
Tag: ‘pet photography’

Goldendoodle Photography: Luke & Leo

Tuesday, April 9th, 2013

I’m going to start this blog post by showing a photo of these two goofy goldendoodles, Luke & Leo, that illustrates their crazy fun personalities and will (hopefully) help you love them as much as I fell in love with them during our session. Ready?


goldendoodles jumping behind a fence


Haha! :)


Now that their introduction is out of the way, let me tell you a bit about these two goofballs. Luke is the dog on the left below; he’s an adventure-seeker and the more outgoing of the two dogs. Sometimes, I almost got the feeling that he was “in charge” of Leo, the way he would shove tennis balls in Leo’s face, almost demanding that he play with him RIGHT NOW! Leo, on the other hand, is much happier to relax after a quick playtime. He’s a daddy’s boy (so I’m told!), and a little bit more in-tune with what his human family wants him to do. Together, they make an awesome, fun-loving pair and they constantly had me laughing!


goldendoodle dogs

Their family is truly the center of their world… and they love it!

goldendoodles with their family's feet

One more photo, just because it made me smile:

dog nose sticking through fence


What a fun session. How can you not love goldendoodles? I can’t wait to see these boys again soon! :)


Dog Photography: Old Labradors & Young Beagles

Monday, April 8th, 2013

I am so pleased to introduce you to this fun pack of dogs! Comprised of two old labradors and young beagles, I knew it would be a fun session because I enjoy being with these two breeds so much. So I was greeted at their front door by Bailey the beagle’s bark – no, actually, it’s not really a bark. It’s more of a screeching scream that may have once started or ended with a “woof”! Haha! It’s definitely a one-of-a-kind sound, and – I’ll be honest – I jumped a little bit! But Bailey was all talk; turns out he’s a total sweetheart, and so are all his siblings. He and Daisy (both beagles) are 2-3 years old, and both labradors (Rusty and Zoe) are in the 13-14-year-old range. This means that the labs pull rank when they want to, but the beagles can run circles around them – and during our session, they did!

 This is Rusty on the left; he bears a few signs of aging but he’s a happy old sweetheart, mostly content to slowly trundle around the backyard. Bailey’s here on the right.

old yellow labrador and cute beagle


Daisy is the other beagle of the family, and she was nice enough to put on her eyeliner for our session. On the right is Zoe, who was only happiest when she was as close as possible to her mom. Look at those happy floppy ears, and sweet eyes!

beagle and an old chocolate labrador


FAVORITE MOMENT: Up until the end of our session, Rusty was a slow-going wanderer. He wasn’t too keen on listening to commands; just did whatever he wanted, which mostly consisted of watching everyone else run around while tottering around the yard/beach. He got a bit excited for treats, but at that age, it’s a bit difficult to define “excitement”; he pretty much just perked up his ears and followed the treat with his eyes until you eventually gave it to him. Then he’d munch on it and go back to trundling around aimlessly. That’s fine; it’s what he wanted to do. So with almost three hours of this behavior, I kind of figured that that was simply his personality and we wouldn’t get any real “action” out of old Rusty. But we finally let the dogs get in the water at the beach at the very end of our session; they had been good and we knew they’d love getting in. SUDDENLY: Rusty sprang to life! He was jumping, running, flailing around! (Sorry Rus, but you were flailing.) He was a puppy in an old dog’s body! It was incredible! He was FULL of life and joy! And while I’m sure he was sore the next day from his spurt of energy, it was a magical moment. I was so thrilled I was there – both to help create it, and to capture it.

happy old yellow labrador


Rusty, Zoe, Bailey, & Daisy: thank you for a wonderfully fun afternoon. I absolutely can’t wait to see you & your mom again soon!


Have you Ever Seen a Blue Chihuahua?

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013

Photographing rare breeds of dogs is so much fun for me – I love trying new things, and in a way, working with an uncommon breed of dog is a whole new experience. I get to learn their temperament, tendencies, and quirks that are totally unique to that breed. So while this session wasn’t with a new breed, per se, it was definitely a rare sub-category of that breed! You may have heard of blue Weimaraners or blue heelers; I am proud to introduce you to Crescent, a blue chihuahua!

Isn’t she adorable? She’s built like any other chihuahua, but her fur is completely unique!

blue chihuahua

 For the confused: no, she isn’t actually bright blue. If you’re looking for really blue dogs, this will be your best bet.

And let’s not forget Crescent’s sister, Crickett! (She’s definitely the outgoing one between them!)

spaniel mix


I love working with dogs that have completely different personalities. Crickett, in a totally puppy-like way, was running around the park, chasing sticks, sniffing & exploring everywhere. Crescent, on the other hand, was rarely found more than five feet from her mom. Each dog was her own challenge – for Crescent, getting photos with only her in the frame and not mom too; and Crickett, gaining her attention & focus for more than two seconds at a time!

