
Tag: ‘pet photography’

A Golden Retriever with his Family: Bachi

Monday, May 20th, 2013

Even though I’m leaving town incredibly soon, I’m still meeting local dogs! Yes, I should probably be packing and beginning to look for a new house in San Diego… but here I am with a camera on my neck! And I am so glad – otherwise I wouldn’t have met Bachi! He’s Beckham‘s friend from Niceville, and for our session we visited a gorgeous dock on the water and Bachi’s favorite neighborhood park. His human siblings were willing to jump in a bunch of the photos, too, which I love – check it out!

We couldn’t have had a more beautiful day! Thanks for cooperating with my tight schedule, weather gods!

golden retriever on dock


 Bachi & his sister Gina are especially close; I love so many of the photos of them together!

golden retriever dog in pretty park


Bachi, I know I tuckered you out during our session… I promise I won’t make you “work” so hard when I come over again this week! :)

Thanks Rosie, Gina & Scott, for an absolutely delightful time! Can’t wait to see you all again soon!


Mixed Breed Dog Photography: Daly’s New Beach House!

Thursday, May 16th, 2013

I’ve said it before and I’ll said it again: I am so lucky to have the clients I have. I couldn’t stop thinking about that during Daly’s session. Her always-fabulous mom Elaine thought it’d be fun to get more photos of Daly at their new beach house, and I was happy to oblige! Any excuse to get on the beach is good enough for me, but it was extra-exciting to see the new house that they were just in the beginning stages of planning when we had our session last year! It’s almost done & they’ll move in soon, but we opted to stay outside for our session – and when you see the view, you’ll know why!


Daly LOVES the tall grasses in her new backyard… she reminded me of a lion hunting in the savanna! (like someone else I know…)

a dog in tall beach grasses

Daly even attempted to recreate her mom’s favorite photo from last time! From the studio to the beach!

mixed breed dog on beach



She is so happy – and so. cute.

happy dog on stairs


Elaine, it was my pleasure, as always – see you soon! :)


Allison Shamrell Pet Photography is Moving to San Diego!

Thursday, May 16th, 2013


relocating pet photography business


It’s a lot of happy and sad. It’s “finally!” and “already?”. It’s been in the making for a very long time… and I can hardly believe the moment is here. My husband accepted a job at an aerospace engineering company yesterday, making the move 100% official. We really are headed to San Diego.

I just announced the move on the Facebook page a few hours ago, and already I’ve been getting questions. I’ll answer a few here:

~  When it’s happening: we’re moving in a WEEK! Not what I would have chosen, but that’s just the way the timing worked out. Of course it’s caused my stress level to skyrocket, but thankfully we (mostly) knew this was coming, so some preparations have already been made. 

~  Am I accepting more sessions here in Florida: unfortunately, no. I REALLY wish I could have warned those people that have contacted me in the past and said “someday I’ll do a session with you!” I just don’t have any room in my tight schedule.

~  Is it a permanent move or just a visit: it’s pretty permanent! We don’t have plans to return to Pensacola right now, except on vacation.

~  Why am I moving: I get to blame this one on my husband! :)  His career field is incredibly specialized (aerospace engineering), and a great company in San Diego offered him a pretty perfect job. We couldn’t say no, especially since he’s getting out of the Navy in just two weeks.

~  Am I going to start the business again in San Diego: YES! I can’t imagine trying to get a different job. I LOVE what I do and I’m hoping it won’t take too long to set up shop again!

If you have more questions for me, just leave a comment below. I’m excited for the future and I hope you are too!

Now… off to start packing…

The Biggest & Smallest Dogs: Honey & Capone

Wednesday, May 15th, 2013

I’m pretty sure these dogs are, respectively, the biggest & smallest pups that I’ve ever worked with: Capone tips the scales at 140 lbs and Honey weighs in at a mere 6! So, naturally, they’re brother & sister! :)

Capone is the big guy, just two years old but definitely beyond the norm in size. Sometimes I think his limbs are so long, he doesn’t have complete control of them – this guy is a goofball! He really kept us laughing with hilarious looks on his face and clumsy antics. I’m sure his parents get a heck of a show at home all the time!

Honey is a 7-year-old poodle/shih tzu mix. (The photo I posted to the Facebook page also evidences her third breed.) While her parents kept trying to tell me that she a can be a total handful, and that she’s lost her welcome to friends’ houses, and how she rarely (if ever) behaves how they want, and that she has NO obedience… I couldn’t help it. I fell in LOVE! Would you just LOOK at that cute face!!

smallest dog

I may steal her during our Ordering Session. No promises.

Here’s the big man – Capone!

a great dane in the woods

Isn’t he handsome?

great dane dog laying down

One more of Capone, just because I love his ears in this photo. They’re like tents!

great dane ears

Kayla & Jason (& Lori), thank you so much for a great session! I had a great time with you all, and I can’t wait to show you the photos! :)


Beach Dog Photography: Schnoodles!

Monday, May 13th, 2013

I had an absolutely PERFECT early-morning session withe these two standard schnoodles, Tux & Lily! This session was a long time in the making, but ended up being completely worth the wait! These dogs are both six years old, and they actually share a biological mother, which I think is pretty darn cool. It was a lot of fun getting to know them & their parents, and I just have a feeling their gallery is going to be extra-big! :)

Lily is on the left, and Tux on the right. It’s almost hard to believe they’re the same breed of dog – they look entirely different! Their fur is really distinguishing: Tux’s is short & in tight curls, but Lily’s is much longer & smoother. We started our session with a bit of playtime in their backyard:

standard schnoodle dogs


 Soon we headed out into the open ocean! (kind of.) They love boat trips! (And I do too – clients that bring me on their boat get extra brownie points for sure, haha!)

schnoodles in a boat


 These dogs can paddleboard!! Tux enjoys it a bit more than Lily… personally, I’m impressed that their dad can handle both of them on one board! We also took a few family photos…

paddleboarding dogs


 … between crazy spurts of energy! There was a LOT of running & playing with these two!

dogs jumping through water


Lisa & Bill, I had an absolutely wonderful morning with you! Thank you so much for the boat ride and your flexibility in planning around the weather. Can’t wait to see you all again soon!



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