
Tag: ‘pet photography’

How to Prepare for a Pet Photography Session

Wednesday, May 17th, 2017

Let me take a wild guess: this is NOT something you do every day!

Booking a photographer for custom portraits of your pet (and hopefully your family too) is an incredibly special occasion, and I know it’s not something you do every day, week, month… or maybe even every year. I totally get that. Because of that fact, I’m also betting you want to plan ahead & know how to prepare for a pet photography session as best as possible. Because if it’s not happening again tomorrow, you want to do it right today, right?

So let me offer a few helpful tips… because I do do this every day! ;)


Best of San Diego pet photo

Prepping Your Pet

~ Grooming: I typically suggest scheduling any grooming appointments for 2-4 days before your photo session. Not the same day – too much excitement! – and not weeks in advance, UNLESS you love the grown-out, shaggy look.

~ Camera familiarity: If you have a big camera (ideally a DSLR) around your home, bring it out & take a few photos of your pets! (Just “test shots”, don’t worry about putting in any effort to the quality of the images.) It will get them used to the idea of looking into the lens and being comfortable with such a unique-looking piece of equipment. Remember to provide plenty of treats if/when you do this, so they develop a positive association with the camera!

~ Obedience: Now is the ideal time to brush up on a few handy commands! The most important one is “stay”, but it’s also a good idea to learn a reliable “sit”, “lay down” and “come”. Those are the most useful commands for photo sessions, and I think you’ll be glad that your pets know them! (They’re not necessary, but trust me, they make the whole session go smoother!)

~ Earlier that day: if you have a high-energy dog, it’s a good idea to go for a walk before your session, to get the extra energy & wiggles out. But on the other hand, if you have an especially low-energy dog, please don’t do any physical activity beforehand! We want to squeeze every bit of energy & excitement out of your laid-back pooch! :)


rancho santa fe photography


Prepping Yourself

~ Grooming: What, you thought this topic was limited to dogs? I encourage you to schedule nail & hair appointments for yourself right before our session! I know it can be a bit nerve-wracking to be in front of a camera, so it’s a good idea to fit in some extra pampering if it helps you feel even better about how you look. An extra dose of confidence, and photo-ready hair & nails? Yes please!

~ Mental prep: I know for a fact that your pet is not going to behave perfectly on the day of the session. Sorry, but it’s true! Even if your dog is impeccably-trained, he’s still a dog with free will and his own desires and mood swings… and guess what? That’s okay! In fact, I actually want him to do whatever will make him happy! That’s how I’ll get the most genuine expressions on film. So prepare yourself for a fun, silly, unexpected, spontaneous, and maybe-even-a-little-chaotic time together. Don’t stress about your pet behaving – because I already know he/she won’t, haha!

~ Pose ideas: this is actually something you don’t have to worry about. Posing, lighting, angles, ideas, inspiration – that’s my job! I’ve seen clients bring their photographers a list of images pulled straight from Pinterest, and while I’m sure they’re adorable photos, you don’t want your photographer to feel like a copycat, going down a checklist. I hope you chose your photographer (whether it’s me or someone else) because you love their style – and in that case, feel free to have an idea or two in mind if you want something specific. But for 95% of the session you should let your photographer have the creative freedom to play!

 prepping for your pet photo session


Potential Obstacles

My dog can’t be trusted off-leash, but I don’t want the leash to appear in all the photos. That’s not a problem! My digital retouching skills make it possible to actually remove leashes from practically any image in post-processing! I don’t like seeing leashes in photos any more than you do – I prefer to make them disappear. :)  But it’s a great (and really important) question; I’d never ask you to take your pet off-leash if you’re not 100% comfortable doing so. Safety comes first!

I don’t want to have the session at my house. Where can we go instead? Anywhere! Does your dog have a favorite park, beach or hiking trail? Even if not, I know a bunch of pretty & dog-friendly locations around San Diego! Just ask if you’re stumped; I probably know the perfect location. (Extra tip: you’re likely to find a location you love by sorting through a few “older posts” on this very blog!)

