
Tag: ‘pet photography’

Dog Photography in Germany!

Sunday, May 12th, 2013

Oh yes, that’s right… in case you didn’t hear the news on the Facebook page, I spent the last two and a half weeks in Europe! Mostly in Germany, but my husband & I travelled all over: Cologne, Paris, Lake Como, Munich, Hallstatt (Austria) & Prague! It was an INCREDIBLE trip, and you can definitely expect a blog post soon with a bit of travel photography!

For now, though, you’ll have to be content with photos of the tiny town of Kummersbruck, Germany… and the dogs I met there!! :) Sergei, Brenna & Cher are rescued Irish greyhounds, and they live with their parents in a cute (but seriously tiny) village. They often take their evening walk with three local German kids, too! Everyone came out for our session and we wandered around the countryside and their usual walking route. Both my husband Ken & I had an absolutely fabulous time meeting and spending time with all of them! There’s so much I could tell you… but I know you want to see the photos! :)

First, let me introduce you to Brenna. She’s happy to be a lazy greyhound most of the time, but she saved a great little spurt of energy for our session!

destination dog photography


And this is Cher, a blue greyhound. She loved being out in the open! Isn’t she pretty?

irish greyhound


What gorgeous girls.

irish greyhounds in Germany


This big man is Sergei. His parents joke that he’s a mixed breed: part cow! He has SO much personality!

irish greyhound in Germany

Here are all three dogs with their German “siblings”, Constanze, Friederike & Lenni. It was right about this time that Constanze noticed a HUGE rain cloud coming our way… so we hustled back home & out of the storm!

destination dog photography


Words like “fun” and “enjoyable” don’t even BEGIN to describe what an absolute ball we had with our new friends in the little town of Kummersbruck… thank you all, for an unforgettable experience. I’ll talk to you soon, I hope!


Destination Pet Photography

Friday, April 26th, 2013

I have a fabulous client named Deb who has two dogs, a poodle and a cocker spaniel. We’ve had a couple of sessions at a pretty park near Pensacola, but Deb had the inspired idea to do something much more meaningful for her latest session: instead of sticking around town, we visited her lakeside condo at Lake Martin, Alabama! This is a place that’s special to her; it’s her retreat from when life gets too crazy in Pensacola. I absolutely LOVE the idea of taking portraits in a special place with special people/dogs. It’s the perfect combination. With that much that’s valuable to you in one photo, what’s not to love? I’m available for travel & destination sessions wherever would be perfect for you.


Here are a few photos from our time there – we brought Bailey!

lakeside destination pet photography




destination pet photography


dock pet photography



lakeside pet photography



Last but not least, my personal favorite! WHAT a sunset!! This photo will be on a new sample metal print very soon…

lakeside sunset pet photography


If you’d like a travel/destination session in a special place, just fill out the contact form on my website, and I’ll be in touch. I’d be thrilled to visit a place that’s valuable to you.


Personal: I’m going to Europe!

Friday, April 19th, 2013

So guess what! I’m going on vacation!!

It’s been a crazy year and a half in my life, and even more so for my husband. The long story short: he’s a helicopter pilot but he’s getting out of the Navy. So much has happened, so much that we never expected, both good and bad… talk about UPs and DOWNs! So right before he officially becomes a civilian again, we’re going on a trip! To Europe! It’ll be great to explore new things together that aren’t Navy medical policies and review board applications, haha…


poseidon temple sounion


Our itinerary includes Munich, Paris, Prague, Zurich, Lake Como, and Vienna! Maybe more! We’re usually the type to plan out every aspect of our vacation, all the way down to the order of rides we go on at Disneyworld (I know I know, it’s obnoxious), but because of our flight arrangements (or lack thereof), we’ve decided to take the opposite approach! We’re going to rent a car and just drive wherever we want each day – did you know Vienna is only 3 hours from Prague? I’ve actually already visited Munich, Paris & Prague – I studied abroad in college in Toledo, Spain, and that’s when I took the photos you see here.


