
Tag: ‘pet photography’

Corgi Photography: Milan & Harley in Rancho Santa Fe, San Diego, CA

Saturday, March 15th, 2014

I am so thrilled to introduce you to Milan & Harley, the cutest little corgis in all of California! These dogs live a carefree, happy life with their parents in the Rancho Santa Fe area of San Diego. And if you could see their big house & beautiful yard to play in, I’m pretty sure you’d agree: they won the canine lottery! These are two lucky dogs, and they’re full of personality to boot. I absolutely loved getting to know them both (and their parents) during our session the other day.

 This is Milan! She’s a 13-week-old corgi puppy that loves to run around & play – not to mention exercise those sharp puppy teeth, haha! (Did you see her photo on the Facebook page? She was a big hit!)

cute corgi photography


 And she’s completely won over both of her parents! See, she even helps her dad work in his office!

corgi puppy photography

And of course, we can’t forget Milan’s handsome older brother Harley. He wasn’t too sure at first about his parents’ decision to bring a new puppy into the household, but now he & Milan are best buds! Plus, he lets her know when to calm down, already. :)

corgi photography


Look at that happy face! Harley is such a good-lookin’ boy.

happy corgi photography

Kelley & Paul, thank you so much for a fabulous session! I can’t wait to show you the rest of your photos – I’ll see you soon! :)

A Client’s Perspective on her Pet Photography Experience

Wednesday, March 12th, 2014

Today on the blog, it’s my honor & absolute pleasure to introduce you to my friend Lori! She lives where I started my business, Pensacola, FL, and she started out as my client – but several years (and sessions) later, she’s become a true friend. She graciously agreed to write a guest post for me – not as a business owner or pet-industry professional like Norma at Earthwise Pet Supply or Elyse at Awesome Doggies – but as herself, as a pet owner, simply to provide you with an honest client’s perspective. My past clients know exactly what the Allison Shamrell Photography experience entails, and I hoped that if she told her story, prospective future clients would better understand what their experience might be like, and maybe even help them decide whether booking a session with me is the right choice for them. So check out what Lori has to say! 


client's perspective


As the proud owner of 2 great yellow Lab boys, I was on the prowl for a professional photographer who was willing (and able) to take their photos. My 14-year-old Buford would be a snap, he’d posed for my attempts for years and he was comfortable with the routine.  His arthritis and hearing loss would be his only challenges.  The real issue was finding someone who could catch Rio, who was only a little older than 2 at the time, basically a 110lb toddler.   I had tried an indoor only / family photographer and while the photos were fun, I wasn’t really into the dressing up stuff – I could do that at home.  Then I found a natural light photographer but she specialized in infants and children, so the photos were just lacking that special “something”.


client testimonial


In early 2011 I saw a random flyer at my vet’s office advertising a pet photographer.  The photos on the flyer were fun, indoor and outdoor – I jotted down the website and soon after found myself surfing the website of Allison Shamrell Photography.   Honestly, I was hesitant when I saw the prices but I decided I would buy a package, just use the print credit for photos and be done.

Allison met me in downtown Pensacola where we visited parks, fountains, the historic district and her studio.  At first I was kind of uncomfortable, I didn’t know what to expect and how it was going to work out having both dogs there at once.  It took about 2 minutes to see this was going to be a great experience!  “Just let Buford do what he wants to do, I’ll work from there”    “Is Buford ok to walk over to the fountain, or should we let him rest and we can work with Rio?”   Allison was up on brick walls, lying on the pavement, kneeling for sloppy kisses from Rio and loving on my old Buford dog (a sure way to my heart).   The dogs had a great time and so did I!


client perspective


A couple of days after our session, I saw the sneak peek photos and was floored with the way Buford’s sweet smile was captured just right, and how even when he behaved you could see the spark in Rio’s eyes.  When it came time to order, Allison showed me samples of each product she had available and I was fascinated with the quality and variety! Fortunately, her patience extended past dogs on to their people, because I kept her hostage for hours.  I was so indecisive!


client's past experience


My orders came in and each delivery was more exciting than the last!  I had canvas wraps and portrait prints, storyboards…. Some went on the wall and some propped on the dresser in my room.


Fast forward to early morning, May 24, 2011.  I sat on the floor of the vet’s office with Buford who had stopped eating.  He was disoriented and his eyes told me he was done.  A month shy of his 15th birthday, I kissed my best friend’s grey fuzzy face for the last time. 


past client perspective


When I got home, my first response was to go to the computer and watch the video of our session with Allison over and over again.  I posted on Facebook and Allison was one of the first to reply with her condolences.  I wanted just the right photo to post of my old man, something to do justice to his quiet, gentle dignity.  I chose a photo from the park, where Allison had let Buford lay down to rest and she took photos of him while he was there.


