
Tag: ‘pet photography’

German Shorthaired Pointers: A Study in Green & Brown

Wednesday, August 15th, 2012

Looking through my photos from this session, I have to say that I adore the colors in it. I’m naturally drawn to deep, rich colors – pastels? not so much – and the tones & hues in these images are soothing, relaxing & simply perfect!

But let me introduce you to the stars of the show: Dega & Grace are German shorthaired pointers that live with their parents in Pace, Florida. Dega is a handsome guy whose only wish is to hunt the squirrels, rabbits & birds that make the mistake of appearing in his backyard. Grace is a sweetheart and tries hard to keep up with her brother – but let’s just say he did most of the exercise during our session.


Two German shorthaired pointers in their green grassy backyard.


A German shorthaired pointer runs in his backyard, and two pose for a photo.


Thanks for a fun afternoon session, Maureen & Dwight! I can’t wait to see you again soon and show you the rest of our images!


Beautiful Shelties in their backyard

Monday, August 13th, 2012

I’ve only photographed Shelties once before, and I knew them to be laid-back, happy dogs – it turns out, that breed reputation stands for another session! This is Morgan, Mage (pronounced “mayj”) and Mystique, sisters who live the good life with their dad! They’re all very different: Mystique (mostly black) was a ready & willing subject as soon as she learned I had treats to give. Morgan (mostly brown) is calm & patient, and needed little breaks to be loved on every few minutes! (so adorable!) Mage was petrified of me; I think I petted her just once. But from a distance, and only very quickly, she let me take a few photos that turned out to be some of my very favorites from the session! Take a look…


Two shelties pose for photos in their backyard.


Tri-color sheltie dog laying in the grass of her backyard.


I’m especially excited about this session because a few select images are going to grace the exam rooms at Davis Animal Hospital in Pensacola! So if you’re a client of theirs – or if you’re looking for a great new vet in the area – you’ll see these pups’ smiling faces there soon!


Thanks Roy – I can’t wait to show you the rest of the images!


Fun Products for Your Digital Images

Tuesday, August 7th, 2012

I’ve been excited about this blog post for a long time, and finally had a few spare minutes today to put it all together! I’m thrilled to introduce you to Pinhole Press, a fabulous provider of “beautifully simple photo gifts”!  You know I think photos speak louder than words, so here are a few samples of their work (featuring Daly & Kaylee):


High-quality paper and book products made from consumer digital photos.


Books, notepads, professional-quality prints…

A collection of paper products made from digital images.


As a professional photographer, I’m happy to provide my clients with the digital images from their session. We live in a digital age, so I know the files will get plenty of mileage as screen savers and Facebook albums – but at the same time, I know all too well that photos on a disk can stay right there. On the disk. And never leave it! Honestly, there’s no good that can come from having your digital photos and never DOING anything with them! But the most accessible (and cheapest) places to get photos printed are from pharmacies & big box stores that, unfortunately, can’t turn out quality prints on a consistent basis. So I kind of shudder a bit every time someone mentions getting their photos printed at a nearby shop, because I just know they won’t turn out like I see them on my monitor or as they would with one of my professional labs. They won’t look their best. So here’s the quandary: keep photos in the digital world and never turn them into anything, or turn them into cheap prints that’ll fade & lose their luster in a few years? Yuck. Neither!

Lucky for me, Pinhole Press stepped up to bat and provided a solution that THRILLS me and keeps my clients really happy too! They are a professional-quality lab open to consumers – and they make a lot more than prints! You can see in the examples above & below that they have an awesome, diverse product lineup. Everything they sell is high-quality, of course, but just as importantly, their printing processes reliably and consistently turn out perfect colors & exposure from your digital images. Having your prints made at a cheap place (and all the risks you take with that) is no longer your only option! So to see all the product choices you have, click on this link and prepare to be awed. Here are a couple of  products you might like:

A small brag book with fabric covers and ribbon closures… (featuring Barkley)

Small brag book, a product for which to upload your digital photos.

