
Tag: ‘pet photography’

Photo Session with San Diego Vizslas Prim & Track!

Monday, May 5th, 2014

I knew my session with San Diego vizslas Prim & Track would be different than most of my photo sessions. For example, my usual pre-session prep routine typically includes charging batteries, formatting memory cards and making sure I have a fresh bag of treats on hand – and that’s just fine for working with, say, a shih tzu. But I prepared for this session by doing a few stretches & jumping jacks, and making sure I’d eaten a good breakfast of carbohydrates! Haha! If you’re unfamiliar with vizslas, take it from me: these dogs are athletes. They’re well-oiled machines, ready to run at breakneck speed as far as they possibly can – and so I knew I’d get a workout, too! Sure enough, we hit the beach and they let loose! And for those of you familiar with my sports photography background, you know I was pretty much in heaven… beautiful dogs with boundless energy, happily jumping in & out of the water and playing in a field of wildflowers? Pinch me! :)

But luckily, their parents have instilled great obedience in Prim & Track, so we were able to combine action photos with family photos and everything in-between. I love working with dogs that know the “stay” command – it makes “posed” images like the one below so much easier & quicker! (so we can get back down to the beach faster, right?!) In short, we had a simply fabulous session together, and I can hardly stand sharing just a few images with you today… so if you want to see more, it’s a good idea to follow the Facebook page! (hint hint! haha!)


Here they are – my favorite pair of San Diego vizslas! :)

san diego vizslas



Track is one year old and quite the serious boy. Honestly, have you ever seen a more handsome dog??

vizsla photography san diego



Prim is two, and she’s happiest when she can chase her toy or hunt in the bushes. Talk about instincts!

san diego vizsla


Kate & Blake, thank you for a truly wonderful afternoon. I loved spending time with all four of you – and I’m having a blast sorting through the rest of our photos! See you back in the studio soon!  :)


Chula Vista Pet Photography Session with Rufus the Border Collie Mix!

Thursday, May 1st, 2014

I’m so excited to share this blog post with you! This Chula Vista pet photography session was incredibly special to me, for 2 different reasons… first of all, it was my first Chula Vista session! Ever! Can you believe that?! Since I moved to San Diego last year, and opened my studio doors in August, I’ve been busy with clients in San Diego, Del Mar, Rancho Santa Fe, downtown, Lakeside… all over the place, really, except for south of the city! So I was thrilled to finally have an excuse to explore Chula Vista. Reason #2 that this session was so special: it’s a secret Mother’s Day gift! So if you recognize the dog in these photos, don’t tell his mom!! I love celebrating Mother’s Day with the moms of 4-legged children; I always describe my Bailey as my daughter, and right now, she’s curled up in a ball, sleeping at my feet. In my opinion, dog moms (especially my awesome clients) deserve recognition, just like moms of human kids; Mother’s Day is for them too! So Rufus’ mom will receive a custom 8×10 print of her handsome boy on Mother’s Day, and then she’ll get to visit my studio and see allllllll the rest of Rufus’ photos! How fun does that sound?!


So let me introduce you to her handsome boy, Rufus! He’s a border collie mix, and as far as any other breeds in his heritage, your guess is as good as mine. But how distinctive and striking is he?! (Also – did you have any doubt that Chula Vista pet photography sessions can have gorgeous backgrounds? Because I might have… but now I think this is my new favorite location!)

chula vista pet picture



We took a break from “posing” for some action photos – Rufus loooves to chase his tennis ball!

chula vista pet photos



Oh Rufus. You are adorable.

chula vista pet photography



Thanks for sneaking Rufus out of the house, Elyse & Kyle! I can’t wait to hear what your mom says when you reveal our surprise!  :)


For more information about Mother’s Day photo sessions and gift certificates, you can call me at 619.357.6624 or email me at allison@allisonshamrell.com. 

Coronado Dog Photography Session with Casper!

Tuesday, April 29th, 2014

I had a lovely time recently during my Coronado dog photography session with Casper the schnauzer/westie mix! Take it from me, this little pup definitely lives the good life: his parents own the fabulous Kensington Pet Supply shop! He has access to all the best food & treats in the pet industry, and their shop is a fantastic little oasis for dog and cat lovers – you can even find him behind the counter sometimes! (Cutest employee ever?) I highly suggest you stop in for a visit, especially if you live in the Kensington/North Park/Normal Heights area.

But enough about his parents – this little guy is full of personality! We played in the shadow of the fabulous Hotel Del Coronado for our session, and it’s one of Casper’s favorite beaches in San Diego. He has a funny little routine when he visits the beach: as much as he loves romping around in the sand, his true “happy place” is in the water, and that’s where he always wants to be – but only if his dad goes with him! He ventures out into the surf until his belly gets wet, and then he makes a break for the shore again, straight toward his mom! It was so cute to see him get brave with his dad but eventually give in & run back to mom, time after time… just hilarious! So let me introduce you to the little goofball!

