
Tag: ‘pet photography’

Berkeley, the San Diego Dutch Shepherd!

Saturday, July 25th, 2015

A Great Dane? A greyhound? A German shepherd? A Belgian Malinois? A pit bull? A mastiff? I think Berkeley and her family have heard all kinds of guesses… but they’re almost always wrong! Berkeley is a dog with rather rare breeding: she’s a Dutch shepherd! And although most people haven’t heard of this breed before, I think pretty much anyone who sees Berkeley can recognize that she’s one gorgeous dog! :)


I first met Berkeley at the Normal Heights Dog Park Rally, where hundreds of residents from the Allison Shamrell Photography neighborhood all came out in droves to show their support of creating a nearby off-leash dog park (yay!). I was one of the sponsors of the event, with a display booth – and so were Berkeley’s parents! They own Liquid Eden, a water store just a couple of blocks away from the studio! When Trisha contacted me a little while after the event, I was so excited to see them again – and bursting with anticipation to get Berkeley in front of my lens! It turns out, this dog can pose like a pro – and she has the most adorable head tilt!! Take a look!


“Berkeley, do you wanna go to the park?” I think she does, haha! This girl loves to explore and chase her ball.

dutch shepherd san diego


What a gorgeous dog. Absolutely regal – and her personality just shines through those happy eyes.

cute dutch shepherd san diego


It soon became clear that Berkeley’s ideal afternoon would consist of a shady hillside and a tennis ball to chew on. That’s really all she needs to be happy… don’t you sometimes wish life could be so simple for us humans, too? :)

san diego dutch shepherd


Trisha & Chris, thank you for a wonderful afternoon! I’m looking forward to seeing you both again soon!


Yuma the Del Mar Mutt!

Wednesday, July 15th, 2015

As you know, here in southern California, we rarely have trouble with the weather. Sure, it rains sometimes (although apparently not enough, with this drought!) and despite what our out-of-town friends think, it’s not 70 and sunny every day… but usually, I don’t have much trouble at all scheduling photo sessions. A rain date? That’s being pretty darn cautious. Usually. But for this session, Yuma & her mom had to be extra-patient with the weather, much more so than most of my clients – we had to reschedule no less than four times!! Completely crazy, right?! Gah – they definitely win the Most Patient Clients Award!

But it turns out, making sure we got together on a day with good weather was definitely worth the wait. The beach in Del Mar was absolutely gorgeous, and Yuma was more than happy to model for us in front of blue skies and soft puffy clouds! Yuma is an adorable little Del Mar mutt, and I think she could have run up & down the sand chasing her tennis ball all day long! I absolutely fell in love with her cute little grin and small floppy ears… what a fun photo session!


She sprinted through the surf so quickly! But the funniest part was watching her try and pick up the tennis ball, once she caught up with it… let’s just say that part was a struggle! I think she needs to work on her hand-eye-mouth-paw coordination! :)

del mar mutt

(Side note: does this photo look pixelated to you? It seems to have uploaded oddly… but no worries, we have plenty of tack-sharp action photos of Yuma – this is just one of many!)

Look at that grin. She kills me… so stinking cute!

del mar mutt


Like I said – good weather is always worth the wait.

del mar mutt photo


Whitney, thank you for a great afternoon! (And Phyllis, thank you for introducing us!) I’m excited to get together with you again soon!


San Diego German Shepherds & Belgian Malinois: Chase, Lexie, Gunther & Aurora

Monday, July 13th, 2015

I’m sure there are some jobs out there where you can afford to be lazy… maybe even a bit out of shape. And even though I’m far from a fitness nut, my recent session with these San Diego German shepherds & Belgian Malinois gave me a workout & kept me on my toes all afternoon long! Haha! You see, I shared this photo session with four high-energy dogs (well, I suppose Chase isn’t terribly energetic, so just three) that each had their own distinct personalities – not to mention agendas for the session, haha! Chase is the oldest dog of the bunch, and he was happy to chew on his ball & mosey around, while Gunther is a shy boy who didn’t want to be posed or placed anywhere too specific… whereas Lexie is a happy, independent girl who has her own obsession with a tennis ball, and Aurora (the Belgian Malinois) was more than happy to run circles around everyone the entire time! Haha! Each one of these dogs are so unique, and I really enjoyed getting to know all of them during our photo session. They definitely challenged my ability to multi-task, but I have to say – I’m loving the images from this session! :)  (And to be honest, something tells me their parents are going to have a huge gallery of photos to see at their Ordering Session… so this Sneak Peek is truly a random selection of images from my first run-through of the session’s photos!)


