
Tag: ‘pet photography’

Vista Pet Photography with Colt the Beagle & Brandi the Shih Tzu/Yorkie Mix!

Monday, March 16th, 2015

I recently shared a Vista pet photography session with two adorable subjects: Colt the beagle and Brandi the shih tzu/Yorkie mix! These pups were so much fun to work with: Brandi is a 10-year-old girl who looks like she’s 100% shih tzu, but her parents insist there’s Yorkie in her heritage too! (I couldn’t tell, haha!) :)  She was happy to participate in our photo session for all the yummy treats I was doling out, but she definitely has a bit more reserved personality than her brother, Colton. He’s a 4-year-old beagle and a hilarious, mischievous little man! He was quick to jump into action, try and steal the treats I was giving his sister, bark at any dog that dared walk by… he definitely kept me laughing for our whole session! I’ll keep today’s post all about the dogs, but I can’t wait to eventually share a few family photos from this session too – I know we got some super-cute ones, and I just loved working with this little family! :)


Here is Colt! Believe it or not, this was the very first frame out of my camera from the day- can’t you tell by that smile that he’s planning on getting into trouble in the immediate future? :)

vista ca dog photo


And here’s his older (but smaller) sister, Brandi! She’s such a cutie!

vista pet photos


… and she’s quite the poser, too!

vista pet photography


And finally, I can’t resist sharing this one of Colt & his dad – they love each other so much, and I just loved watching them play together! (Especially the paw on dad’s face in the background, haha!)

vista pet photography



Sarah & Luis, thank you for introducing me to your dogs (and that cute park near your house)! I’m excited to see you again soon!


Beatrice the Min Pin and Bruno the Chihuahua, in Balboa Park

Friday, March 13th, 2015

I’m so excited to share a few photos with you from my Balboa Park photo session with Beatrice & Bruno, the miniature pinscher & chihuahua! Our session had a rather eventful beginning, to be honest with you – Beatrice the 5-year-old min pin decided that she wanted nothing to do with the studio. So instead of forcing it, we decided to let her be the boss, and we packed up and headed for Balboa Park! (I tell all my clients that their dogs will basically be in charge of how the session goes – and this time, Beatrice put my promise to the test, haha!) We’d much rather have a happy dog than a nervous & stressed one, and changing locations was a simple fix – both dogs were immediately much more comfortable in the wide open spaces of Balboa Park!

So we had a wonderful time walking around several different areas of Balboa Park, finding all the best scenery to pose with, watching the birds fly overhead, monitoring the ducks in the lily pond (and the koi fish! a new discovery!), and I just love the images that we never would have created otherwise! Beatrice had fun playing with the tennis balls I brought (successfully de-squeaking one of them), and Bruno enjoyed exercising a bit of newfound confidence by barking at every dog that passed by… so, all in all, it was definitely a fun day! :)


This is Beatrice! Isn’t she gorgeous?

balboa park san diego


I just love her bright eyes & pretty coloring… add in all the natural colors of Balboa Park, and I just can’t get enough!

balboa park dog photo


And here’s Bruno, a natural poser for the camera…

chihuahua balboa park


… and an adorable playmate!

balboa park photo session


Heather, thank you so much for being flexible on the “plan” for our photo session! I can’t wait to get together with you again soon!


Mission Bay Pet Photography Session with Karma & Kody!

Tuesday, March 10th, 2015

I shared a super-fun Mission Bay pet photography session with Karma & Kody recently! And I’ll be honest, I knew action photos would be a huge focus of our session as soon as I met these pups: they’re bursting with energy! (In a good way, of course!) Kody is a 4-year-old Aussie, and Karma is a pit bull that’s a few years older but just as quick on her feet. These dogs love wrestling, playing, and running around on a daily – really, hourly – basis, and they’re best friends, so it’s adorable to see them have a good time together. I loved photographing their smiling faces as they romped around Mission Bay Park and Fiesta Island! And what’s even more fun: these dogs are friends with Bailey the rottweiler! I LOVE working with referral clients, so this session was especially fun for me! :)


