
Tag: ‘pet photography’

Bailey in San Diego

Friday, June 14th, 2013

So, I feel like I haven’t written many blog/Facebook posts lately. Or at least not a proportionate amount compared to all the activity that’s going on over here! To tell you the truth, I’ve been working hard doing lots of “behind-the-scenes” things, like getting ready to make friends with other San Diego pet-related business owners, meeting other local pet photographers, and exploring the local neighborhoods to get a feel for what’s where. And while I haven’t been meeting lots of new dogs lately, like I normally do when sessions are in full swing, I’ve been spending plenty of time with Bailey. I love my girl so much – she just turned 4 on Monday! It was a great day and we didn’t have the slight fiasco of Birthday #3. We even spent the weekend with her doing extra-special fun things, like visiting the Coronado Dog Beach and joining my extended family in Los Angeles for a barbecue!


 I would post a new photo of Bailey at Coronado, but in the moving chaos, I can’t find my card reader. GAH. So here’s an oldie but a goodie :)

san diego dog socialization


However, I have a confession to make.


In the first year we had Bailey, I’d like to think we did a pretty great job at socializing her. When we adopted her, she was 6 months old – found in the middle of nowhere when she was 4 months old – and we took her to the dog beach most Sundays, constantly met other dogs on our walks, and generally took her with us whenever we could. She was a happy, social dog!


But after that first year, we moved farther away from that dog beach, and pretty far (a solid 25-minute drive) from dog parks too. We were lucky enough to move into a neighborhood with several playful dogs, and Bailey got along fabulously with them! But those dogs became 95% of her dog-to-dog interactions. I’ll admit it – we got lazy. With long walks in a neighborhood where we could let her off-leash and run, what could possibly be wrong with a few less trips to the dog beach? So we thought.


san diego social dog


Bailey has been stressed since we moved: she spent 3 whole days in a car, and we’d never boarded her before but she spent almost a week at Bark Boulevard while we visited Portland. So who can blame her for being stressed? But I’ve noticed in the trips that we’ve taken to San Diego dog parks so far that she’s not getting along with other pups as well as she used to. And maybe a dog behaviorist can help me out with the “why” behind this, but she seems to be quite particular about other dogs that she simply doesn’t like. And then she gives them a hard time: barkling, growling, snarling, etc. She never attacks – my gosh that would be horrible! – just makes it very clear that the other dog is not her friend.


It doesn’t happen often; probably with 5% of all the dogs she meets. If that. I certainly don’t mean to say that she’s lost all her social skills! She usually loves to meet other dogs, and she typically plays just fine with new friends! But every dog parent wants their pup to be social and sweet with everyone they meet… And as much as I’d like to play innocent and say “I have no idea why she’s like this all of a sudden”, I’m pretty sure all the evidence is right in front of me. Less socialization over the past couple of years. Stress of moving across the country and all the chaos that comes with it. In general, just less-than-ideal situations for my girl.


san diego dog

I feel guilty for how things have gone, so I’m making San Diego a new beginning! I’ve resolved to take Bailey out to dog parks and beaches MUCH more often than I used to! And since San Diego is incredibly dog-friendly, we can take her out to restaurants and more places too! It’s going to be great; we’ll get to spend more time with her and hopefully she’ll decide that more & more dogs are her friends. I’ll keep you updated on how it goes; I know nothing will happen overnight but I’m trying to create a pattern of lots of positive interactions. Hopefully my knowledge of dog psychology will help the process along.


I’ll always respect Bailey’s limits. I can promise you that. But until she tells me she’s had enough, I’m going to socialize the crap out of her. :)


A Few Overdue Photos

Friday, June 7th, 2013

In all the craziness last month of learning that my family would be moving to San Diego – and then making the move incredibly quickly after that – I had to do a few things differently than normal. Part of that included staying up WAY late to finish edits & submitting client orders, and another part was packing up our house for the movers to come. (moving a house = not easy; moving a house + business = akfhjdsamvfdknsd!!!) I even photographed sessions mere DAYS before literally driving away from our house for the last time… so, needless to say, all the meticulous editing I do for every client would simply have to wait until I could breathe again!

Now that I’m finally here & beginning to settle in San Diego, I have time (and not at 3 am!) to give these clients’ photos the attention they deserve. So this blog post is kind of like a second sneak peek for each of these families; they’ve been incredibly patient with me at this crazy time in my life, and I can’t wait to show them their entire galleries! They’ll be done very soon, but in the meantime, I thought another couple of photos would be fun to share!


