteries of the universe? (Or maybe just how he’ll get his next treat?) Despite the soft, peaceful feel of this photo, knowing Ranger’s personality, it makes me smile. :)

balboa park photo example


Jeff & Meaghan, you two are total champions for joining me on a photo session with two dogs and two new babies! But no one could have handled it better, and I’m absolutely honored to know your beautiful family. Looking forward to seeing you both again soon! :)


Golden Retrievers Starr & Max

Sunday, July 1st, 2018

I had an absolutely perfect photo session recently with Starr & Max, golden retrievers who live in Carlsbad. And don’t get me wrong: even though I describe it as “perfect”, things got a little silly at times, a couple of aspects definitely didn’t go according to plan, and Max made it clear that he never realllllly wanted to sit still and pose for my camera, haha! But the “plan” and the preconceived notions of what the dogs “should” do during a photo session really don’t have anything at all to do with how well the session goes. Instead, what made this session truly perfect was the family I got to meet, and the relationships I got to witness. Starr & Max are both senior dogs that have been with their family for over a decade; their brothers are young men now, and one of them told me he remembers adopting the dogs when he was in second grade. I got to see them play fetch with sticks and tennis balls in the sunlight, sit and relax in the shade together, and even go for a little walk as a family, all 4 people and the golden retrievers too. It was beautiful and perfect and everyone had a good time – and as a result, I think we ended up with some pretty nice photos! ;)


This is Max – who his family always thought was the younger dog by about 2 years, but after a big of digging, his mom just found out that he’s only a few months younger than his sister! Isn’t he handsome?

golden retrievers in sun


And this is Starr, proving she can still chase after a ball if she wants. I just love her flappy ears!

golden retriever fetching


Oh Max. You’re such a happy boy.

golden retriever in sunshine


Don’t you just adore the way Starr looks up at her dad?! Total sweetness.

golden retriever laying down


Theresa & Doug (and Justin & Zack), thank you so much for including me in such a lovely afternoon together! I’m excited to share the rest of our photos with you soon! :)


Cooper & Nala, Big Dogs from San Diego

Wednesday, June 27th, 2018

For most people, black labs would qualify as “big dogs” – but not for this family!

I met Nala & Cooper about a week before their session, at my studio for a meet-and-greet, and that meeting told me juuuust about everything I needed to know about these dogs. Nala the black lab confidently strode in the door and right past me into the rest of my studio; she’s a happy, inquisitive, smart girl who enjoys exploring new territory. Cooper the Newfoundland, on the other hand, wasn’t so sure about the smooth flooring in my studio’s entryway, and it took about 15 minutes (as well as a haphazard trail of dog beds, a doormat and various toys) to convince him that he could successfully make it over the linoleum and onto the not-at-all-slippery carpet in the rest of my studio! From that experience, I knew that working with Cooper would be a rewarding experience – but that he would most likely make me work to make everything come together. And that was true, haha! Once he has solid footing, Cooper is a goofy, lovable guy (in the words of his dad, he’s a big ol’ floof) and yet he’s also very different from his sister. She’s ball-obsessed, while he’d rather work for treats. She knows every trick in the book (roll over, high five, etc – her parents should probably open a dog training business because seriously) whereas he prefers to spend his energy socializing with new people and other dogs. And only one of them has a dedicated bib for all the drool – you guessed it, that’s the Newfie. :)  I had a great time working with both dogs – and I think they enjoyed all the playtime and treats throughout our session too!


This is Nala in her front yard – isn’t she gorgeous?! (And I’ve already threatened to bring future clients to their house, because those bushes & greenery were a dream to work amongst, haha!)

black lab laying down


Okay, I couldn’t resist… a running photo of Cooper was too tempting not to share! This boy can move if he wants to – so stay out of his way, haha! Don’t you just want to give him a big fluffy hug?!

newfoundland running picture


Oh, these two… such good dogs!

two big dogs sitting


Bryce and Whit, I’m so glad we finally had the chance to get together! These summertime photos are definitely worth the wait… and I’m looking forward to seeing you both again soon!


Petunia the Shar Pei Mix in San Diego, CA

Tuesday, June 12th, 2018

Some dogs are lucky enough to call San Diego home for their whole lives… they grow up playing on the beaches, basking in the year-round sun, and maybe never see the snow. (Doesn’t sound so bad to me, haha!) But Petunia is a little more “well-rounded” than that; she’s from Chicago! This midwestern mutt just moved here with her mom about 7 months ago, and she’s experiencing the joys of San Diego for the very first time! (So many firsts!) I absolutely loved getting to know her because she’s a total sweetheart. For example: although treats & toys are helpful in getting her focus at times, you can tell that her biggest reward is attention & love from her mama! She’s absolutely head-over-heels crazy about her mom, and their bond really shone through during our session. I think she knows that they’re on a great adventure together – after all, isn’t moving across the country an adventure?! Petunia’s mom told me how this little lady is already guarding her from big scary repairmen, haha – she’s even barked at them so intimidatingly (is that a word?) that she’s literally sent them running!! I’m telling you, don’t mess with this girl – it’s a much better plan to be her friend and get big slobbery kisses in the face. :)


Petunia is a shar pei mix, as you can probably tell with all those forehead wrinkles – and probably pit bull, too! Isn’t she the cutest?!

shar pei mix dog


Oh, hello there – ready for your close-up? (Petunia wanted to make sure you got a better view of those trademark wrinkles…)

shar pei mix studio photo


We visited Balboa Park for the second half of our session – because how much more “San Diego” can you get? Petunia got plenty of attention from passers-by as we walked through the park; those people had probably never seen a cuter shar pei mix in their lives. :)  And by the way – this photo was taken after the Great Squirrel Sighting of 2018 – the moment at which Petunia discovered her life’s true calling. Squirrel hunting, of course. But I was proud of her for being able to take a break from “squirrel watch” to pose for more photos, haha!

shar pei mix


One blooper, just for fun! (Petunia had a hilariously good time!)

shar pei mix dog yawning


Elizabeth, thank you so much for introducing me to your beautiful, sweet girl. She’s just amazing. I’m excited to get together again soon! :)




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