
Tag: ‘pet photography’

A Chocolate Lab’s First Trip to the Beach

Saturday, March 30th, 2013

Bella is visiting from Missouri, and she had a great first-ever day at the beach! She spent most of the time chasing a new favorite stick, but what I was most impressed by was how she stuck by her parents the whole time. Not many ten-month-old dogs (much less energetic labradors!) have that strong of an attachment already… so I think it’s safe to say that life in Missouri (although beach-less) is very happy for this young pup.


Isn’t she beautiful?

chocolate_lab_beach_1 chocolate_lab_beach_2

She even went in the water to get her stick! So brave! She even got submerged by a big wave at one point, but it hardly even fazed her! (it was actually quite funny for the rest of us…)


Bella, it was so much fun to meet you & your family! Enjoy the rest of your time in Pensacola, and I hope you get to come visit the beach again soon!


Heading to a Photography Conference! (WPPI 2013)

Wednesday, March 6th, 2013

Hey everyone! I thought I’d let you in on what I’ve been up to this week, besides photographing my monthly quota of dachshunds: on Saturday I’m headed to a photography conference! In fact, it’s the biggest international photo conference on the planet! It’s called WPPI, which stands for Wedding & Portrait Photographers International. It’s held around this time every year in Las Vegas (oh yeah!) and this will be my first-ever time going. I’m SO excited! I’ve been to smaller photography conferences before – there’s one called Imaging USA that I’ve attended a couple of times, and WPPI-U which is a much smaller version of WPPI – but this will be my first time at the real thing!


There are two facets (a.k.a. two big reasons) why I’m going. #1 are the classes, in which photographers (who have been around a lot longer than me!) instruct on various topics. Take a look at a tiny picture I found via Google:


Classes are typically several hundred people packed into a ballroom-sized room, so thank goodness for that massive projector. People bring stuff to take notes (I’ll have my iPad in a handy new keyboard case!), and the instructors always include time to answer questions.

Some of the classes I’m attending:

– “Home Base: Running a Successful Home-Based Studio”, because once we move (to who-knows-where) I might be incorporating a meeting area & studio space into our home… eeeee! :)

– “Shoot, Stylize and Social Network with Photoshop CS6”, because even though sometimes I spend all day in Photoshop, I’m sure I haven’t explored half of its capabilities – it’s SO powerful. I’d love to see what other people are doing with the same program. And social networking is definitely not the first thing that comes to my mind with Photoshop… so I figure it’s bound to be an interesting class!

– “Dear Me, Stop Making the Same Mistakes, Love, Future Me”, because how adorable is the name of this class? And everyone’s guilty of repeating their mistakes, so the less I can do that, the better.

– “Wireless Flash & Strobes Tips & Tricks – Both Manual & TTL”, because I have a firm grasp of my speedlights but this seems like a slightly advanced class. The description also said they cover techniques for “fast-paced” situations, and what’s more fast-paced than a dog?

– “Content Marketing & Social Media”, because I’m always looking to improve my marketing. After all, you can’t hire me if you don’t know about me!



Reason #2: the expo! This is the industry’s biggest trade show – actually, “big” doesn’t do it justice. Here are a few photos so you get an idea, again courtesy of Google:

WPPI 2011 | Las Vegas MGM Grand Convention Center






As you can see… it’s kind of a madhouse the size of five football fields! The above photos show just one of the TWO massive ballrooms it takes up! There are hundreds of companies with booths ranging from 10’x10′ to 50’x50′, all trying to get the attention of the thousands of photographers that will be there. Companies include:

– professional labs, so I can make sure I’m using the best-quality printers in the industry

– album printers & binders, which is exactly how I found all the makers of my premium albums

– software makers, that make all types of programs that help all my behind-the-scenes processes operate more smoothly

– equipment suppliers, so I could buy new cameras/lenses/filters if I wanted (like Adorama and B&H)

– financial services, so I can make sure I’m accepting credit cards in the safest & easiest ways

and WAY more! For example, there’s a company I’m looking forward to seeing that exclusively prints photos onto wood. I’ve never seen that before, and it sounds pretty cool! All in all, the expo is a sensory overload of touching & feeling new products, and it lets me make sure that I’m offering and using the BEST of what’s out there. I’ll pretty much be a kid in a candy store! :)  Plus, as you can see in the second-to-last photo above, little mini-classes are given at the bigger booths. So the learning literally never stops. Hey, if I’m flying across the country to attend something like this, I want to make sure that it’s time & money well spent, because it’s a lot of each. I think WPPI will be GREAT!


Oh yeah… and… it’s in Vegas! I don’t know how much time/energy I’ll have for gambling, but you’ll hear if my winnings A) exist, and B) cover a nice dinner out once I’m back in Pensacola! Unfortunately, Ken isn’t coming with me (he said something about applying for jobs being kind of important right now…) so I’ll have to digest all the information I’m about to get on my own. Gah – hopefully it all fits in my head, or at least on my iPad!


