
Tag: ‘pet photography’

Dogs in the Park: More Photos of Madison & Roxy

Wednesday, July 9th, 2014

I have a couple of familiar faces for you today! These dogs in the park are Madison & Roxy, the “mascots” of Camp Bow Wow in El Cajon! You might remember their Sneak Peek from a couple of weeks ago… and well, the truth is, their parents have been out of town recently, and I decided it’s simply been too long since they’ve seen more images of their pups! They’ll be visiting the studio to see the rest of their photos soon, but I wanted to give them a second blog post – just for fun. :)


Madison showed me every side of her personality during our session… including whatever kind of face this is! haha!

san diego pet photo session


 Oh Roxy, you’re so pretty with your sweet white face. When she perks up her ears and smilesI can just see her, years younger than she is now…

san diego photo session


Camp Bow Wow has a training program, Behavior Buddies, so you know Madison & Roxy can do a perfect “down-stay”!  I just love how they’re looking at their parents in this image, ready to run over to them as soon as they’re released from the pose!

san diego dog photo session



Can’t wait to see you soon, Connie & Mark! Give Roxy & Madison a hug for me in the meantime? :)


Lottie the Rottweiler ~ Photos in Oceanside, CA

Monday, July 7th, 2014

Lottie the rottie is a sweet & shy mama’s girl from Oceanside, CA – and I met her in one of her favorite places (Guajome Regional Park) for a fun family photo session! I was thrilled to meet her, since rottweilers are one of my very-favorite breeds, so I couldn’t wait for the chance to create some beautiful new rottweiler photos. Lottie is incredibly close to her whole family, but she definitely has a soft spot for her mom. So at one point, when we decided to set up an action photo, we decided that we wanted Lottie to run in a certain direction – so her mom stood at the “destination” as we unclipped her leash and let her loose. But Lottie immediately ran sideways! Turns out, she’d spotted a few ducks in the brush, so she sped off in their direction for a bit of hunting! We laughed, chased her down, and tried again – and with a bit of coaxing, Lottie finally ran the “right” way! :)

Lottie is a happy but timid dog – and I’m told that her bravery has improved significantly over the last few years. Lottie’s parents trusted Behave! LLC for behavioral help, and while I can still see plenty of shyness in Lottie, it’s clear that she’s a much more confident dog today than she used to be!


Here she is, blazing her own trail! How cute is her “goofy” face?!

oceanside rottweiler photo


We have several super-cute family photos, because Lottie’s happiest when she’s right next to her family – but I held off from posting those here, since I know my human clients like to approve their photos before they’re posted online for everyone to see. Still, I couldn’t resist sharing this sweet moment between Lottie & her siblings! Hopefully they don’t mind, since I think it’s adorable. :)

rottweiler photography



Oh Lottie… you are gorgeous.

beautiful rottweiler


I can’t wait to see you both again soon, Dorie & Todd! Lottie did so well for the session – we have plenty of photos to enjoy!  :)

Kitten Photography Session with Winn Dixie ~ San Diego, CA

Friday, July 4th, 2014

I’ve had the pleasure of working with several cats lately – but I think this might be the youngest feline subject I’ve ever photographed! This kitten photography session features Winn Dixie, and first of all, can we all just take a moment to appreciate how adorable that name is?! A kitten called Winn Dixie… I just can’t get over it! Anyways, this kitty was a fabulous little model for our photo session – which took place in her mom’s home in downtown San Diego, since we figured bringing her into the studio might be a bit stressful for a cat her age. And it was the perfect setting – because at home, Winn Dixie had all her toys to play with! So while we asked her to do various other activities – she laid on the couch, perched on the bookshelf, and even snuggled with her mom for a bit – it was clear that playing with her toys is simply her favorite thing to do at this age! So we enjoyed a fun, playful session with this beautiful kitty.


This is one of her favorites – a little bundle of string and ribbon. She catches each piece in her tiny little claws!

kitten photographer


I love meeting fellow bibliophiles, so I think I might have gasped when I saw the bookshelf in Winn Dixie’s living room. It was so huge, and completely filled with books of all kinds! So we found a little nook for Winn Dixie to hide in…

kitten in bookcase



Oh that face. This is one CUTE cat! Her markings are soooo pretty… and don’t you love the little tips of dark fur on the tops of her ears?

san diego kitten picture


Courtney, thank you for a fabulous afternoon, champagne included! :)  I had a great time with you & Winn Dixie, and I can’t wait to show you the rest of her photos!