Here’s Casper with the Hotel Del! Can you see the westie and schnauzer in his breeding?

coronado dog photography session



That big grin never left his face when he was in the water… he looooves the beach!

coronado dog photo session



And perhaps the most exciting part of this session? Casper’s about to be a big brother!! He was so generous about sharing the spotlight with his future sibling; I can already tell they’re going to be best buds!

Coronado dog photography


Thanks for a wonderful session, Rich & Liana! I had a great time with all of you – and next time I visit the beach, I’ll make sure to tell my clients to warn me about approaching waves! haha! :)


San Diego Golden Retrievers Lucy, Gracie & Scarlett

Thursday, April 17th, 2014

I’m often asked if I own a golden retriever – probably because, let’s be honest, this breed is all over my website! I show canvas gallery wraps of golden retrievers at events, I have a sample coffee table book featuring golden retrievers, and they’re in each of the photo galleries on my website – well, except the feline gallery, of course! But the truth is, I don’t have a golden retriever. I just have my Bailey, and I’m sure she doesn’t have any golden mixed in her heritage. However, I loooooove to admire goldens from a distance! They’re indescribably beautiful; I just think they’re the supermodels of the dog world! I’d happily adopt a golden retriever in the future; they’re happy-go-lucky dogs with a fabulous temperament, and this family of goldens I photographed recently is no exception! Let me introduce you to Lucy, Gracie & Scarlett!

This is Scarlett, the youngest of the pack at only six months. And let me tell you – she’s a fireball, but I’ve worked with older & more mature dogs that didn’t have half the obedience she knows at such a young age!  To get a puppy to sit, lay down, and then stay long enough for her mom to inch out of the frame… now that’s a challenge! Good girl, Scarlett!

golden retriever puppy


 This is Gracie, the blondie! Her gorgeous light fur is vastly different from her sisters’ rich red coloring, but her personality is just as sweet. The only times she didn’t have a big goofy golden smile on her face was when she was chasing down her ball, like in this photo! The girl is an athlete, for sure!

golden retriever action photo


And last but certainly not least, this is Lucy, the oldest and noblest of the pack. With age comes experience, and she’s impeccably trained. A photographer’s dream to work with! Plus, I love white faces like hers. :)

old golden retriever


 And finally, here are all three golden girls together! (Don’t you love how the orange in the trees matches Lucy & Scarlett’s fur?)

three golden retrievers


Bobbi & Teri, thank you so much for an absolutely marvelous session. We have sooo many photos, thanks to all the adorable poses your girls struck for me… thank you for training them so incredibly well!  :)


Rancho Santa Fe Dog Photography: Chocolate Labradors Chloe & Emma!

Wednesday, April 16th, 2014

I had the opportunity to meet two gorgeous dogs who call Rancho Santa Fe, CA their home – and we had a great photo session! And I’ll be the first to admit that I thought I’d have no problem telling these pups apart – after all, I met them just a few weeks ago, and Emma the puppy was a bouncy little ball of energy compared to her big sister, 5-year-old Chloe. But we ended up having to push our session back a couple of weeks further than we anticipated, and to my surprise, I was greeted at their (beautiful) home by two big dogs! Emma had completely sprouted! She was waaaay bigger than I recognized, so I had to rely on their personalities (and collars, haha) to tell them apart. But luckily, that wasn’t too hard either – these dogs have totally distinct personalities! Let me introduce you!

This is Chloe, the older girl and 100% eager-to-please labrador. She’s ball-crazy and wouldn’t let us forget it as soon as we introduced my squeaky tennis ball! But the whole time, she always reverted back to see what her parents were up to – she’s absolutely devoted to them. In her opinion, they should always be throwing the ball for her (especially into the pool!) but she definitely has a mature demeanor, compared to her sister…

rancho santa fe dog picture



This is Emma the goofball! And let me tell you, we had to go through several rounds of running back & forth to get a photo that wasn’t completely blooper-worthy! This girl runs her little heart out every time she gets the chance, and most of the photos on my hard drive right now have her ears flopping awkwardly, her legs splayed out in all directions, and her face with total “crazy eyes” as she belts toward me! That’s why I often ask my clients to repeat running scenarios several times during each session; with two ears, four legs and a long tongue, there’s a lot that can go awry! But I’m glad Emma pulled it together for this photo… even if she reverted back to her crazy-face in the very next frame! :)

rancho santa fe picture



And finally, here are both girls together. Emma is on the left and Chloe’s on the right. Aren’t they beautiful?

picture of two dogs


Ray, Monica & Saylor – thank you so much for a fun-filled, gorgeous Rancho Santa Fe dog photography session! It was a fabulous idea for Monica’s  birthday present. I can’t wait to show you the rest of your images… see you soon!  :)



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