
Tag: ‘pet photography’

More Photos of Sprinkles the Yellow Lab!

Saturday, March 12th, 2016

A familiar face is on the blog again today! :)

Something unexpected came up last week, and Sprinkles’ mom was unable to come in & see all the photos of her gorgeous girl. I was sad that we’d have to reschedule our appointment… so I figured a second sneak peek was in order! Hopefully this makes the wait seem not-so-long, Delicia!


A rare calm moment for Sprinkles, on Coronado Beach…

yellow lab photo


This is how Sprinkles spent most of our photo session, haha!

yellow lab running


Even as the sun slipped past the horizon, I got the feeling Sprinkles could have kept playing with her mom for hours.

yellow lab san diego


That’s all for now! See you soon, Delicia! :)


Maggie May, the Shepherd Puppy from Escondido!

Friday, March 4th, 2016

I canNOT properly express to you how EXCITED I was for this photo session! I had the pleasure of seeing my wonderful clients again to capture the newest member of their sweet family – Maggie the puppy! Maggie has basically won the puppy lottery… she gets to join this awesome family with two big brothers and two loving parents, and she’s soaking it all up as the center of attention these days! Maggie’s family rescued her from the Humane Society in Escondido just a couple of months ago, and ever since her mom texted me a picture of her sweet little face, I’ve been itching to meet her! (And even better: her parents didn’t pay a dime for this photo session, since they’re in my Clients for Life program! Curious? Contact me and I’ll tell you all about it.) She’s a mixed-breed shepherd puppy of some sort – but honestly, who cares about her breeding with that adorable face?! And although she gets on her brothers’ nerves a little – okay, a lot – she’s going to grow into the most loving, devoted little sister they could ever have, I just know it. (Even if she’s only “little” in age; I think she might end up 20 lbs bigger than either of them!) But I was honored to meet her at the beginning of her life – so here are a few of my favorite images of this spunky little shepherd puppy!


Oh, that smile. And those lopsided ears!

happy shepherd puppy


We found a few sticks in the park… which held Maggie’s attention for a record-breaking 5 whole seconds…

shepherd puppy photo


She’s painfully cute.

shepherd puppy picture


And she loves to run! I think she’ll grow up to be an incredible athlete!

shepherd puppy running



Trisha & Daniel – it was absolutely wonderful to see you again, as usual! I’m looking forward to getting together again soon! :)


Aspen the Great Pyrenees Puppy! (Oceanside)

Monday, February 29th, 2016

When I first learned that I’d have the opportunity to work with a Great Pyrenees puppy, I was beyond excited, of course – and I pictured a 20-pound little nugget that would be a roly-poly little ball of fluff! So imagine my surprise when I pull up to my clients’ house in Oceanside, and hear a booming “woof woof” coming from behind the front gate… and that deep bark belongs to a huge dog! Aspen the Great Pyrenees is only 11 months old, but he’s already bigger than most dogs! He’s a happy, ready-to-play puppy that absolutely loves to swim in his family’s backyard pool – in fact, he made a beeline for it as soon as we finished our photo session, haha! He kept me laughing all afternoon, and I was so thrilled to work with such a sweet dog & family.


This is Aspen! Don’t you love his fluffy white fur? And that look…!

great pyrenees dog


We all went for a walk around the neighborhood…

great pyrenees dog


I just have to share this photo with you! This is Aspen’s sister April, and these two are incredibly close – I really loved watching them interact and work together – and as a result, we have a bunch of super-cute photos of them together! (Although this is one definitely an early favorite of mine!)

great pyrenees dog and girl


April, Shelley, Tim & Garrett, thank you for such a fun afternoon! I’m looking forward to seeing you all again soon!


San Diego German Shepherds Garnet & Iroh! (Photos)

Saturday, February 27th, 2016

To be completely honest with you, whenever I get the chance to work with shepherds, I get excited about it! Especially German shepherds: they’re gorgeous dogs, they’re intelligent & quick, they do amazing work with our military & police, and I think my Bailey might even have a bit of German shepherd in her genetic history! So you better believe when I had the chance to meet these beautiful San Diego German shepherds, I couldn’t have been happier! :)


Garnet & Iroh are brother and sister (technically, aunt & nephew); Garnet is 2.5 years old and Iroh is 6 months old, so there’s a little bit of an age gap – but Iroh is doing his best to make up for lost time! He absolutely idolizes his big sister, you can tell: he whimpers if she ever walks away, and never wants to be more than two inches apart from her. But along with that adorable puppy love (ha!) he’s still a typical little brother, always stealing her toys, wanting to wrestle and giving her a hard time. And the best part? As much as Garnet puts on the appearance of barely tolerating his puppy antics, you can tell that she adores him just as much! For example, during our time in the studio, Iroh had to take a potty break, and the whole time he was outside Garnet simply waited by the door, impatient & inconsolable! So I love that these dogs have truly found their best friend in each other, and I was thrilled to meet them near the very beginning of their friendship, since I know they get to enjoy many more years to come together. :)


Garnet (left) and Iroh (right) did soooo well in the studio! They posed like champs – and I love their head tilts, haha!

san diego german shepherds


That gorgeous shepherd profile just gets me… gosh, Garnet is so beautiful.

san diego german shepherd photo


We headed outdoors to Mission Trails Regional Park, where the dogs got to stretch their legs a bit! Iroh especially had a blast!

san diego german shepherd


And we finished up at the beach in La Jolla, where the dogs played and danced in the last light of the day.

san diego german shepherds


Natalie & Ben, I had a great time with all four of you! I’m excited to show you the rest of our images soon! :)


Mixed Breed Dogs Maya, Rumi & Bella! (San Diego, CA)

Friday, February 26th, 2016

I’m so excited to introduce you to these adorable mixed breed dogs – because their session was a LONG time in the making! But it was definitely worth the wait, and I’m thrilled about the images we created together!

Maya is an Australian shepherd mix, about 10 years old, and one of the sweetest, happiest dogs I’ve ever met. She knows what she wants and doesn’t hesitate to ask for it, haha! Rumi is a 9-year-old Collie mix and, let’s be honest, he was blessed with the handsome looks of the family! He’s the only boy of the trio, and I simply can’t get enough of his gorgeous red coat & dashing smile. And Bella – Miss Bella! – she’s the most independent pup of the whole group! Her parents think she’s a border collie/lab mix, and I think she might have some shepherd in her heritage as well, but whatever breeds make up her DNA, she’s a big, fluffy mutt with a huge smile and an admirable independent spirit, so I really loved working with her! Together, these three mixed breed dogs have a TON of personality, and our session was loads of fun! For our session, we started at gorgeous Balboa Park, and then stopped at Sunset Cliffs, and finally gave the dogs a fun beach trip to Fiesta Island… so I have to admit, it was a very “San Diego” photo session! Here’s just a sneak peek of all our images… there are plenty more where these came from! ;)


This is Maya – I just love her sweet, whitening face & contented smile.

mixed breed dog photo


And here’s Bella – one of the fluffiest mutts I’ve ever met, haha! And don’t you love those lopsided ears?

mixed breed dog


Last but certainly not least, this is Rumi, and if you don’t fall in love with his handsome smile I think there might be something wrong with you.  ;)

mixed breed dog photography


Vinod & Marilyn, I’m so glad we finally had the chance to get together! I’m looking forward to seeing you both again soon! :)



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