
Tag: ‘on the job’

Labs on a Boat: Tulley, Hannah & Jake ~ {Destin Pet Photography by Allison Shamrell}

Thursday, December 29th, 2011

The original Sneak Peek about these three happy dogs elicited lots of comments, Facebook posts and emails from people saying they loved the photos! (Thank you to everyone, because it means a lot!) I actually received SO many that – although I’m terribly behind on blogging sessions after they’ve completed post-production – I just had to release this video as quickly as I could. Spoiler alert: you’ll find a few of our session’s uninvited guests in the video as well. Enjoy!

~   Dog Photography by Allison Shamrell in Destin, Florida   ~


Merry Christmas! ~ {Pensacola Pet Photography by Allison Shamrell}

Sunday, December 25th, 2011

I hope you’re having a wonderful, memorable, and family-filled day!

This is Maximus the English bulldog, and I couldn’t decide between posting his “Merry Christmas” and his “Bah humbug” face. So here are both of them… take your pick!


Can you believe this is his happy face?



Yes, the Santa hat was torture.

Merry, merry, merry Christmas!



~   Dog Photography by Allison Shamrell in Pensacola, Florida   ~


Christmas Pet Portraits! ~ {Pensacola and Ft. Walton Beach Pet Photography by Allison Shamrell}

Friday, December 23rd, 2011

With Christmas coming up so soon, I thought you might like to see the results of the Christmas Sessions from earlier this month! I set up my studio in The Spotted Dog and 3 Dogs & A Chick, and a bunch of families came in to have their Christmas portraits taken. It was a lot of fun, and a bit chaotic – let’s just say I’m glad I splurged on the “shatter-resistant” ornaments!

Here’s a fun video I put together featuring many of the attendees we had – and I kept it to just photos of the dogs, even though we had plenty more portraits of everyone’s whole family! Enjoy!





~   Dog Photography by Allison Shamrell in Pensacola and Ft. Walton Beach, Florida   ~



Family Portraits ~ {Pensacola Pet Photography by Allison Shamrell}

Saturday, December 17th, 2011

I had to save this image for a blog post all its own. You see, I’m totally comfortable photographing dogs: does it have a tail? four legs? a wet nose? If yes, then let’s go! I love everything about working with dogs, and I’m not exaggerating when I say I’m head-over-heels in love with my job!

Now, you ask me to photograph your family – and it’s made up of entirely humans? That’s when I start to get nervous, and yes I think I’m slightly backwards as a photographer for being more natural working with another species. But there you have it. (Maybe it’s because I don’t have human kids yet…. hmmmm….) So when my clients come to me wanting portraits that mix people and dogs, yes, I get nervous – but I also get SO excited! I think this is because I get to start within my bubble of comfort (pretty much anything without a tail is outside of that bubble), but also move slightly outwards and improve my photographic technique and skill level. Plus, I think the connection people have with their pets is absolutely magical – I’m constantly in awe of it when I spend time with my clients, and I think that a wordless bond between two creatures can easily be stronger than one built on words. And the resulting photos can be much more powerful as well, so in an odd way, photographing people and their pets can often be the highlight of a session for me.

That’s a pretty long preamble to a post containing one photo. So I’ll only say one more thing, and I’m just gonna put it out there: I love this photo.





~   Dog Photography by Allison Shamrell in Pensacola, Florida   ~


Jax, Pete & Duncan ~ {Pensacola Pet Photography by Allison Shamrell}

Tuesday, December 13th, 2011

These three delightful Yorkie and Silky terrier boys came to visit me in Pensacola all the way from Brewton, Alabama with their parents this weekend! And while I was nervous about telling them all apart, once I met them, I knew it wouldn’t be hard. Let me introduce you!


We can start with the middle brother – just because I feel like mixing it up. This is Pete, who’s 5 years old and a ball of energy!


This is Duncan, the newest addition to the family: he’s only 7 months old, weighs 4 pounds, and is pretty much scared of everything.


Last but not least, Jax, the sage (and only slightly ornery) old man at 13.


After relaxing at the park, we went somewhere a little more scenic…


Some of us jumped in the water. No names mentioned.


 I probably yammered their parents’ ears off by going on about the light at that time of day… well, this is why!


But where I think these boys really shined was the studio. Just look at that pose by the 7-month-old!


If this photo had a sound effect, it would be “whoosh”


Even old man Jax brought out his playful side!


What a beautiful trio.


Bye bye boys!


Something tells me this gallery is going to be, well, not Yorkie-sized, but Great Dane-sized! But you’ll have to wait until the new year to see!



~   Dog Photography by Allison Shamrell in Pensacola, Florida   ~




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