
Tag: ‘pet photography’

Coronado Pet Photography: Marty, Sally & Tag!

Monday, April 7th, 2014

For this fabulous Coronado pet photography session, I knew three shelties would be my subjects – and since they’re all the same breed, I was a bit nervous about being able to tell them apart, to tell you the truth! But as soon as I walked up to their front yard – and all three of them announced to the world that I was there with nonstop barking! – I knew I wouldn’t have any problems figuring out who was who! It’s not possible to mix up these dogs; for all being the same breed, each one of them is incredibly unique! Marty, the biggest, has the darkest coloring and the most outgoing personality. Sally, the medium-sized and light-colored girl, is a total cutie – just don’t approach her on wheels! (She has a “thing” against skateboards, bikes, and basically anything on wheels… it’s a good thing I left my rollerblades at home.) And Tag, the littlest one of the bunch, was rescued from an abusive situation (poor thing – he’s an absolute sweetheart) and so he has very different fur than his brother & sister. It doesn’t grow quite right – but that’s okay, he makes up for it with adorable floppy ears! :)

And just to prove that you won’t have any trouble telling them apart either, I’m going to mix it up for this sneak peek blog post: instead of featuring the dogs individually, I’m going to show you all their group photos instead! These dogs take a great family portrait, haha!

Can you tell which dog is which from my descriptions?

cute coronado dogs


We even got them together on the pitcher’s mound! These dogs’ human brothers are avid baseball players – and incredibly talented ones, from what I hear – so this family spends plenty of time around baseball fields every day. We figured it was only fitting to let the dogs have their moment on the diamond!

coronado pet photography

The real showstopper, of course, was the Coronado Ferry Landing. What Coronado pet photography session would be complete without getting a few photos with the San Diego skyline in the background? It was an absolutely gorgeous spot, and as a little bonus for me, all the dogs were on their best behavior! (Okay, if you’re still not sure: Marty is on the left, Tag in the middle, and Sally is on the right in this photo!)

coronado pet photographs



Brenda, thank you for spoiling me with your ridiculously well-behaved dogs! I had a great time with all of you, and I’ll talk to you soon! :)

Del Mar Dog Photos: Chase the Bearded Collie!

Thursday, April 3rd, 2014

There’s a beautiful story that accompanies these Del Mar dog photos. Chase is a happy-go-lucky bearded collie who, at nine years old, keeps her mom company out in the San Diego desert, where they live. She doesn’t get to come visit the beach very often, but recently, she’s been staying with her human “sister” Haley in Carlsbad, and trips to the beach are becoming much more frequent! Even though she misses her mom (she even “sulked” on her sister’s patio her whole first day in Carlsbad!), she’s adjusting to a new pace of life here on the coast for the time being. Because what Chase doesn’t know is that, unfortunately, her mom was recently diagnosed with cancer. So Haley happily introduced Chase to her house in Carlsbad, to give their mom plenty of rest following a recent surgery. Now, I’m thrilled to report that that surgery went really well! That means Chase’s mom is on the road to recovery (yay!) and Chase will be back with her in a few weeks – double yay! But for the time being, Haley & Chase are spending some extra time together as sisters – and what better get-well gift could they give their mom than photos from a photo session? We enjoyed a lovely romp in the park in Del Mar, and the light was absolutely perfect for us. Take a look!

 I’m told that bearded collies (“beardies”) are typically low-energy, lazy dogs. So… did someone forget to tell that to Chase?? This girl is a serious athlete – and nothing, nothing gets her going like her tennis ball!

del mar dog photos


I know this post is about Del Mar dog photos, but can you believe this sunset? Oh wait – it’s this beautiful every day in Del Mar. Sigh.

pretty del mar picture


  What beach photo session would be complete without a sopping-wet dog? Chase definitely loves the water – in fact, her favorite thing to do is plop herself down right in the surf!

del mar dog photo


Chase, thank you for being your hilarious, comedic self! Haley, thank you for a super-fun session – something tells me we’re going to have a LOT of photos in your gallery! :)


Marley the San Diego American Staffordshire Terrier

Tuesday, April 1st, 2014

The American Staffordshire Terrier is one of those breeds that people aren’t always sure about. Is it a terrier, even though it’s so big? Is it a pit bull, even though it has a different name? Well, if I learned anything from my recent photo session with Marley the American Staffordshire Terrier, I can tell you this much: they’re beautiful, patient, sweet dogs that are completely dedicated to their owners! Marley is a 9-year-old Amstaff mix here in San Diego, and I absolutely loved photographing her because she was up for anything! She’s incredibly calm, just content to be close to her mom – and by “close” I mean “right next to and literally on top of her if at all possible”! She kept me laughing, every time she crawled into her mom’s lap and did her best to take off alllllll her makeup with licks & kisses. It was absolutely adorable!

