
Tag: ‘pet photography’

Harley and Molly – A Mid-Year Update of their Puppy Plans!

Tuesday, October 8th, 2019

You guys… I can’t get enough of these Puppy Plan sessions!! I wanted to give an update on Molly and Harley since they’ve both have had their second round of photo sessions now. Which means they are officially more than halfway through the year and growing so fast! It’s been so much fun working with them so far. I can’t wait for you to see how much they’ve changed already! I’m definitely looking forward to their 3rd session as fully grown dogs, and we’ll do that when they are a year old. For the meantime, here are some cute photos of the first two portrait sessions where you can already see some major changes happening. The best part? I love that their parents will be able to look back and remember all of the fluffy cuteness from the beginning!

First up is little miss Molly! She’s an adorable mixed breed dog who lives in the Olivenhain neighborhood of Encinitas. I love that we were able to do both photo sessions in her backyard as it keeps the environment consistent and the only thing that changes is Molly. You can really see how she grows because of that!

Just a few months later…

Rest assured, she’s keeping that killer head tilt! :)

Okay, ready for more? This is Harley, a Saint Bernard puppy. I’m so glad I got to meet her when she was just about 10 weeks old. She was so tiny and fluffy! As you can see, she was an absolute doll in the studio. :)

… and this is big, huge Harley at 7 months old! (I know she’s a St. Bernard, but still! She’s sooooo much bigger!) I can’t believe she still has more growing left to do, haha! We visited a totally different location for her second session, and I know her family loved having a new setting to change things up as she grows.

Aren’t these girls gorgeous?! Stay tuned, and I’ll be sharing photos of both Molly and Harley from their next Puppy Plan photo session when they’re each 1 year old!

Marley and Millie – Pit Bull Mixes from University Heights

Thursday, September 26th, 2019

All of my photo sessions are special to me, but I have to be honest, this one was extra special… because I actually photographed Marley back in 2014!! I feel absolutely honored to have the opportunity to catch up with clients and be invited back to take more photos years later. Plus, since the last time I saw Marley and her mom, they’ve added a new addition to their family: Millie!

Marley is a calm, happy dog who takes pretty much everything in stride. Millie is also a brindle pit bull mix, like her sister, but is quite the opposite when it comes to personality! And even though we met at the pre-session consultation, she was still nervous and on edge when I arrived at their house on the day of the photo session. But after a bit of coaxing & patience, she eventually warmed up to me (allowing us to get some amazing portraits) and towards the end of the photo session she was following me around, asking for more treats & attention! It just goes to show that even with dogs that have “stranger danger” tendencies, we can still have a great photo session together. :)

And after an unfortunate overcast-sky-delay, the second half of our photo session was at La Jolla beach where we had a great time! Marley’s MO was just to meet other people & dogs, walk around and sniff everything. She was a happy girl just doing her thing. Millie, on the other hand, found it necessary to be playing fetch with the ball out into the water. And sprinting around the beach like a madwoman! That girl seriously loves the waves! I know you’ll enjoy this sneak peek of photos from their session – and their moms have plenty more images to see very soon!

Sweet Marley. Gettin’ scratches.

Millie is a puppy compared to Marley – and has the energy level to prove it, haha!

They would be great guard dogs if they weren’t so darn sweet.

What good pups you two are. Gah, those faces!

Sarah & Trish, I’m excited to see you again soon! Give your girls a hug for me in the meantime! :)

Turbo, the Pomeranian Mix from San Diego

Monday, February 25th, 2019

I’d like to introduce you to Turbo the Pomeranian mix! She may be small in size, but she’s got a BIG personality to make up for it! Trust me: with her energy & personality, she could not have a more perfect name. It’s always a fun challenge keeping up with her while she lives life at lightning speed!

I’ve actually photographed Turbo in my studio several times over the years for my holiday mini sessions – as well as one full-length session in the studio – but this was a first for us to visit the great outdoors together. One of the many things Turbo and her mom love to do is walk through Heritage Park, since it’s right down the street from their house in Mission Hills. And this park turned out to be the perfect spot for our session! I’ve got to say, I loved seeing Turbo in her element letting loose!

It was also a delight to see how her and her mom connect. Marjorie is so patient and sweet with her – even when Turbo gives her “attitude” (let’s just say this dog doesn’t keep her opinions to herself, haha!). Her mom has done an awesome job working with her, and I’ve enjoyed the privilege of seeing their bond deepen over the years. Not just anyone would be willing to adapt their lifestyle to accommodate a rescue dog with this much energy – but I just love witnessing their relationship, and knowing how much work has gone into it leaves me with nothing but respect for this whole family.