I want to be in a few photos, but I hate how I look on film. Don’t worry! That’s what many of my clients say. Your friend’s iPhone snapshots are very different from a trained professional (like me!) with knowledge of posing & lighting. So don’t stress – it’s my job to make you and your pets look great! You’ll most likely be surprised at how much you like the photos of yourself…


yellow lab san diego


What If?s

What if it rains? Don’t worry, I’ll happily reschedule with you to find an alternate date. I want your photos to look as perfect as possible, and storm clouds simply don’t make pretty pictures! If you’re concerned about the weather, feel free to reach out to me to get a rain date on our calendars in advance. (Of course, this is just my policy; if you’re working with another photographer please reach out to them and make sure they can give you an answer to this question as well.)

What if my dog gets sick? Oh no! You can’t smile for the camera when you’re feeling poorly, and neither can your dog. If a medical emergency occurs, we can reschedule for a later date, so everyone looks & feels their best for the big day. No extra charges or fees, either.

~ What if I have no idea which products I want? That’s perfectly fine – and in fact, totally normal! It’s much easier to make those decisions when you see the final images. For now, just think about whether you prefer to experience photos on your walls or in stories (like an album), and we’ll tackle this question later!



how to prepare


What to Wear

~ My best advice: pick your favorite, most comfortable, dressy-casual clothes! There’s no need for formal tuxedos or ball gowns, haha!

~ Try to choose: colors that stand out from your pets’ fur, solid colors, and simple, uncluttered designs/patterns. (And if you want to have the session on a white studio backdrop, don’t wear white!)

~ If your whole family will be participating in the photo session, choose a color palette with 2-3 colors – such as blues, tans and maroons – and everyone can wear clothing that works together! You don’t have to wear identical outfits to coordinate perfectly… the days of jeans & white t-shirts have passed, and you’re allowed to get much more creative than that! #saygoodbyetothe90s

~ More help if you’re still stuck: pinterest.com/allisonshamrell/photo-session-outfit-ideas


And last but certainly not least, please, don’t stress. Your photo session is supposed to be a ridiculously fun experience, and your pets will pick up on your stress level and behave accordingly. I hope these tips on how to prepare for a pet photography session have covered all your bases, but life is full of surprises, isn’t it? So even if you’re running late, having a bad hair day, and your dog chewed on the couch this morning, take a deep breath, relax, and let your photographer work their magic!


A Career in Pet Photography – My Advice for Aspiring Pet Photographers

Thursday, May 11th, 2017

I often receive emails from students asking about making a career out of pet photography. Some of them are in business school, others are in photography classes, and others are simply curious! I can’t blame them: it’s a great question, and I admire their forethought, especially since I certainly didn’t plan on becoming a pet photographer when I was a student. So I’d like to answer a few of the most common questions that I’m asked here in this blog post – so that aspiring pet photographers can learn about this spectacular career that I feel so lucky to have!

two dogs in a flower field
1. How long have you been a professional pet photographer?

As of today (May 2017), I’ve been a full-time pet photographer for 6 and a half years! I began in October of 2010, in Pensacola, Florida, and we moved to San Diego in 2013, which is where I’ve built my business ever since.

2. Why did you choose pet photography?

Because I love pets! Haha! Why else would you become a pet photographer?!