This is Gunny! Isn’t he a handsome guy? I just love his smile.

german shepherd san diego


We started our photo session at the park, and Aurora was more than happy to pose on top of this huge rock for me! (But I think she’s ready to jump off & start herding everyone again!)

belgian malinois san diego


We also visited the studio for a few indoor portraits… Lexie made it look easy! :)

san diego german shepherd studio


And lastly, we finished up at Coronado Beach at sunset. Here’s Chase, meandering through the surf… such a handsome boy.

san diego german shepherd


Vickie, Kevin & Kelly, thank you so much for a fun-filled afternoon! I’m so excited to show you the rest of our photos soon! :)


Duke, the Impossibly Popular Dog – San Diego, CA

Monday, July 6th, 2015

I cried in the car, most of the way home.

When a client books a photo session because their dog doesn’t have much time left, well, it’s never easy… certainly not for my clients and not for me either. And upon meeting Duke, it was pretty clear that his joyful life was nearing its end: his neurological issues have taken away most of his control of his back legs, so he walks/hobbles everywhere he goes. His parents are now in the habit of carrying Duke up & down the stairs to their second-floor apartment every day… which is something they hoped they’d never have to do. But despite his physical limitations, Duke’s amazing, radiant personality shined through every second of our session – and that’s why he left me overjoyed to have known him, but heartbroken to know that his time left is measured in days.

But I bet you’re wondering why I called Duke an “impossibly popular” dog! If you had spent about two minutes with us in Balboa Park, you’d know why: it’s because his personality is absolutely magnetic! Family after family, person after person, we were practically bombarded with people who wanted to meet Duke! He was a conversation piece for people with & without dogs to approach us & compliment his handsome looks… it was practically overwhelming! I mean, to be honest with you, my photo sessions are always somewhat attention-getting in public, and I’m accustomed to people stopping to watch (and even taking a few pictures of me as I work!). But this was a whole new level of attention. And Duke’s parents are used to all the fuss; they say that people who are scared of dogs feel safe around Duke, that anti-dog people (are there such people?!?) stop to pet him & chat. And of course, Duke makes friends with every dog he meets. His popularity literally crosses the bounds of species – and honestly, it’s amazing to witness!

Whew – enough chatter! Let’s get to the photos! :)


This is Duke, with his permanent big grin.

dog in studio


Despite his back legs’ issues, Duke wanted nothing more than to run around at the park! And he can still move pretty fast!

running happy dog


He loves that tennis ball. Loves it. Sometimes he even gets vocal about it…

dog in balboa park


And last but not least, we visited one of Duke’s favorite spots in the world, the Coronado dog beach. I think he could have walked in circles up & down the beach with his big ball all day long… and I think he’ll be running along the sand at the big beach in the sky, right after he crosses the Rainbow Bridge.

old dog beach


Brian & Russ, thank you so much for introducing me to your handsome boy. What a special dog. I’m really looking forward to showing you the rest of our photos soon.


Encinitas Dog Photography with Briley & Gunner!

Friday, July 3rd, 2015

When I scheduled a photo session with Briley & Gunner, a Weimaraner and a German shepherd, I knew I’d be working with plenty of energy, due to their breeds… not to mention the fact that they’re both only about a year old! These pups are high-drive but they also have incredibly impressive obedience training. Of course, sometimes puppyhood wins over their training (especially with Miss Briley!) but overall it was great to work with such focused dogs. And it’s pretty easy to get their focus if you have a tennis ball in your hand, haha!

So for our photo session, we took a stroll around the brand-new Encinitas Community Park (what a pretty spot!) and let the dogs loose to play fetch as well. I had a great time with this fun family, and I’m so thrilled to share our photos with you!


This is the handsome Gunner! He started life as a working dog, but it turns out, he’s much better at being a family pet – so now he lives the good life!

encinitas dog photography


And this gorgeous girl is Briley! Can you believe she’s only ten months old?

encinitas pet photography


And just because I can’t resist sharing one of our many action photos with you, here’s one of Briley… Remember how I said they’re “focused” dogs? She could not be more focused on that ball! :)

encinitas dog photo



And despite the fact that we have several photos of both dogs posing nicely for us, I can’t help but share this silly photo with you! It’s too cute to keep to myself! How adorable are these pups?!

encinitas dog photography


Thanks for a wonderful afternoon, Paula & Chris! I had a great time with all four of you – and I can’t wait to show you the rest of our photos soon! :)




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