I had more photos of Rio done, this time with my parent’s terrier Rags.  When I had 2 new dogs join the family, they had their sessions as well (and that little dachshund – well, he was 100% proof Allison can get a great photo of pretty much any dog!).   After Buford passed away I knew I couldn’t miss another opportunity to have the “just right” photo of my dogs.  I take some pretty decent pictures, but I wanted to “feel” the texture of their coats, see that look in their eyes that was specific to each dog (“smiley Riley” “bad Frank” etc).   Almost 3 years later, all of my photos from all (5?) of my sessions with Allison are on my living room wall or those of my parents.  And Buford still holds front and center. 


The image on Lori’s canvas.
a client's perspective


Now that Allison has moved completely across the country, I find myself in a bind with my newest dog, Lucy. I don’t have “real” photos of her! It’s different this time, because I am not looking for that “something” in a photographer – Allison set my expectations and I know exactly what will meet my needs – I want a photographer who is confident enough in their work to have a pre-session meeting with samples of their galleries and products, but who is humble enough to lay in the grass with an old dog; I am looking for someone with the patience to help me round up a rebel dachshund after he chews through his leash, but with the time management to get my orders to me in a reasonable fashion. After browsing some photographer sites and blogs, I still find myself emailing Allison invitations to come back just for one more session. 


– Lori E.



Lori, thank you for such an eloquent description of your experience with me. (I still can’t believe Frank chewed through his leash during that session!) If I ever get the chance to visit Pensacola, you’ll be one of the first people I call. :)  I hope this story was helpful to you if you’re considering commissioning me or any other pet photographer for a custom session! My session pricing is listed here, and you can contact me here. Thanks for reading Lori’s story. :) 


The Marley Story

Monday, February 10th, 2014

I’m absolutely thrilled to introduce you to a special personal project of mine: The Marley Story. Inspired by one of my very favorite books, you’ll probably recognize a few scenes of the story – whether you’ve seen the movie, read the book, or your own dog has gotten into similar trouble! So without further ado, sit back, relax & enjoy.


Go ahead – click on it to enter “full screen” mode. It’s more fun that way.



I wanted to tell this story in pictures for two reasons. Firstly, I took it on as a creative personal project to stretch my storytelling skills. This project was very different from a normal photo session, and it was challenging in all sorts of ways. I could feel myself growing both photographically and as an album designer, both of which will benefit my future clients in the long run. As I’ve said before, photography is my way of telling stories, and I believe I’ve become a better storyteller through this project. And secondly, I wanted to tell this story because it’s simply so universally relatable. Every single person I know has a dog, has had a dog, or has stories about dogs they’ve known in their lives – and I think you could say the same. Marley the dog lived a life with perhaps a few more dramatic moments than some pets, but at the end of the day, there’s something wonderfully familiar & comforting about telling stories about a dog who is truly part of the family. And in my opinion, there are fewer better purposes to stories than to evoke comfort & happy memories.


I hope this story brightens your day and, if you have a dog, makes you want to give them a hug! :)


If you’re a first-time visitor to my blog, welcome! Feel free to take a look around! You can also visit my main website by clicking here, or connect with me on Facebook or Pinterest as well. I’d be honored if you choose to share this story with your friends & family, either by posting it to social media or – even better – gathering around the screen & experiencing it together.


“A dog has no use for fancy cars or big homes or designer clothes. Status symbol means nothing to him. A waterlogged stick will do just fine. A dog judges others not by their color or creed or class but by who they are inside. A dog doesn’t care if you are rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his.”

– John Grogan

My Pet Photography Journey in 2013: Looking Back

Wednesday, January 8th, 2014

I know, I know, another “reflections on 2013” post. I bet you’ve heard friends, family members & businesses you keep up with say things like “thank you for your support” and “I’m so grateful for everything in 2013” and “I’m SO ready for 2014” until you can hardly handle all the gratitude, haha. I’m in the same boat… so I have a very different “year in review” post for you today – but it’s not because I don’t agree with those statements in quotes. I do, I really do – but I’d prefer to explain why to you in a real, honest story rather than a pithy, abstract promise. So here we go.


pet photography 2013


In May of 2013, Mr. Shamrell & I packed up our house in Pace, Florida. In June we jumped in the car & drove 1,643 miles on the I-10 W freeway, and then another 354 on the I-8. We arrived in San Diego. And there, completely isolated from my past clients, partnership businesses, and literally everything I knew about pet photography, I was expected to start over and re-build a successful business.