Seriously though, I fell in love with photography in college. I mostly shot sports back then, thanks to a field press pass via the student newspaper, but I also tried weddings/events/families/babies, etc. soon after graduating. Pet photography turned out be the perfect niche for me, since I love working with animals more than anything else.

advice for students

3. What kind of education/training did you get/need?

Photography is one of those interesting careers that doesn’t require any professional certifications. I don’t have to pass a bar exam like a lawyer, there’s nothing that says today I’m a photographer but yesterday I wasn’t. (On a side note, I think that’s why this industry is filled with so many part-timers, “weekend warriors” and shoot-and-burners. But that’s a discussion for another time!) So I didn’t “need” any education in the formal sense of the word. But I needed education in every other sense! I’m kind of an education junkie, to be honest with you. I’m constantly studying, and it’s not always about photography: marketing, workflow systems, lighting, posing… the list goes on! I took Photography 101 in high school to learn the basics of how a camera functions, and then worked for the student newspaper in college and learned shooting & editing techniques from my fellow photographers, so that’s about as “official” as my education ever was. Since then it’s been in-person workshops, online videos, conferences and the generous help of people who have gone before me. So to be perfectly honest I needed a LOT of training, but not in the traditional sense of the word. And practice – simply practicing my craft has been the best training possible. When I first started out, I shot as much as I possibly could, and no Photoshop tutorial could ever be more valuable than that.

aspiring pet photographers

4. What do you think is the most rewarding part of your job?

Oh my gosh – the families. The people I work with. Giving them something they wouldn’t have been able to create on their own is an AMAZING thing. I get to create artwork of the most difficult-to-photograph member of the family, someone’s best friend. That’s awesome! You see, before I started my business, I mostly shot sports (at that student newspaper I mentioned). And I went to a big sports school (Notre Dame!) so we LOVE our sports. But at the end of the day, I don’t think landing the front page of the sports section even comes close to capturing the spirit of a member of someone’s family. Dogs have an amazing zest for life, and powerful lessons to teach us humans – to stop and smell the roses, to enjoy life in the moment, to play more – and I think those lessons are worth so much more than an awesome touchdown shot. And when I present a finished album or canvas gallery wrap to my clients, and they start to cry and thank me for a portrait that captures the essence of a family member that won’t be here forever… it sometimes brings me to tears too. Don’t get me wrong – I love the adrenaline of capturing a touchdown or a slam dunk, and I always will – but it simply doesn’t compare to working with pets & families every day. This is an incredibly fulfilling job, more than I ever imagined before I started.

advice for pet photographers

5. Do you ever hire interns or assistants?

I have, absolutely! Running a business is a huge endeavor and I can often use a little help – but I have to be careful not to hire anyone at the detriment of a client’s experience. For example, I don’t use an assistant during my photo sessions, because I want to keep the experience intimate and minimize the distractions. But not all photographers feel that way; many successful pet photographers love to have assistants during shoots. At the moment I don’t use an assistant for anything, but that might change in the future!

6. Is this a full time job?

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Yes.

advice for aspiring pet photographers

7. What is your favorite pet to photograph?

Dogs. :)

8. How much does this job pay?

That depends. (But if you’re doing it just for the money, you’re doing it for the wrong reasons.) When I first started out, I made less than minimum wage, since I didn’t know how to value my time or how to charge for my products & services. But that was acceptable to me at that point, since I loved starting this business and I relished the idea of working for myself. These days I make well more than minimum wage, which reflects the improvement I’ve made in my craft & my clients’ experience. Your photography business can make plenty of money, but don’t make the mistake of thinking that doing a shoot for $100 (for example) is $100 in raw profit. You haven’t accounted for your expenses, most notably the large percentage that the government claims in taxes. (Don’t get me started on that.) Sorry I can’t give you a straight answer on this one – it’s really up to you!

9. What do you do on a daily basis?

Oh man… so much. Every day is truly different. I might be shooting, editing photos, culling photos, ordering products, quality-checking products that have just been delivered, calling my lab to fix products that have any flaws on them, blogging (!), answering emails, making phone calls, planning events, prepping for events, making posts on social media, learning about effective social media strategies, keeping up with local businesses that I partner with, brainstorming new marketing avenues, checking the ROI of my current marketing, purchasing new supplies or backdrops for the studio, categorizing transactions for my accountant, making sure my bank accounts are in order, analyzing my spending, doing inventory, cleaning/organizing my studio, putting together a surprise or two for my clients, corresponding with those clients and planning their sessions, answering clients’ (and prospective clients’) questions, following up with new inquiries, developing my commercial photography portfolio, enhancing my website, making sure I’m on top of any industry trends/news… the list goes on!