Above all, I know this conference will help propel my business forward. The smaller conferences I’ve attended in the past have inspired:

– in-person ordering sessions, instead of online posted galleries, which took my clients’ ordering process from overwhelming & tedious to fun, relaxed & quick

premium albums, which have been one of my most popular products by FAR over the past year

– my mutually beneficial relationships with businesses like 3 Dogs & A Chick, The Spotted Dog, Davis Animal Hospital, Northside Vet Clinic, Parkway Animal Hospital, and more

– and last but not least, the improved quality of my photos and clearer definition of my style, thanks to classes with pet and non-pet photographers.


Literally every part of my business improves when I attend a conference, and I know next week will be the best one yet! I’ll be gone from Saturday – Friday, so you’ll see a bit of “radio silence” in the meantime here on the blog. Hopefully I’ll be able to update the Facebook page with what I’m learning and seeing… leave a note here in the comments if you have suggestions on what to see/do in Vegas, products you’d like me to check out/consider offering, or anything else! Wish me luck – I’ll see ya on the other side! :)


Dachshund Photography: Lucy, Molly, Gracie & Penelope

Monday, March 4th, 2013

More dachshunds! Are you ready for more dachshunds?!


If you recall, yesterday’s blog post was all about Stacy’s lovely pair of senior doxies. Well these four beautiful dogs are owned by Carol & Don – Stacy’s parents! So does that make these dogs… Agnes and Daphne’s… aunts? Hmmm, I’m not sure! Feel free to shed some light on this question in the comments! And to confuse the family ties even more, we have a mother-daughter pair in this group of dogs! So let me introduce you:


On the left is Gracie, a gorgeous longhaired & tricolored doxie. She’s about 3 years old, and was up for exploring every new place! Molly is to the right, and she loved to simply hang out in mom’s lap. She’s Lucy’s daughter…

A longhaired and a shorthaired dachshund play in the grass and sit in her mother's arms.


and here’s Lucy! Isn’t she a cutie too? The girls are practically identical!

A shorthaired dachshund poses against an interesting blue wooden wall.


Much easier to tell apart is Penelope, the puppy of the family – but also the most well-trained! Sit-stays were no problem for her, even though the rest of the girls decided they weren’t going to learn a thing from her example… ha!

A beautiful longhaired dachshund poses against an old brick wall.


Carol & Don, it was wonderful to meet you and your four-legged family! Thanks for making the trip from Panama City and enduring the tundra- I mean, the beach, with me! :)  See you all again soon!

Dog Photography: Two Senior Dachshunds, Daphne & Agnes

Sunday, March 3rd, 2013

I have the pleasure of introducing you to the cutest, littlest grey-faced dogs I’ve met in a long time! This is Agnes and Daphne, and I’m honored that they (and their mom) came all the way from Panama City to have their session! They kept us laughing throughout their session – and whether it was Agnes’ little bow-legs or Daphne’s desire – no, NEED – to investigate the intriguing back room of my studio… I just adore these dogs.


This is Agnes! She was adopted not too long ago, and her mom adjusted her given name from Aggie (couldn’t have that, as an Alabama fan!) to Agnes.




And this is Daphne, who holds a very special place in her mom’s heart – and on her foot! How cool is her tattooed paw print?!



They make an adorable pair, don’t you think?




And finally, an early favorite of mine after giving all the photos a once-over. What lovely emotion in this photo. Session with dogs (especially doxies!) don’t always go as planned… especially when we visit public parks with squirrels and all sorts of interesting distractions… so it’s a good thing my clients are great at rolling with the punches!


Thanks for an absolutely fabulous afternoon, Stacy! Can’t wait to see you all again (very) soon!


A Boxer on the Beach: Jamocha

Wednesday, February 20th, 2013

This happened to be a session that we had to postpone twice, unfortunately – sometimes the weather is just NOT on my side! But Pensacola was pretty foggy in the morning last week, so I promised Jamocha’s parents that waiting for a clear day would be worth the wait… and boy, was it worth it! We simply couldn’t have asked for a more gorgeous morning! You might already be familiar with this sweet boxer girl if you follow the Facebook page, but if not, let me introduce you!

 Her name is Jamocha May, after the delicious Arby’s drink! How cute is that? She’s a gorgeous & energetic young boxer.

A boxer dog runs along beautiful Pensacola Beach, and a close-up of her eye.


Don’t let her great posing skills fool you – it was actually a bit tricky to get Jamocha to lay or sit anywhere on the beach, since she appeared to be scared of the washed-up, dried seaweed laying around! Haha – she practically danced around it for our whole session! What a goofball.

A boxer and her two young parents relax on Pensacola beach.


Joy & Matt, thank you so much for being so patient! I can’t wait to get together again – especially because this time the weather won’t matter! Yay! :)


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