
Tag: ‘pet photography’

Rescued Dogs from Afghanistan

Friday, December 14th, 2012

The dogs in these photos have a long & fascinating story, and it’s simply too much for me to tell in one little Sneak Peek post! Rest assured, I’ll spill all the details soon enough. But for now, I’m going to whet your appetite with one simple fact: the white dogs in these photos were rescued from Afghanistan. I’m so honored to know these pups and their awesome parents; I’ll write a longer blog post all about them next month, after my little Christmas vacation and after their parents have had a chance to see ALL the photos from our session. But I’m very excited to introduce you to Siena, Olive, and their American-grown brother Gabe! :)


This is Olive, an Afghan puppy that I met a few months ago – I think she was half the size she is now! She’s always on the go and super-curious about pretty much everything.

Photo of a rescued dog from Afghanistan with her American family.


Sometimes she tires herself out and crashes on the couch… for about five whole minutes.

Photo of a rescued dog from Afghanistan, relaxing on a couch in America.


This is Siena, Olive’s biological mother. She’s very sweet, and much more calm than her daughter! Look at those EYES!

Photos of a rescued dog from Afghanistan, in a studio in America.


Last but certainly not least, this is Gabe! You could say he was their ambassador to American living, haha… they all get along great!

Photos of a beagle dog.


That’s it for now… I can’t wait to share more of their photos with you! Especially after our trip to the beach! :) Thanks for reading!



Blade the Happy Rottweiler

Tuesday, December 4th, 2012

This session came about because of the Pensacola Fur Ball, an event to which I’m happy to donate my time every year. It’s how I met River the rescued dog last year – and this year I was lucky enough to meet Blade!

Blade is a big, cheerful rottweiler, and I have a soft spot for rotties, so I was extra excited for our session! He’s one of the most even-keeled dogs I’ve ever met; I don’t know what could change his happy, eager-to-please attitude. It seemed like every time I turned around, he had the same handsome smile on his face! I was pretty surprised once we brought the frisbee out, though: this lumbering giant of a dog suddenly had some get-up-and-go! He sped after that disc like a train… pretty impressive if you ask me.

Check out this handsome boy!

Two photos of a big rottweiler dog in a pretty park.


 He adores his parents and they adore him… It’s a pretty great thing to witness.

A handsome rottweiler gets love from his parents.


That’s it for now, but I’ll see you all again soon! Thanks for a wonderful afternoon session, Laura & Stephanie, and thanks for supporting the Fur Ball’s mission!


Coach the Brittany Spaniel

Monday, November 26th, 2012

In the contact form of my website, I ask each visitor to fill in “3 words that describe your pet”. Coach’s mom entered one of the best responses I’ve received to date: it said “shameless sock thief”! So I knew right off the bat that I wouldn’t be dealing with a calm, laid-back, timid dog. And Coach is none of those things! Instead, he’s full of energy and totally adorable – his antics during our session made me laugh pretty much non-stop! He’s a gorgeous Brittany spaniel, and lives with his parents in a house with a huge backyard that actually leads to a long neighborhood nature trail, which is perfect for his never-take-a-break attitude.

Here are just a few photos from our session! Enjoy!

A Brittany spaniel relaxes in the grass, playing and looking beautiful.


A Brittany spaniel relaxes outside with his parents on a nature trail.


Thanks for letting me meet your handsome boy, Melissa & David! I can’t wait to see you all again soon!


Two Beautiful Golden Retrievers in Downtown Pensacola

Monday, November 19th, 2012

While I was selecting images for this Sneak Peek, my usual decisiveness went out the window! I typically don’t have a problem finding a few stand-out photos that I want to feature, but going through my photos from Tessa & Abbey’s session, I’m overwhelmed! So this blog post contains a few photos that I picked truly at random; I’m so excited to start going through the rest of our images!

A bit of back-story: Tessa (the slightly darker-colored girl) is a rescue from a truly horrible situation. She was tied and left outside someone’s house for – who knows? – possibly 2-3 years. When her parents adopted her, she didn’t know what treats or toys were. She’s only recently begun to play with her sister, Abbey (the light-colored girl). Abbey comes from a reputable breeder and hasn’t had any of the medical issues that poor Tessa was plagued by – in fact, she’s practically teaching Tessa how to be a dog! These sisters are an adorable pair and I had SO much fun with them and their parents during our session. But that’s enough words for now – let’s get to the photos!


Two photos showing golden retrievers looking out the window and with their mom.


Abbey & Tessa get to live within easy walking distance of this beautiful sea wall – and that’s the new Pensacola Maritime Park in the background!

Two golden retriever dogs sit by the pretty blue water.


They are such happy dogs!

Two golden retrievers sit with their parents by Pensacola Bay.


Abbey & Tessa, you were a joy to work with. Thanks for delaying your dinner (gasp, it was horrible) so we could get some great photos!


Dogs Relaxing in the Front Yard

Wednesday, November 14th, 2012

It was a long time coming that I finally got to meet these three dogs! Their mom, Sally, first scheduled a session with me months ago for her daughter’s dogs, Bally and Cuda. We’ve been meaning to get back together ever since so that I could meet her dogs, but you know how life tends to get in the way… I’m so glad we finally set a date and got together this past weekend – her dogs were an absolute pleasure to work with! They were incredibly well-behaved, and as Sally says, they’re just a great group together. She considers yourself lucky to have such a great pack – and I consider myself lucky for having met them!

First, let me introduce you to Rocky the schnauzer and Chloe the mixed breed dog. Rocky’s the oldest of the group, but you wouldn’t know it from how playful he is! And Chloe – can you say gorgeous? She’s such a good-looking mutt!

A schnauzer and a mixed breed hound look up at the camera.


 And this is Sasha, a regal mix of a dog. She’s a little more content to relax and take in the action.

A big puffy white dog smiles for the camera.


After we got a few “posed “portraits out-of-the-way, we just played with my ball in the front yard – it was a great afternoon!

Three dogs run and play with a ball in the front yard of a house.


Oh, and I can’t forget Madison! She’s another one of Sally’s grand–dogs, and we figured that since we were (as it turns out) crashing Madison’s well-kept yard for our photos, it was only fair to let her jump in for a few as well! Isn’t she a beautiful girl?

A chocolate lab lays down in the grass in her front yard.


Sally, I had a wonderful time with you and your family, as usual. I can’t wait to get together again soon!




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