This is Turbo – in a rare moment of stillness. Isn’t she adorable?!

pomeranian mix dog

Walking through the park is one of her favorite things to do – in fact, I’d be willing to bet she considers it “her” park!

pomeranian mix puppy

Such. A. Cutie. (Sorry for all the sitting-still & calm photos; they’re the result of lots of effort and patience, so you could say they’re the images I’m most proud of from our session, haha!)

pomeranian mix

Marjorie, thank you for a fun afternoon – and for introducing me to my new favorite park! :)

Frank & Ollie, the pug puppy & tabby kitten from San Diego!

Monday, November 26th, 2018

Should I pinch myself? Am I dreaming?

Nope: I truly had the chance to work with the most adorable animals!! Frank the pug puppy was only 11 weeks old at the time of our session, which is quite frankly an incredible time to have a photo session. Seriously – I am SO happy his parents gave me a call well in advance of when they wanted their session to take place. It gave us all the time we needed to plan the perfect experience, and Frank was at the perfect age! Ollie, his brother, is a rescue kitten from a litter in which he was (very sadly) the only survivor. He & his siblings were all diagnosed with panleukopenia (which is the feline version of parvovirus), so it was truly a miracle that Ollie’s foster family helped him make it through. But now he’s about 6 months old, and is one of the most inquisitive, happy, intelligent cats I’ve ever met! He comes when you call his name, and will do just about anything for a treat (including, I learned, let his parents put a harness on him so we could go outside). Today, Frank & Ollie live happily in central San Diego, doing their best impression of Milo & Otis. :)

And I have to admit, I was impressed with how these brothers get along – their parents definitely made the right move in adopting them both at around the same time, so they could grow up together and bond from an early age. Plus, they’re both already so well-trained! Do you know any other 11-week-old puppies who can hold a sit-stay, or toilet-trained 6-month-old kittens? I don’t!! Many first-time pet parents just “wing it” and figure things out as they go, and while that can often work out just fine, Frank & Ollie’s parents have taken the opposite approach, and have invested plenty of time educating themselves on all the best things they can do for their new animals. It really shows; these two are already such happy, confident kiddos. They have the cutest little friendship, and I really loved photographing them both!


This, of course, is Frank! With the biggest little head tilt I’ve ever seen. Come on, can you even stand how cute he is?!

pup head tilt


Ollie the cat is a gorgeous little kitten; I already know he’s going to grow up into a strikingly handsome orange tabby!

orange tabby kitten


We also visited a place in San Diego that most animals aren’t allowed to see… I’ll keep the location quiet since we only got in thanks to their dad’s work. But let’s just say it was somewhere I never thought I’d get to experience the inside of! (Yes, that’s a remnant of a plant on Frank’s face… something tells me he was “sampling” his surroundings!)

put puppy photo


Ollie, on the other hand, used the outing as an opportunity to keep a lookout for small animals & anything else to chase, smell and/or play with.

orange cat photo



Rachel & Mike, thank you so much for introducing me to your new additions! I can’t wait to get together again soon!!


Bella, Sidecar & Auggie – Two Australian Labradoodles & a Sphynx Cat!

Tuesday, November 13th, 2018

It’s not very often that I get to work with cats and dogs in the same photo session – and it’s even rarer for them to all visit my studio together! So I was absolutely thrilled to meet Bella, Sidecar & Auggie recently, because they travel as a family! :)

Bella & Sidecar are Australian Labradoodles, and Auggie is a sphynx cat – so cue the extra excitement I had for this photo session, because I absolutely love working with breeds that you simply don’t meet every day! And these animals didn’t disappoint; they all had distinct personalities & unique quirks that became clear during our session… they may all belong to the same family, but they’re each so different!! So let me introduce you to them, one by one…


This, of course, is Auggie! He’s a confident young boy, and he loved exploring every square inch of my studio. We convinced him to hang out on the backdrop with a few toys – thank goodness his hunting instinct is so strong, haha! As a result we ended up with a few action photos that I’m pretty excited about, but at the end of the day, some of my favorite portraits we captured are of his calmer moments. He’s absolutely stunning!!

sphynx cat studio photo


Then we visited Old Poway Park! (Auggie came too, but he preferred to hang out in his carrier while we explored the park.) This is Bella, the more confident of the two Australian Labradoodles. She was camera-ready within minutes of starting our session, and I simply loved all the unique expressions she sent my way! She’s a cute little lovebug and the camera absolutely loved her (I did too, let’s be honest).

australian labradoodle photo


And this is Sidecar, Bella’s brother! Unlike his siblings, he made sure that we took our sweet time when it came to his solo portraits… the camera was NOT his favorite thing. (And by “not his favorite thing” I mean he was terrified of it.) Regardless, I have a few tricks up my sleeve – so I was thrilled when Sidecar eventually relaxed and revealed his happy smile!

australian labradoodle picture


Brother and sister. They’re so adorable.

Australian Labradoodles


Jinhee, thank you so much for introducing me to your family! I’m so excited to get together again soon & show you the rest of our images!!



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