
Tag: ‘pet photography’

Della & Clyde, the German Shepherd Puppy & Dachshund!

Friday, November 21st, 2014

Brace yourself – you’re about to see TONS of cuteness in this blog post! :)

I had an absolute blast at my session with Della & Clyde! Della is a 4-month-old German shepherd puppy, and even as German shepherd puppies go, this girl is beautiful. Clyde is an 8-year-old dachshund (half wirehaired, half shorthaired!) and he’s a super-handsome little guy with just a bit of scruff… but what was even more fun to see than their adorable faces was the way they’re so attached to one another! Della is much bigger, of course, and she’s still growing, but she plays gently with little Clyde (well, mostly gently) and they are absolutely inseparable! They constantly want to see each other, play with each other, be close to each other… their friendship is so touching to see!

For our session, we started at the studio and then headed to beautiful Balboa Park. Both dogs did wonderfully at each location, and even though we didn’t make it to the beach like we planned (boooo, cloudy weather!) I’m already a bit nervous at how big their parents’ gallery is going to be! There were already too many images to pick from for their sneak peek… so this is just a small sample of everything to come for these two pups!


This is Della! Can you even handle that adorable head tilt?!

german shepherd puppy



And this is Clyde! He has a much more serious demeanor, and never likes to be more than two inches away from his parents or Della… but we managed to coax him away for a few photos with the help of some delicious treats!

cute dachshund



We played fetch at Balboa Park – and this was Della’s first time off-leash in public! She did soooo well, and was totally focused on that squeaky ball, running straight back to her dad with it every time! Yay, Della!

german shepherd puppy



Clyde runs with Della but can’t quite keep up… so sometimes he prefer to relax instead.

dachshund photo



Okay, one more – I can’t resist – these two are such a sweet little pair!

german shepherd puppy dachshund


Tom & Dale, thank you both for a wonderful afternoon, and for all your help wrangling these two! I simply can’t wait to show you the rest of our photos! :)


Maddie the Cancer Survivor Dog! (Photo Session in Del Mar, CA)

Thursday, November 20th, 2014

I simply cannot describe how thrilled I am to be writing a second blog post from a second photo session with Maddie! Longtime blog readers might remember her first photo session from last year, and as it turns out, in the past year Maddie has not only been a cancer survivor but has surpassed every potential time frame that her doctors gave her!! She’s been through a lot – seriously, a lot – but I’m so happy and proud of her & her mom for fighting through it all. So what better way to celebrate than a photo session on the beach, just in time for this year’s Christmas cards? :)


It’s good for Maddie to get plenty of rest these days, so she spends most of her time at home. She goes on walks, sure, but not too many places beyond her neighborhood too often (besides the vet, of course). So our photo session marked Maddie’s first time at the beach in over a year! Can you believe it? Maddie sure couldn’t – she was so excited to be there that her barks turned into high-pitched squeaks! Haha! It was so cute to see her so switched-on and invigorated with each sight of something new. She used up so much energy that she must have been passed out for the whole drive home – and probably the rest of the night, haha! But I know she enjoyed every second of our beach trip, and I did too. :)


 Here she is! Maddie the cancer survivor champ! Look how thrilled she is to be running around with her mom!

cute dog cancer survivor




Maddie certainly hasn’t lost her sense of humor…

cancer survivor dog photo



These two have been through so much together, and I absolutely adored the chance to photograph their relationship again. Trust me – these are two strong ladies, because they have each other to lean on.

cancer survivor photo session



Leslie, our session was a total pleasure, as always – give Maddie a hug for me & I’ll see you again soon!


Escondido Pet Photography with Hunter & Caymen!

Wednesday, November 19th, 2014

I had an absolutely incredible Escondido pet photography session with two high-energy dogs recently, Hunter & Caymen! I describe it as “incredible” because I absolutely love watching dogs listen to their instincts, and high-drive dogs are so much fun! These pups are beloved members of the family, but Hunter the English pointer is actually a hunter; he goes pheasant hunting with his dad several times a year! His brother, Caymen, is a border collie mix and a little more laid-back than Hunter, but he also loves to be outside, explore his surroundings & spend time with his family. Together they make an incredibly handsome pair!

