
Tag: ‘pet photography’

Pensacola Chihuahua Photography: Rocco & Vegas

Wednesday, January 16th, 2013

So, remember yesterday’s post about session winners from Gallery Night last year? Turns out, this session also came about through a drawing, and it’s been in the works even longer – since September!! I know, that’s a long time – maybe the longest I’ve ever gone from meeting the owner to having the session – but we were delayed by sickness, out-of-town trips, holiday craziness, and little Vegas even had an infection in his paw for a while, poor thing. But despite the odds (who knew they would be so steep?) I finally got to meet Rocco and Vegas, chihuahua brothers that belong to the owner of Legacy Event Design!

So first of all, I absolutely have to mention that if you’re planning a wedding in the Pensacola, Darrin (these guys’ dad) is your best source of all things planning-related. He was telling me about a few fabulous events he’s done, and I can’t recommend him highly enough! This guy knows his stuff and I know he’d be a huge asset to any wedding.

But in the meantime, our focus was on his pups – and they are awesome little guys! Rocco is a 14-year-old Mexican immigrant (yes really) and a ball of curious energy. Vegas, only 1 year old, prefers to stick close to his dad and watch the trouble Rocco causes! I loved working with them both, so enough talk, on to the photos!


I looooove the mischevious look in Rocco’s eyes! Vegas has a lock on the best head tilt, though, for sure.

Two cute chihuahua dogs on green grass.


When you work with a wedding planner, you have access to some fun props! The boys each took their turn on the ivories and it was super-cute!

Two chihuahuas in Pensacola, Florida play with their owner and on top of a piano.


Darrin – thanks for being so wonderfully flexible and patient to finally have your session! I can’t wait to see you all again soon!


Pensacola Dog & Family Photography: Duelli & Sprocket

Tuesday, January 15th, 2013

This family actually won a session with me after entering a drawing at Pensacola’s Gallery Night – but that event happened last year, and we haven’t been able to get together until now! I can’t believe we had to wait so long, but let me tell you, this session was worth the wait. Their dogs are Duelli (pronounced “dooli”) the German shepherd, and Sprocket the pomeranian. These boys are super-sweet in their own individual ways: Sprocket loves to get attention (and lap room) from anyone that visits, and he’ll be your best friend if you give him treats & affection! Duelli, on the other hand, is fiercely and beautifully loyal to his mom Krissy; she jokes that “I couldn’t lose him even if I tried!” Together, these boys make the perfect (not to mention photogenic) pair.

Here’s Duelli, with the frisbee that he wanted to include in every. single. photo.

A German shepherd lays in the grass with his favorite frisbee toy.


How to Trap a Pomeranian: Sprocket couldn’t wiggle his way out of this photo, since his dad had him trapped!

A pomeranian smiles up at the camera from in between his owner's legs and feet.


They have an old VW bug named Petunia… so OBVIOUSLY we took a few photos with it! How adorable are they??

A young couple with a pomeranian and a German shepherd smile for a photo in an old VW bug.


Beautiful dogs, beautiful family. I love it.

A family and their dogs sit in front of their house for a portrait.


Thanks for a wonderful afternoon session, Krissy & Mark!  (Oh, and a note to future clients: if you invite my husband and I over for dinner after our session, you win MAJOR brownie points. Just sayin. :) )


Studio Session for 2 (of 6!) Dogs: Skye & Emma

Monday, January 14th, 2013

This session starts with a story! I’m currently working with a lovely veterinary clinic in Gulf Breeze to decorate their front lobby/waiting area, and a few weeks ago, one of the vets asks if he can purchase one of my gift certificates as a Christmas present for a client of his. Of course, I say! So I send him the gift certificate, head off to Christmas break, and don’t think about it again until I’m back in town again in January and working through my to-do list (which is so long it isn’t even funny)… anyways, at that time I get a random phone call from one of my VERY FIRST clients, an absolutely wonderful woman named Teri! Several of my clients call to catch up every now and again, see if the Navy has sent my husband and I out of the area yet, or tell me about dog- or photography-related news or events they think I’ll find interesting. One of the last times I saw Teri, she recommended Inside of A Dog, an absolutely fascinating book about how a dog thinks & experiences the world (which I highly recommend)! So we begin to catch up and I start wondering what book she’s going to suggest to me now… aaaand you’ve probably guessed the end of this story: Teri got the gift certificate from the vet! Ha! I love how life comes full circle like that! :)

It turned out to be perfect timing, too, because Teri & her husband had recently acquired a new dog, Skye. So they brought Skye into my studio, along with Emma, a Cairn terrier mix. I met Emma at our session two years ago, but she was a tiny puppy at that point, and I was shocked to see how much she’d grown and filled out since then! I absolutely relished the chance to spend more time with this family, and now after two sessions, we’re going to plan the best gallery wall display that’ll show off images of each of their six dogs!


An Australian Shepherd dog and a Cairn terrier mix on a white studio background.


A red Australian Shepherd lays down in the studio.


I love Skye’s rare red coloring – and look at those EYES! Teri & Danny, it was a pleasure, as always! I’ll see you again soon!


Oh, one more thing: I didn’t have time to go digging through my archives today, but keep tabs on the Facebook page this week! I’ll post a photo of Emma two years ago next to one of her recent images! I bet you’ll be surprised at how she looked as a puppy!


Doberman Photography: Niko & Lucia

Thursday, January 10th, 2013

I was so happy to spend my first session of the year with Niko & Lucia, dobermans who live in Milton! Their house is near a golf course, so of course we decided to take a little walk and spend some time on the greens! (Don’t worry, we didn’t see any golfers. Although I think it would have been funny if we had!)

It was fun working in this unique location, and the dogs had a LOT of fun too! Niko is the bigger one, 2 years old and always ready for some attention. My favorite feature (and his mom’s) of Niko? His one floppy ear! Lucia is younger & smaller at 9 months, with perfectly perky ears and a happy smile. Not to mention a penchant for toy bones. Enjoy these photos of the dogs – and thanks for helping me ring in the first session of 2013! :)


A happy female doberman lays on a green golf course.


A beautiful male doberman strikes a pose on a pretty golf course, black & white.


A male doberman sits in front of a red cement ground pattern.


A doberman dog chews her toy bone inside a house.


Thanks again for a wonderful afternoon, Lynda! I’ll talk to you soon!

In-Home Cat Photography Session: Tobie

Monday, December 17th, 2012

Some of you may recognize the bed & wall in these photos from a photo I posted to Facebook a couple of weeks ago… that’s because Tobie the cat is Siena, Olive & Gabe‘s brother! I spent one session with the dogs, and one with this handsome feline boy. And while Siena & Olive have a fascinating foreign upbringing, Tobie is an all-American, homegrown house cat! He’s very special to his mom Caroline, and I really loved seeing the relationship they have during our session… he went from trying to scurry off the bed to rolling and rollicking in a small pile of catnip! Haha, it was so funny to see him slowly convince himself that a bit of catnip (& plenty of treats) was worth posing for a few photos. So here’s Tobie’s Sneak Peek!


An orange cat lays and looks to the side on a bed.


An orange cat rolls over in catnip on a bed.


A close-up photo of a cat's paw on a bed.


Photo of an orange cat looking down from his perch on a woman's shoulder.


Um, yeah… I think he knows he’s adorable.


Thanks for reading!


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