Aren’t they an adorable pair?

two cute dogs in a park


Thanks for a lovely afternoon in the park, you two! See you soon!  :)


New Photo Product: Metal Prints!

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013

I am so thrilled to introduce this gorgeous new product for my photography clients: framed prints on METAL! They’re stunningly gorgeous and I was ridiculously excited after I took my sample out of the massive shipping box… I even did a little happy dance around my office! :)

Wait until you hear about these prints: in them, specialty dyes are infused directly into coated & smoothed sheets of metal. The resulting effect is a super-smooth surface that seems to SHINE from the inside! You can’t see the industrial metal texture underneath; the coating & dyes transform it into a thicker, smoother & stronger version of a regular print. But you can definitely tell it’s not a normal print! I’m telling you… this is jaw-dropping quality.

And the print just wouldn’t look complete without a frame! Since I figured it might be hard for my clients to find a local framer for metal prints (that’s not your average framing job!), each one of these babies already comes with its own frame. The hooks & hanging wire are included too, of course, so it’ll arrive ready-to-hang. That is, after you pick your jaw up off the floor.


Take a look!! And thanks for making this print look extra fabulous, Molly!


Ignore the thermostat… I hung the print up in my house in a place where one of our canvases usually covers that sucker up! :)




Super-smooth texture, and a thick beveled frame.

You can just barely see the thin edge of the metal print here:


These’s just a small space in between the print and the frame; if you get up close, it almost appears to float inside the frame!

(Gah. Thermostat. Next time you’re getting Photoshopped out.)




You’re just going to have to see it in person to take in the glossy, reflective sheen of the print… that’s probably the biggest thing for which pictures just don’t do it justice. And you can see it – in just three days! This baby will be making its debut at Gallery Night this week! Come say hello inside The Spotted Dog anytime after 5 pm on Friday, April 5th. (if you tell me you saw this blog post I’ll be so happy! haha)


Oh, and just so you know: WPPI introduced me to a lot of new things, and this is just one of TWO completely new products to the Allison Shamrell Photography line! So if you want, you can subscribe to the blog to hear about the next new addition as soon as possible. (The subscribe button is in the gray bar at the bottom of this page, on the far left). Yay! It’s a big week! :)


Thanks for reading!


Chaotic Dog Photography with Two Yorkies, a Shih Tzu & an Australian Shepherd

Monday, April 1st, 2013

There are some photo sessions that go incredibly smoothly for me, the dog & the dog’s parents. The dog(s) is/are well-trained, we have beautiful weather, and things just fall into place, making my job easy! (well, maybe not easy, but you get the picture.)

This was NOT one of those sessions! (haha!)

Don’t worry, my session with BJ, Bailey, Bandit & Madison was still tons of fun and we got some great images. But I’m going to be honest here: would I describe it as “easy” for me? Or their parents? Nope! Haha, these pups made me WORK to get the photos I got: BJ the Yorkie is dealing with some possessiveness/jealousy issues, I got the feeling Bandit is only happiest when he’s laying down & relaxing, while Madison the Aussie is ready to play rough with (and sometimes harass) all the other dogs. Let’s just say it wasn’t a boring session, that’s for sure! :) I think everyone (the dogs, their parents & myself) all deserved a nap once we finished with all five (five!) hours of shooting. So let me introduce you to the troublemak- I mean, dogs!

This is Madison, an Australian shepherd puppy that has boundless energy and the cutest, happiest smile I’ve ever seen! Isn’t she completely adorable? The camera loves her and I do too.

happy australian shepherd


We started our session out on the beach, and BJ (left) & Bailey (right) both enjoyed soaking up a few rays. They needed a little coaxing to eventually run around and have fun, but I think they definitely enjoyed their first-ever beach experience!

yorkies on the beach

Bandit really came alive in the studio; he’s a shih tzu and the oldest dog of the bunch. Doesn’t he look good on the gray backdrop?
shih tzu and yorkie in studio


BJ was a bit of a drama-causer during our session, but DANG the boy can pose!! With images like this, I forgive him… :)

yorkie in photo studio


Here’s one more of BJ because it cracks me up: he got slightly possessive over the family kiddie pool. TOO cute for words!

yorkie peeks out at camera


Bandit was more than happy to relax on the bed near the end of our session… we definitely tuckered him out!

a shih tzu lays on a beg


Kelee & Cathy, thank you for a challenge I haven’t had in a long time. Truly! I had a fun morning with your pack and I’m loving the images I’m seeing so far… I can’t wait to come back and show you everything! :)



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