Hunter & Caymen’s parents introduced me to a place in Escondido that I’d never been to before: Daley Ranch! With miles of hiking trails, we found a relatively uncrowded spot with plenty of room to run around that was simply perfect. Hunter & Caymen posed like pros for the camera, and I really enjoyed seeing their energetic personalities come to life!


This is Hunter! I just love watching him run… this dog is a machine! So athletic!

escondido pet photographer


And this is Caymen! He’s more of a lover than an action star (especially compared to his brother), and throughout our session he constantly wanted to be right next to his parents… it was adorable to see! He’s a total sweetheart.

escondido pet photo



We found an incredible old barn, and the dogs were willing to pose for a few photos with it. I love how Hunter is only peeking over the top of his nose at the camera, as if to say, “I’m busy looking for birds & squirrels, you can have a second of my attention before I get back to work! Too many important things to do!” Haha!

escondido pet photography


Trisha & Daniel, thank you for introducing me to such an awesome new location! I had a great time with you four (hike and all!) – and can’t wait to see you again soon! :)


Dog Photography with Sadie & Steam (a.k.a. Squeaks)!

Monday, November 17th, 2014

I had the pleasure of working with two beautiful dogs recently – and does that make me the first person to call a puggle “beautiful”? Haha, Steam the puggle is an adorable little nugget, and perhaps “handsome” is a slightly more appropriate term to describe his serious little face. His sister, Sadie, fits the “beautiful” description a bit better – since she’s a golden retriever with flowing blond fur! They live in Cardiff with their parents, and met me in Del Mar for their custom dog photography session. We had a great time running around the grass and the sand, and even fit in a few family photos with their parents as well. I simply love it when my clients are willing to jump in for a few photos with their dogs; I know it can be uncomfortable in front of a camera, but I do my best to help everyone relax (dogs included!) and make sure my clients absolutely love the final images. Plus, the holidays are coming up, so Christmas cards with family photos are in high demand this time of year! Today I’ll just show a few photos of the dogs (since I know people like to approve photos of themselves before they’re posted on the internet!) and I know you’ll think they’re beautiful, too! :)


This is Steam! His nickname is Squeaks, because when he gets excited – you guessed it – he squeaks! Look at that face!

dog photography puggle



And this is sweet Sadie! She absolutely loves to be loved on… she was always asking for more pets & attention during our session, haha!

dog photography del mar



What a cute pair!

cute dog photography



Jason & Jenn, thank you so much for introducing me to your dogs! I had such a great time with all of you, and I’m excited to show you the rest of our photos soon! :)


Point Loma Pet Photography: Faith the Terrier Mix!

Friday, November 14th, 2014

I simply loved my photo session with Faith, the little white terrier mix! This Point Loma pet photography session took place in Faith’s house, a gorgeous home right next to San Diego’s Liberty Station. And fittingly, I first met Faith at the Doggie Street Festival, a fun outdoor event that takes place on the big green space at Liberty Station – she was out for a walk with her parents at the time, and they stumbled upon my booth! So I was thrilled to see her again, several months later, and capture her darling personality.

Faith is a total sweetheart – but she started out a bit fearful of my camera. She flinched whenever I took a photo, probably because the sound was unfamiliar to her. But after a bit of treat association – click, treat, click, treat, click, treat – she decided that there was nothing to be scared of! And then she posed like a pro! She showed me all around her house: the living room, the courtyard, the front porch, etc. The whole session was a ton of fun! :)


Here she is! How much do you love those ears? And that paw up? And those gorgeous big eyes?

point loma pet photography



Faith with her parents, right outside their front door. Just too cute!

point loma pet photography



By the end of our photo session, Faith was tuckered out! Dad’s lap is definitely the best place to be when she’s tired.

point loma pet photo



Bonnie, I had a fabulous time with all of you – thank you so much for a lovely photo session! I can’t wait to show you the rest of our photos very soon!



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