pet photography advice

10. Do you have any advice for aspiring pet photographers?

Study business. I thought owning a photography business would be 90% photography and 10% business. Turns out, it’s the other way around. And you should really genuinely passionately LOVE animals! And also, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that I just opened a pet photography education resource, with one of my best friends (and local “competition”!) that might prove useful if you’re actually in the beginning stages of starting your own pet photography business. It’s called Professional Pooch and we designed it to help other people turn their hobby/interest of pet photography into a full-time job, like we have!

11. What’s your greatest challenge in this field?

Oooh, that’s a good one. I’m an optimist and I don’t like to dwell on my struggles, and I don’t recommend that you do either – but I’ll answer the question for me personally. I’m challenged by the fact that there are only 24 hours in the day. I’n challenged by wanting to constantly outdo myself and produce better & better work. I’m challenged by the fact that I love my clients but I also value work-life balance. I’m challenged by the aspects of business I never thought I’d have to be an expert in – SEO, accounting, finding & sourcing the best products on the market (and sometimes creating those products myself when they don’t already exist). But I also consider myself very lucky to have a supportive family, a killer work ethic, and awesome clients that I really connect with. You have to take the challenges along with the helpful aspects, since they go hand-in-hand. And besides, what fun would this be if there weren’t a few obstacles along the way?


I hope this has been helpful for aspiring pet photographers, no matter where you live or where you’re at in your journey! Good luck! :)

A Pet Photography Proposal! Featuring Baby, the Cocker Spaniel

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017

When I first spoke with Alma, she told me all about her 15-year-old cocker spaniel, Baby, and as we planned our session date and chatted about details I simply thought this would be a typical photo session. We’d have a great time, end up with some adorable photos, and it would be another successful session! No hiccups, no worries, everything would go smooth as always.

Then I got a call from Jony, her boyfriend, that changed everything.

He told me he was planning on proposing during our photo session! I have to admit, some guys have it all figured out – and I completely admire Jony for planning ahead and making sure the moment would be captured on film! We came up with a strategy, planned our “signal” for when he would get down on one knee, and he even gave me the ring hours before our photo session took place so that it could be safely hidden in my camera bag (where Alma wouldn’t have a chance of seeing it). And you know what? The whole photo session leading up to the big moment, I had a huge smile on my face. I can’t remember the last time I had so much joy photographing a couple – because I knew they were about to spend the rest of their lives together. I can’t help but smile at the “family” photos we took before the proposal, because Alma – the sweetest person – had no idea that Jony was going to ask her to become his wife that day. That Jony was willing to stand by her side for the rest of time, and he was ready to ask if she’d do the same for him. It was an incredibly special day, one they’ll both remember for the rest of their lives – and honestly, I will too. Gah! I’m so completely thrilled for them!!

But enough talk – I know you want to see this amazing pet photography proposal already!! :)


First, an introduction: this is Baby! She’s been Alma’s constant companion for the past 15 years, and she did a great job in the studio (despite feeling a bit unsure of what exactly we were doing)!

pet photography proposal dog


I can’t believe this sweet little family is about to make it official!!

pet photography proposal shoot


After a bit of studio time, we headed to Balboa Park and wandered amongst the flowers & gardens.

pet photography proposal session


No words.

pet photography proposal


I think Baby approves.

pet photography proposal photo


Alma & Jony, thank you so much for including me as you start the rest of your lives together! I could not be happier for you two!!!


Photography Mini-Sessions, benefitting the Coastal German Shepherd Rescue of San Diego!

