
Tag: ‘pet photography’

Westie Photos of Bolt in Tierrasanta, San Diego, CA

Thursday, June 5th, 2014

Let me tell you: Westies are smart. They’re also quick runners, they’re hunters, and they’re completely adorable – but perhaps most of all, they’re really smart. And these Westie photos feature Bolt, a little guy who’s a great example of the famous Westie intelligence! For example, his mom tells me that he knows the exact turn they take when they drive to the vet! His demeanor changes completely if they turn (at Carl’s Jr., apparently) compared to when they keep driving straight, because he knows that turning means he’s headed to the vet… incredible, right?

Bolt is a 5-year-old smartypants who has absolutely stolen the hearts of his family. But at his core, he’s a mama’s boy: he wasn’t too sure about our photo session, especially at first, so he often stayed close by her feet and even jumped up on her legs, asking to be picked up & snuggled! It was too cute… and with a face like that, how could she ever say no? :)

This is Bolt!

westie san diego photos



We found a gorgeous field of flowers in a nearby park… I just love his white fur amidst the greens and purples of the flowers!

westie photos

Linda & Ashley, thank you so much for helping Bolt warm up to the camera – he struck plenty of adorable poses with your encouragement! These are several of my favorite Westie photos I’ve ever taken, and I can’t wait to show you the rest! :)

Studio Pet Photography Session with Cleo & Tucker!

Friday, May 30th, 2014

I enjoyed a wonderful studio pet photography session with two mixed-breed dogs, Cleo & Tucker! Cleo is a terrier mix, and her mom thinks she has Toy Fox terrier and rat terrier in her heritage. Tucker, her brother, is a chihuahua mix – and has the big ears to prove it! Both of these dogs have somewhat nervous personalities, so we spent a bit of time warming up to the studio environment – but in fact, they had already visited a few days ago for their Pre-Session Consultation, so they were already familiar with the studio – and I think that definitely helped their comfort level! Cleo is more timid, between the two of them, but you should have seen the way she opened up when we brought out her tennis ball! She went from tiptoeing around the studio to running and crashing back & forth in pursuit of her ball! It was hilarious to see! Tucker, on the other hand, is a total mama’s boy, and getting him out from behind mom’s shadow was a challenge all of its own… but when he realized all the attention was on him, he posed like a champ!

 Here are the dogs: Cleo on the left, Tucker on the right!

san diego dog photography


 At the end of the day, both dogs are completely devoted to their mom, Robbi. It’s a beautiful thing to see.

dog studio photography


Thanks for a fabulous studio pet photography session, Robbi! I hope the dogs have “recovered” from all the activity by now, haha! Can’t wait to see you again soon!

Del Mar Cat Photography: Kiva the Ragdoll

Sunday, May 18th, 2014

I absolutely love meeting pets & owners that are deeply connected to each another, and this Del Mar cat photography session was no exception! Kiva is a 17-year-old ragdoll cat who lives with her mom, Amie, in their gorgeous Del Mar home, and it was clear to see how close they are. (I would post a photo of the two of them together, but I know humans typically like to see & approve their photos before they go on the internet, haha!) Kiva happens to be, well, slightly past her prime physically – she is 17! – so we went about the session slowly and at her pace. We also gave her frequent breaks in her “happy place”, the garden! She was incredibly cooperative and let us play with her all afternoon long… all three of us had a great time! And plus, I even got to meet a few of Kiva’s feline siblings; she has several younger brothers and sisters but their mom wanted Kiva to be the center of attention for our session, since they’ve been together the longest. So without further ado, let me introduce you to this very special kitty!


cat photo del mar


 Kiva’s backyard was a dream come true to photograph! So many flowers and so much greenery… I love the attention to detail that I always see in my Del Mar clients’ homes! I suppose it’s reason #824 why I love Del Mar photo sessions

del mar cat photography


And in standard feline fashion, she informed us (in a not-so-subtle way) when she was done with our shenanigans.

del mar cat


Amie, thank you for a fabulous afternoon! I can’t wait to see you again soon & show you the rest of our photos! :)


Belgian Malinois Photos in the Studio: Ele!

Saturday, May 17th, 2014

I absolutely loved this recent session – and not only because it featured a gorgeous Belgian Malinois! This is a relatively rare breed, which has only recently gained popularity due to the role many of them have played in the military. But beyond the intense working-dog attitude and impressive physical strength, underneath it all, these dogs are just like any other breed: loving, happy pups who are absolutely devoted to their families!