travel pet photography


I’m sharing this with you because A) I’m WAY excited, and B) I’d like to ask for your help! It would be a dream come true to do a pet photography session in Europe! Imagine: a hunting dog perched at the top of a rolling grass hill in Germany. A St. Bernard walking through a small Swiss village with the Alps in the background. A cute little terrier sitting outside an equally cute French bakery. There are soooo many possibilities!


translation: “Without justice there will be no peace.” “And without God there is no justice.”

destination pet photographer


So here’s my request: will you please share this blog post with your friends/relatives/acquaintances in Europe? Especially if they live in/around one of the cities I mentioned? You never know if they – or one of their friends – might think it’s the perfect time for a photo session with their pets.


traveling pet photographer


We’re leaving TOMORROW – so please don’t hesitate! Please, if you would, send a quick message to your friends/family – include a link to this blog post if you want, or my main website (www.allisonshamrell.com). To book a session, all prospective clients need to do is fill out the contact form here: http://allisonshamrell.com/#/contact/ and then I’ll be in touch! It’s as easy as that!


The blog will be a bit quiet until I get back; I just had time to schedule one more post because I’ve been so busy with packing & preparations. Thanks so much – and get ready for a massive travel photography post when I get back! :)


Destination Pet Photography: Two Dogs at beautiful Lake Martin, Alabama

Wednesday, April 17th, 2013

I know I JUST made a blog post about how much I love working with repeat clients… but it looks like I get to be repetitive this week! (Yay! haha!)

I first met Lola and Sprockett (“Poodle Perfection”) almost two years ago, but unfortunately, Sprockett could not join us for any further sessions. He passed away a few months later, and his mom Deb was (understandably) crushed. He was a GREAT dog and is still sorely missed.

But the new addition to the family wasted no time making himself at home! Barkley is a miniature poodle (just like Sprockett was) and has a BIG attitude! He helps Lola develop trust in other people, and while her unfortunate upbringing will never let her become close with anyone except her mom, she loves having Barkley around. In return, she eats whatever food he leaves unguarded. (ha!)

Deb, their mom, has told me about her condo on Lake Martin in Alabama several times… so I was THRILLED when she decided to have a session there!! She LOVES her condo (and I can see why), and I think it makes perfect sense to have portraits in a place with such great sentimental value. I loved the concept almost as much as I loved actually being there… it was GORGEOUS! I’ll make a blog post with a few sunrise/sunset images soon, but with no further ado, session photos!


This is Lola and Barkley.

poodle and cocker spaniel


 On the dock with Deb…

poodle and cocker spaniel


Could we possibly have had more perfect weather? Nope! Despite a cloudy morning, the sun came out to play!

poodle and cocker spaniel


Deb – I can’t thank you enough for such an enjoyable opportunity. You know I loved spending time with you & your pups… now if we could just do something about that wolverine… :)


Rat Terrier Puppy Photography: Eve!

Thursday, April 11th, 2013

I love doing sessions with repeat clients; it’s so fun to come back and visit a few of the dogs I already know & love! There was a special occasion for this repeat session: a new puppy in the house!! Yay! Longtime blog followers might remember the alphabetical group of small dogs I photographed last year: Arnie, Boomer, Callie & Dottie. Well they have a new little sister, and fittingly, her name is Eve! She’s a rat terrier mix and almost a year old. Her mom rescued her a few months ago, and I was thrilled to meet her this week.

She is SO adorable that I’m going to cut myself off from typing more and let you get to the photos… I LOVE her! :)

rat terrier puppy


 Eve is super-happy and super-motivated, and she fits in perfectly with her new family.

rat terrier in backyard

I know her mom will love this picture! :) She is going to be a little flyball champion one day!

rat terrier running


Cindy, it was wonderful to see you & your pack again – as always. Can’t wait until next week! :)



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