Saturday, April 29th, 2017

I have a special fundraising event to announce today! My “Portraits for Pooches” mini-sessions are back, and they’re perfect for a small taste of the custom pet photography experience. And I’m proud to support the Coastal German Shepherd Rescue of San Diego!


pet photography mini-sessions

$50 from every photo session is going straight to Coastal German Shepherd Rescue of San Diego! 

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Please note, this is a one-day event – but if Saturday fills up, Sunday will be our overflow date!

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A few words from past mini-session attendees:

We had the BEST experience working with Allison. We originally signed up for the mini-sessions for a fundraiser, thinking we might get a good family shot out of it. We ended up having the best time and found quite a few photos that we loved! She was so well prepared with toys and treats to keep our puppy happy, and was extremely helpful and innovative when showing us her completed work. I can’t wait to bring my dog in to do another shoot someday, it was the best experience!” – Allie S.

“She gave us more than photos, she gave us an experience that we’ll always cherish. I highly recommend her; don’t use your cell phone for those special shots, use Allison! I have 1,000’s of photos of my dog on my phone, but Allison’s were like none I could capture. She really is talented!” – Thomas N.

“My sweet puppy is also a wiggle worm so I wasn’t sure how many good photographs we would get. The photo shoot went quickly and Allison made helpful recommendations to get good results. It was a great experience. We loved every photograph and were amazed by the quality. Each photograph makes us smile so it was worth the investment. We highly recommend Allison – she is extremely talented and easy to work with. It felt like working with a friend. The whole experience was wonderful.” – Jackie S.

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Included with the session fee is your favorite photo as a high-resolution digital, ready to be printed & shared to your heart’s content. But each session results in at least TEN frame-worthy portraits to choose from- so what if you end up with TWO favorite images? Or three, or four?

Here’s the info for any additional products you might pick out, which are completely optional but happily available:

pet photo mini-sessions


Registration opens on Monday, May 1st!

There are a limited number of time slots available, so call 619.357.6624 now to reserve yours!

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Thanks, and I hope to see you there! Coastal German Shepherd Rescue of San Diego relies on volunteer fundraising & support, and mini-sessions like these are a great way to help out the awesome dogs in their care!

Merlin and Gwen, Mixed Breed Dogs with Engaged Parents!

Tuesday, April 11th, 2017

Step 1: Adopt two adorable dogs.

Step 2: Schedule a photo session for aforementioned dogs.

Step 3: Get engaged!

Step 4: Turn your photo session into a pet/engagement photo session!


Don’t worry, these aren’t required instructions for anyone – except Merlin & Gwen’s parents, haha! I’m so excited for this new family of four! :)


As you can probably imagine, this photo session was slightly different than one of my usual, all-about-the-pets sessions. We included mom & dad in many of the photos, which was a lot of fun! And Merlin & Gwen loved sharing the spotlight – they absolutely adore their parents. These mixed breed dogs have such fun personalities; Merlin is the older brother who will do anything for a treat, and Gwen is the younger (yet bigger) sister whose favorite activity is annoying her brother! Haha! (Isn’t that what younger siblings are for?) They were a lot of fun to work with, and I think they had a great time in front of the camera.


We started at their home in Rancho Bernardo, snuggling on the couch and relaxing.

mixed breed dogs at home


Merlin is a terrier/border collie mix, and I think there might be some spaniel in his heritage too!

mixed breed terrier dog


Gwen is a mini-husky! (Okay, I just made that up, that’s not a real breed. She’s a husky mix, but her parents don’t know what the other breed(s) might be, and she just looks like a slightly-smaller-than-normal husky!)

mixed breed husky dog


We ended up with so many adorable family photos… I really agonized over which one to post here! But this image immediately jumped out at me as an early favorite, since it’s a candid, natural moment. And I personally love the calm tone of this photo – especially with how crazy this little family’s life is going to get, as they’re about to plan a wedding! Eeek!

mixed breed dogs with parents



Angela & Ricky, I’m so happy for you two!! Can’t wait to get together again soon! :)



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