This is Kody! We started out our session by running around quite a bit, and he was happy to oblige!

mission bay san diego


And this is his gorgeous sister, Karma! Would you look at those eyes!

mission bay pet photo


 Both dogs love the water, so we headed across the bay for a bit of beach time…

mission bay pet photos


 … where Karma showed me her backflip! This is one athletic dog! And this image is just one of several favorites I’m finding as I scroll through the photos I took in quick succession, as she turned Fiesta Island into her aerial playground…

mission bay pet photography



Jeremy & Joanne, thank you for an action-packed afternoon! I can’t wait to show you the rest of our photos soon! :)


Sir Truffle, the Cutest Scottie Dog in Little Italy!

Monday, February 23rd, 2015

Prepare to say “awwwww”!

I’m pretty sure my jaw fell open to the ground when Sir Truffle the Scottish terrier walked into my studio for the first time. He’s definitely one of the most adorable dogs I’ve ever seen, and he has a happy personality that goes perfectly with his good looks! Truffle lives in Little Italy, and his mom tells me that they constantly get stopped on the street by strangers for photos… looks like I’m not the only one who enjoys having him in front of my lens, haha! And while he’s a minor celebrity in his neighborhood, one day his parents stopped into Hairy & Merry and saw my artwork on the walls – and then they knew they wanted a studio photo session! So Truffle visited the studio with his parents for a bit of posing, treat-eating & ball-playing… and we had a great time! :)

On a slightly more serious note, I just want to mention that this session was an incredible reminder of why I do what I do. Readers of the UT San Diego’s local section may remember reading about Truffle’s dad in an awe-inspiring article about his journey through amnesia… being able to give this family images of themselves & their furry family member have rarely taken on such deep meaning for me. I’m so honored to know Truffle & his parents, and document the love they all have for one another. On days when Photoshop freezes, or my labs print the wrong images, or traffic makes me late to a client meeting, the meaning behind sessions like this make it all worthwhile.


Here he is, getting comfortable in the studio… both legs splayed out back, classic terrier style!

scottish terrier


 I just love that grin – could you possibly resist that face?!

scottish terrier san diego


 And we brought out the gray backdrop for a different look… I love Truffle either way, but this might be my favorite!

scottie dog little italy


Syrisa & Kurt, thank you so much for introducing me to your handsome boy. I had a great time with all three of you & can’t wait to see you again soon!


Downtown San Diego Pet Photography Session with Pepper, Carlitos & Winston

Thursday, February 19th, 2015

I’ll be honest with you: it’s not every day that I get to do a downtown San Diego pet photography session! I mean, San Diego has so many great outdoor locations, that I often find myself at a beach or a park for the seventh time in a row… but this indoor, high-rise photo session was a breath of fresh air and a total change of pace for me! It was so much fun to see where these dogs spend each of their days, and I think the photos are extra-personal because of the location. Their condo overlooks the gorgeous San Diego harbor, and all the soft, neutral tones their parents chose for their decor combined to make the perfect backdrop for these lovely pups! And let me warn you: if you like little dogs, you’re going to adore these three siblings! :)


This is Pepper! Pepper is the youngest of the bunch & the only Yorkie, always ready for more attention & love. How funny is that little tongue? :)

downtown san diego


 Oh my gosh… Carlitos. Stop it. You are way too cute!! Carlitos is a Maltese from Brazil, and I just can’t get over his one floppy ear. He belongs in the toy basket, all right – this is one cute dog!

downtown san diego dog


 And finally, this is Winston with his mom, Khat. Winston (also a Maltese) isn’t doing so well these days – he’s blind & deaf, and recently received a sad diagnosis from the vet. But his mother is making sure he’s absolutely surrounded by love & care, for all the time he has left.

downtown san diego photo session


Khat, thank you so much for inviting me to your beautiful home & introducing me to your wonderful dogs! I can’t wait to get together & show you the rest of our photos very soon! :)



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