We started our session in the studio – and I’m loving Marley’s deep brindle color against the black background! Not to mention her inquisitive look, as if she’s saying “Mom? Am I doing this right?”

staffordshire terrier

Then we visited Marley’s house, where it was promptly time for belly rubs on the bed. Obviously.

san diego staffordshire terrier


… and belly rubs were soon followed by snuggles on the couch. I’m telling you, this is one snuggly dog! (Is that an American Staffordshire Terrier trait too?) And doesn’t she look pleased with herself?

san diego staffordshire terrier


Later that afternoon, though, the clouds rolled in and things weren’t looking too pretty outside. But Marley loves the beach, and we knew a few photos in the sand would be the perfect way to finish our session – so we waited a couple of days until the sky cleared up and gave us a pretty, sunny background! It was definitely worth the wait! (This is one of several reasons why I limit the number of sessions I book per month… because being flexible according to the weather is so important to make sure my clients get the best-looking photos possible! This image just wouldn’t be the same with gray sky & gray water.)

San Diego amstaff terrier

Yeah…  worth. the. wait.

pit bull amstaff


Sarah, I’m so excited to show you the rest of our photos! Give Marley a hug for me in the meantime, and I’ll talk to you soon! :)


Chewie the San Diego Schnauzer Mix! (Lake Murray Park)

Monday, March 31st, 2014

As soon as I rang the doorbell, I heard a cacophony of barking & yipping from inside the condo – and as soon as the door opened, I was bombarded by the paws & tongues of two adorable schnauzer mix dogs! Haha! Chewie & Max are little terrier/schnauzer mixes, and I practically had to do a double take when I saw them both – because although they’re not biological siblings, they look SO much alike! It’s almost uncanny… but despite the resemblance, our session was going to be all about Chewie, since Max & his mom were given a surprise photo session with another photographer when they visited San Francisco a while back – and they didn’t want Chewie to be jealous of all his brother’s time in the spotlight! So we “balanced” things out with a session that took place inside their condo, as well as right out their back door to the nature trails of Lake Murray! I loved being able to shoot in a place that’s so personal to them; they often go on walks on the trails and the dogs were completely comfortable there. And of course, they were totally at ease in their house too – they might have fallen asleep on the beds if it weren’t for their rapt attention to the treats in my hand, haha! Take a look!


Oh Chewie – I just love your face!

schnauzer mix on bed


Here are the handsome brothers together! What do you think – are they more terrier or more schnauzer mix?

schnauzer mix dogs

Chewie loves sniffing (and marking) everywhere on the Lake Murray trails – we even let him loose for a bit of exercise!

schnauzer mix at lake murray


Chris & Amy – thank you so much for a great session. I can’t believe it was months in the making! I’m excited to see you both again soon!

Point Loma Pet Photography with Teddy & Haley, Aussies

Wednesday, March 19th, 2014

I had a very good feeling about this Point Loma pet photography session before we even started. I’m not sure why – maybe it was because it’d be my first session with my brand-spanking-new 70-200mm lens? Maybe it was because this was my first session in Sunset Cliffs, an absolutely gorgeous location? Maybe it was because my client is one of the groomers at Awesome Doggies?

Whatever the reason, this session definitely lived up to my high hopes! We had a fabulous time and each dog’s personality really shines through in their photos… so without further ado, let me introduce you to Haley & Teddy!

They’re thrilled to meet you! haha!

point loma dogs photography


This is Teddy; he’s a 5-year-old Australian shepherd and a total mama’s boy. He rarely wandered more than ten feet away (only if there was a stick involved, really), and if we asked him for a sit/stay/down/anything, he’d feel nervous at being put on the spot and slinked between his mom’s legs instead! Haha, he’s a total sweetheart – don’t you love that goofy grin that seems to be permanently on his face?

point loma pet photography


This is Haley, the older of the two. She’s 10 but doesn’t look a day older than her brother! This girl is much more independent and confident, and lucky for me, her obedience is pretty excellent. She was happy to explore Sunset Cliffs and the tide pools in Point Loma, not to mention meet all the other dogs we ran into during our session.

point loma pets photography


Both of these Aussies are totally devoted to their mom, Elyse. And let me tell you, it was beautiful to see.

point loma dog photography



Elyse, thank you for introducing me to my favorite new spot! Future Point Loma pet photography clients are always going to hear me suggest Sunset Cliffs as a potential location from now on.  (Well, at least those clients with outdoorsy dogs like yours! haha!)


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