Vizsla Photography in Alpine, CA

Sunday, June 29th, 2014

I braced myself as I pulled up the driveway in Alpine, CA. “Allison,” I said to myself, “you have a session with four vizslas today. Four of what’s probably the highest-energy breed of dog. You will be tired at the end of the day. Actually, no, you will be exhausted. But that’s why you just had an energy drink. These dogs might run you into the ground – but it’s okay, they’re going to be adorable. Just keep getting up off the ground every time you get tackled.” And so I marched into their house with that determined attitude – and promptly melted into a puddle when I saw two litters of two-week-old puppies. Gahhhh!

My recent session with Vistercil’s Vizslas could simply not have been more fun – or more exhausting, haha! I worked with four dogs: Ruger the old man, Juneau the 5-year-old, Newman the 4-month-old, and Walter the way-too-cute-13-week-old puppy. Our photo session started at their house in Alpine, where I also met the litters of puppies, and then we headed into town for some studio photos! And as much as I advocate for rescue groups, and firmly believe that you can find a spectacular dog at your local shelter, I also know that there’s also an important & invaluable place in our communities for responsible breeding, too. Carrying on the legacy of a breed for future generations is a huge task, and I always enjoy meeting high-quality breeders – and I can definitely say that Peggy & Chuck are wonderful people who raise & care for some incredible & gorgeous dogs (like Prim & Track, for example)!


Here’s old man Ruger! He keeps a watchful eye over the young pups.

old vizsla dog


Next-oldest is Juneau; and boy is he handsome or what?

vizsla picture


Newman, at four months old, is simply a bundle of energy! This was a rare calm moment – he was happier and more often found bounding in all directions across the yard!

viszla puppy photography



Before leaving the house, I made sure to meet Marley the Bengal cat. I think he tried to hide behind the bush from me… I see you, Marley.

cat photo san diego ca



And lastly, Walter the 13-week-old puppy turned out to be such a pro at posing that, well, he can do it in his sleep. :)

studio vizsla picture



Peggy & Chuck, thank you for all your invaluable help during our photo session! Working with vizslas is no joke… I’m so happy to have met you and all your dogs! Can’t wait to see you both again soon!




Corgi Photography Session with Annabel in Chula Vista, CA

Wednesday, June 25th, 2014

Oh my goodness. This dog. Where do I begin?

I love working with puppies of any breed, and although Annabel the corgi celebrated her first birthday recently (complete with a birthday cupcake!), I think 1-year-old dogs still count as puppies, don’t you? (Heck, my Bailey is 5 years old and I call her a puppy every day!) So when I heard from Annabel’s parents about the opportunity to do not only a puppy photography session, but a corgi photography session, I just about jumped out of my chair! I absolutely love corgis and their relentless happiness; they’re wonderful dogs and their short little legs always make me smile! Annabel is a lovely little brindle-and-white-colored lady who lives with her parents in Chula Vista. She enjoys super-healthy dried treats (like chicken and sweet potato), meeting and making friends with everyone she possibly can, and running around her backyard like crazy! Seriously, this dog is one of the sweetest pups I’ve ever met… I’m honored to introduce you to her!


We started our session in the studio in San Diego… don’t you love her smile and big fluffy tail?

san diego corgi photography


Then we headed to her house in Chula Vista, where she showed me how cute she looks on all the furniture, especially mom & dad’s bed. But her goofy mood struck outside on the grass – I adore her pose on the left just as much as the “outtake” on the right, haha! Corgi photography comes with its fair share of silliness, that’s for sure!

corgi photos


And finally, it was off to Bayside Park to run around on the sand, pose like a champ, and finally watch the sun set.

corgi silhouette chula vista


Thank you for a delightful session, Jim & Margaret! Annabel is so darn cute that I have a feeling I won’t be able to resist posting a photo or two to the Facebook page before we can get together again… so you might want to keep an eye out! :)



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