Here’s Areli, striking a pose on the beach – just minutes after his parents got engaged!

canaan dog on beach



Ghost, handsome as ever.

white German shepherd



Here’s Monty, tearing after his ball!

golden retriever chasing ball



… eventually we let him take a breather on the dock. He earned it!

golden retriever on dock


Like I said, I can’t wait to release your galleries – very soon! Thanks again for your patience – I think the photos will be worth the wait! :)


We Made It to San Diego!

Thursday, May 30th, 2013

As many of you know, I announced that my family would be moving to San Diego, California not too long ago. Well, it’s been a whirlwind, but we safely made it out here! And in way less time than I would have thought possible!

(Are you ready for a blog post full of iPhone photos? Try not to cringe – you know I don’t do this to you very often!!)


We packed our car FULL and set off on the open road… Bailey was excited to go!



Of course, after a while, the excitement faded. (for all of us, haha!)



We drove over several state lines… this one was the first…



 We spent parts of three different days in Texas. This was my breakfast for the last day, and it wasn’t even at a Texas-themed restaurant. We had a basic hotel continental breakfast… but state pride runs deep.



And then… finally… we made it!! Practically our first stop was the Del Mar dog beach! Bailey was THRILLED to get the heck out of the car. I posted another photo on the Facebook page that shows a bit more of the dog beach… she LOVED it there! There are more dog beaches to explore, but we’re definitely coming back to this one!



We also took a trip the next day to the Rancho Penasquitos dog park, which is located right near where we’re temporarily staying (before we find a more permanent house).  Apparently the “panorama” feature on iPhones turns moving dogs into 8-legged monsters, haha!



I’m sure I’ll have MUCH more to tell you as I explore San Diego with Bailey. And prettier, non-iPhone photos, too! This is the start of something great, I can just feel it. Thanks for reading & stay tuned! :)


My Last Session in Florida: Monty the Gorgeous Golden Retriever

Saturday, May 25th, 2013

I suppose it’s pretty fitting that my very-last session in the Pensacola area was with a golden retriever. After all, they’re the breed I’ve photographed most in my career! And Monty (short for “Montana”) is definitely one of the most gorgeous goldens I’ve ever met; he is ridiculously handsome! He’s a “golden” golden retriever, not a red, but I just couldn’t get enough of that rich-colored, super-fluffy coat. And Monty’s a snuggler, so his soft fur was never far from me or his parents! Monty also has incredible obedience skills; he and his dad have worked hard on various commands and recall, and I think it really paid off in our session – he was willing to do just about anything we asked! Which made my job even more easy and fun than usual! :)

Here’s Mr. Handsome. Look at that FACE.

handsome golden retriever with parents


We played fetch for a while, and his parents forgot to tell me about his built-in rocket boosters. Seriously; Monty’s dad was in aviation maintenance at Eglin and I think he may have brought a few toys home from work and strapped them to his boy’s legs. This dog is FAST! Here are just a couple of action photos; there are many more! I think their final gallery may be half action, haha!

golden retriever chasing ball


Monty, just stop it. You’re too gorgeous.

handsome golden retriever


I wish I could see Monty & his parents again, but San Diego is calling… still, I can’t wait to release his gallery! Thanks for being such a wonderful last Florida session, Monty! You’ll always have a special place in my heart. :)


Rare Dog Breeds: A Canaan Dog & White German Shepherd

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

My clients braved the heat this week (summer JUST got here, apparently) and we enjoyed a fun session all around the Pensacola area! We started in Milton, near NAS Whiting Field where Travis is stationed, and then headed down to a pretty park in Pensacola, and finished up at NAS Pensacola where Courtney is stationed! It was especially memorable for me for two reasons: one, I love working with rare breeds of dogs. Areli (pronounced “uh-RELL-ee”) is a Canaan dog, which is a breed I’ve never met before, let along photographed; and Ghost is a white German shepherd, with absolutely stunning eyes. And reason number two… well, the last photo should be a decent explanation! :)


 Ghost with his dad, Travis

white german shepherd


 Areli the Canaan dog (and a great poser!) 

canaan dog


Love this.

rare dog breed family



surprise wedding proposal with dogs


I can’t believe I got to photograph a proposal!! Travis was so sneaky he didn’t even tell me it was coming! Courtney said yes, of course! Congrats, you two! I can’t wait to share the rest of the photos with you soon! For now… happy wedding planning! :)



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