Okay – the pity party’s over.


pet photography reflections


Re-establishing Allison Shamrell Photography (and my personal self-confidence) has been tough in ways I didn’t expect, but I’ve become a better business owner with smarter business policies because of it. I’m happy in San Diego – so are Bailey & Mr. Shamrell – and business-wise, moving has turned out to be an obstacle but definitely not a roadblock. I’ve done what I can to keep my reputation strong, even though I started here without one, really. And since June, pretty much everything has been going great… until (and I hate to get dramatic here, but really) every photographer’s worst nightmare happened to me.

After a lovely session in Ocean Beach in mid-December, with a super-nice client and beautiful dogs, I experienced memory card failure. All of a sudden, a card which had worked perfectly for the entire session – indeed, for the entire year – could not be accessed. To say “my heart sunk” or “my stomach dropped” or any other organ-descending metaphor would be a vast understatement… I was terror-stricken. In fact, I immediately started crying. And after taking it to a local data recovery specialist company, who worked on the card for 48 hours straight and answered my 8th “just checking in” call in 2 days to say they couldn’t recover the photos either, I cried again. And I made the phone call that photographers have nightmares – literally, nightmares – about making, through my tears, explaining to my client’s unsympathetic voicemail box that the photos of her & her dogs were gone. And while it wasn’t an emergency session, or a session for which people traveled from across the country specifically to be there for, or a session for which we didn’t know if the dog would be able to hold on to life long enough for a second chance… it was still full of happy memories. Happy memories that had evaporated into technological no-man’s land, never to be gotten back. And my tears flowed.


pet photography reflections


I’m telling you this story not because I want you to think I’m an emotional basket-case, haha. (Normally, I’m actually very even-keeled, and it’s hard to get me worked up emotionally over most things.) Technological failure is inevitable, on any/every device, including digital memory cards. Any photographer who says your photos are 100% safe is lying to you. (sorry to break it to you.) All the odds were on my side, I was using the best brand (and highest quality) memory card in the industry, and it had never happened to me before – indeed, it happens to most pros only once (if ever) in their careers. In fact, there was literally nothing I could have done to prevent or foresee what happened. The card recovery specialist agreed. So why take you through this sob story?

It’s because that’s truly what it was – a sob story. I had a good hard cry when I realized what had happened. But it wasn’t until afterwards that I realized why I was crying; it’s because I knew the gravity of what losing those photos meant. To compare, I could rewind the clock back 3 years, back to the beginning of my business, and pretend this might have happened back then instead. And I can tell you exactly how I would have felt: upset, sure, and inconvenienced. Peeved. I wouldn’t have been too terribly concerned about my reputation – God knows I didn’t hardly have one to protect way back then! So it would have been upsetting. But in the time that passed between December 2010 & December 2013, I’ve met dogs that are truly their owners’ best friends. Dogs that have passed away shortly after our session together. Dogs that fight cancer & miraculously go into remission. Dogs who help their owners through disease, divorce, and terrible times, all with a wagging tail. I’ve been told that my work is the best memory some clients have of their pets; that it lessens their grief & that it was the best money they’d ever spent. I’ve created fun, even hilarious memories, and images that represent lifelong friendships. I’ve given my clients photos that could literally never be re-created, and for which they tell me they’ll always, always be thankful. So that’s why, a couple of weeks ago, I wasn’t “peeved”. I was heartbroken. Devastated. Literally inconsolable. Because I know what my job truly means.


pet photography reflections


Turns out, this story has a happy ending. My client (my incredible, generous, forgiving, grace-filled client) understood that technical difficulties can happen, and we were able to schedule a re-shoot for just a couple of days later. She loved the new photos, and we even got her Christmas cards out in time. I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again: I have the best. clients. ever.  Perhaps that’s a kind of result of being in business for three years; I have the kind of clients that transcend the “business” relationship we begin from & more often than not they turn out to be friends, because we simply get along so well. When I work with people who love their dogs as much as I care about my Bailey, people that treasure moments & memories & feelings they never want to forget, people that share my values, it’s no surprise – because it’s easy to get along. And I’ve had the privilege to work with these people more in 2013 more than ever before. They make my day with little gestures (things like extra notes of thanks, and posting my photos on social media) and also with big gestures, like saying the statements in the previous paragraph. I hope those statements don’t seem braggy on my end, by the way; I copied them here because they’re actual statements that actual people have told me, and I wouldn’t have posted them unless I knew they were true. If anything, it’s the knowledge of their truth that fuels me every day, to be honest with you, because as fun as it is when someone makes my photo their profile picture on Facebook, it’s infinitely more meaningful when I’m told how valuable sessions have become to my clients years later. It’s rewarding as a photographer, because I know my work has a place in history (even if it’s just one family’s history). And more importantly, it’s rewarding as a person, because I know the happiness & warmth my clients & friends feel when they look back. So yes, I’m convinced I have the best clients I could ever ask for – including my one-and-only re-shoot client, bless her heart – and I’m incredibly proud to have a career that adds value to their lives considering all the value they add to mine.