Ele’s story, though, has a not-very-happy beginning. Her parents don’t know exactly what happened to her (they rescued her at six months old), but she’s had an intense struggle with the fear of people. They told me the jaw-dropping fact that Ele was too scared to be in the same room with them for the first two years after they adopted her! I don’t even want to think about what must have happened to instill so much fear in her heart… sigh. And as she nervously tiptoed into my studio, it was clear that she was scared. So this session turned into a prime example of how I let the dog control the pace of the shoot; Ele needed to work slowly and take several breaks, so that’s exactly what we did. And even though she never let me touch her, she let me see her absolutely gorgeous smile! I really enjoyed coaxing Miss Ele out of her shell, and I think these images (as well as many more from our session) are prime examples of why working with a pet photographer who truly knows pets makes such a big difference in both the experience and the final images. From these images, you’d never guess at Ele’s shady past – I think you simply see a beautiful dog that’s surrounded by the love of her parents. Which is exactly what Ele is.


Here she is! Don’t you love her big grin? And that incessantly floppy ear?!

belgian malinois photography



Those big eyes kill me! What a sweet face…

belgian malinois photo


 In addition to plenty of happy Belgian Malinois photos, we saw a bit of Ele’s “serious face” for a few frames too…

belgian malinois studio photo


Ele’s parents are also the owners of Hairy & Merry, Little Italy’s newest pet boutique! You simply must stop in and take a look around – they offer a full line of nutrition for cats & dogs, grooming and self-wash, and even daycare & boarding! Your dog can be social, clean & well-fed all in one visit, haha! My Bailey even experienced her very first self-wash in one of their new tubs last week. I simply can’t recommend their shop highly enough; it’s a fabulous and much-needed addition to the San Diego Little Italy neighborhood! You can also find their Facebook page here and their Pinterest here.


Sumrall & Chris, I had a wonderful time working and talking shop with you both! I can’t wait for our upcoming “project” to eventually take shape, too! :)

Studio Pet Photography for Dogs & Cats – Featuring the Animals of La Jolla Colony Vet Hospital!

Tuesday, May 6th, 2014

This studio pet photography session had its beginnings a few weeks ago, at the Helen Woodward Animal Center Puppy Love 5k event… I was chatting with many of the runners & walkers as they came back from the race, and a woman with an adorable, border-collie-mix dog walks up to my booth! I came out from behind my table to meet her dog, we get to talking, and eventually she introduces herself as a veterinarian and the new owner of La Jolla Colony Veterinary Hospital! She asked me about working together on some new decor for her clinic’s lobby, and of course I was happy to oblige! I absolutely love working with local businesses, and if I can give fellow entrepreneurs a few pieces of art that makes them love their business just a little bit more – especially if it features their own pets! – then I consider it a match made in heaven! :)

So imagine my surprise when she told me that I wouldn’t just be working with her border collie mix, Mony – but also with her terrier mix dog and her two cats! Cats in the studio?! That’s only happened a few times before, with – ahem – mixed results, so I knew this would be a verrrrry interesting session! Let me introduce you to the stars of the show…

This is Mony (left) and Daisy Mae (right)! Mony is a border collie/spaniel mix, and Daisy is… well… a big question mark! She has terrier in her heritage, that’s for sure, but after that your guess is as good as mine. Mony is 5 and Daisy is 10, but both have the energy level of a 1-year-old! I just love these two!

studio pet photography san diego



And here are the brave felines that came along, too! Just wait until you hear their names – and I don’t mind telling you, since their mom is a vet and you know she loves them very much (even if their names don’t exactly suggest that they’re beloved members of the family): Booger & Skidmark! Haha!! I laughed out loud when I heard that! Even more interesting: you’d never guess it from their photos, but these kitties are actually littermates! Despite their hesitance, I really enjoyed working with them both – we put the “pet” in studio pet photography session, rather than giving all the attention to their canine siblings… cats deserve their time in the studio, too!

studio cat photos


Sarah & Ben, I loved getting together with you both – thank you for bringing everyone in to the studio (I know it wasn’t easy)! I can’t wait to see these fluffy faces on the walls of your new clinic! :)



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