An accordion card (yes, you can drop this in the mail!) with Beckham’s handsome face.

Accordion card for digital photo use.

 Here are my Photo Notepads :

Honestly, the paper quality is outstanding. They’re made of Mohawk Fine paper and completely environment-friendly. Um… have I said enough nice things about Pinhole Press yet? Haha – I just re-read this post and I think I’m on the verge of sounding like one of their employees…! But really, I’m careful about recommending anything, especially here on the blog, because I’d hate to point someone toward a negative experience. The good news is I have the confidence in Pinhole Press to introduce them to as many people as possible. (oh – and they have a Facebook page too) :)

Here’s the link one more time: www.pinholepress.com  So, past clients: take your photos from our session and turn them into accordion cards and photo pads! Or, heck, grab your photos from your point-and-shoot camera that you took while on vacation this summer; you don’t have to use professional images to take advantage of this resource. Let me know if you have any questions – but you probably won’t, since their website/creation process is pretty intuitive. So go forth and PRINT!






Edited for clarification: I do not sell any Pinhole Press products to my clients. (although sometimes I give them to my clients as gifts!) All the prices listed on the site are consumer-based and available to anyone.

In addition, if you clicked on the links above (as opposed to Googling “Pinhole Press”), upon creating an account, you’ll see a pre-entered “photographer’s code”. Don’t worry, even though you’re not a photographer, you’re perfectly allowed to use the code. That’s there simply so that Pinhole can track where their customers are coming from, and there are no special privileges/differences that go along with it or if you’d like to go without it.

Premium Album Sample: Marcel the Poodle

Thursday, July 26th, 2012

I wanted to feature another premium album here on the blog, because since the last time I featured a premium album, THREE more clients’ albums have come and gone! Without me taking ANY photos of them! I’m sad I didn’t get the chance to photograph those, but honestly, if I can receive the album, do a full quality check, and deliver it to my client all in the same day, I will! I’m not going to delay delivering their album just so I can take a few photos. So that’s what’s happened a few times now, but this time, I finally had a bit of time after receiving this one to show off its features!


This is the silk-cover album, which comes in my favorite carrying case: a padded leather box with velvet interior lining.

Dog photography album leather carrying case.


I literally gasped when I first saw this silk shantung cover. The red is STUNNING.

Dog photography album showing beautiful red silk shantung cover material.


Dog photography album spine binding.


The pages are quite thick – they’d be impossible to accidentally tear.

Dog photography album thick pages.


There’s always the option to place a photo as a cover inset, and it’s something for which I don’t charge extra – the look of the album with or without the cover photo can be gorgeous either way. But in this case, I love the family photo my clients chose for their cover! I think it starts off the album really well.

Dog photography album showing inset cover photo example.


Dog photography album photos of the cover and an inside image.


True lay-flat binding.

Dog photography album showing spine binding.


Full-spread photos are my favorite. :)

Dog photography album full-bleed spread of a photo.


Choosing the quotes for premium albums can be almost as challenging as selecting the images! I love this quote by John Grogan.

Dog photography album interior quote about dogs.


I looooooove my premium albums – and if you’re one of my clients with your own album, you know exactly why they’re so wonderful! Thanks for reading! :)

Thwarted by the Rain: Bubba the Border Collie

Monday, July 23rd, 2012

You might remember Bubba the old border collie from his earlier post – and I have good news to report! He’s doing a bit better, and we got to schedule another session with him! So we had grand plans to visit a fantastically beautiful horse farm in Pace, and I was so excited to get together with the old guy and his mom Kim again. But sometimes the weather just doesn’t cooperate – and this was one of those times. Despite prayers and an anti-rain dance, the clouds opened up (literally as SOON as we were ready to start shooting!) and unfortunately stopped us from getting the most out of this gorgeous setting. Hopefully we can return to try again soon!


A woman stands with a horse and a border collie dog.


A woman walks away in a field with a border collie dog and a horse.


A black and white photo of a border collie standing on hay bales in a barn.


A close-up of a border collie dog's face in a barn with a woman.




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