So I suppose this is the moral of the story: I’m sharing this with you (even though it’s painfully honest & a bit embarrassing) because once the horror of the loss subsided, it made me realize how much I’ve grown as a business owner & service provider. If anything, it even gives me a little bit of extra confidence going into the new year, because this incident – shall we call it The Memory Card Fiasco of 2013? – proved beyond a shadow of a doubt the importance & significance of what I do, and how seriously I take that responsibility. I don’t just take pictures of dogs. I’m a memory-keeper; a creator & commemorator of beautiful moments in relationships. Really, what could be more meaningful?


pet photography reflections


So now, moving forward after having survived December (and the rest of the 3+ years I’ve been in business), I urge you to adopt a new New Year’s Resolution that you may not have thought of before. Get photos taken of you & your loved ones. Not iPhone snapshots, not pictures with a pocket camera wherein you’re missing from every photo, and certainly not selfies. I’m urging you to hire a professional you trust. Maybe you have a dog but I’m not the photographer for you – that’s okay! Maybe you have dogs and I am the photographer for you – great! Maybe you read this blog but don’t have pets, but you do have a husband, a friend, a partner, a child, or someone else that means the world to you. Go, look up the specialist photographers in your area (it’s way fun to do, trust me) and book a session for sometime this year. I don’t care if you have 15 more pounds to lose; if your photographer is worth his/her salt you’ll love the photos he/she takes of you anyway. I don’t care if you’re busy; schedule it for August. I don’t care if you’ve never been professionally photographed; find a photographer you can really relate to and treat it as an experience with a friend. I don’t care if you can’t make a big investment in your photos; prioritize & budget for just a few prints, or find a photographer who’s still building their portfolio. Just get out there & get in front of someone’s camera with the one(s) you love. Because – I promise you – you’ll value those photos so much more as time passes, so much more than you envision yourself valuing them right now, and one day you’ll look back & realize the happy moments in them can’t be re-created. And you’ll be deeply, deeply grateful to yourself for booking that session.


So here’s to 2014. I’m raising a glass to continuing to work with the best people & dogs out there, and continuing to grow as a business owner & person. Thanks for joining me along the way.


From San Diego to Portland: Rudy the Basset Hound

Friday, January 3rd, 2014

If you saw my previous post about Lucy the newfoundland mix, then you already know where I spent my Christmas: Portland, Oregon! It’s where I’m from, originally, and although the idea of a sunny San Diego Christmas was veerrrryyyyy tempting, Mr. Shamrell & I made the 2-day trek up I-5 to be back home with family in the (chilly) northwest. And while some people take vacations to get away from work, I love the opportunity to work while on vacation! So I was thrilled to be able to meet Rudy the basset hound a few days after Christmas! He lives on the outskirts of Portland, in Beaverton – in an area that some might call “the Pearl of Beaverton” – and his parents are engaged to be married! How exciting is that?! (Even if you can’t see the excitement on Rudy’s face, trust me… he’s pumped.)

I thought Rudy the basset hound might have been named after the Notre Dame football player, but it turns out, Rudy is actually named after Rudy Fernandez, the Portland Trail Blazer! Since I’m a Notre Dame fan and a Blazers fan, I love it either way! haha! And I suppose it’s fitting that his namesake is a famous athlete – because believe it or not, Rudy goes running with his dad! On a regular basis! A basset hound!! I could hardly believe it, but his parents promised me it was true – and so of course we had to get some running photos with Rudy’s big ears swinging & short legs flying! But for now, let me introduce you to (the stationary version of) Rudy:

basset hound photos

Don’t you just adore his big eyes? And his dashing scarf!



Oh Rudy… you kill me.



Josh & Lisa, thank you so much for the opportunity to work with the most handsome basset hound this side of the Mississippi – I had a simply fabulous time during our session & I hope you did too! (And Lisa, you’re a total trooper for braving a cold to come outside with us!) Talk to you both soon! :)


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