
Tag: ‘on the job’

A Bulldog and a BIG Lab Puppy: Deuce & Huntley

Friday, March 30th, 2012

This session was so much fun! I think it was especially interesting because we used our fair share of props, and while these dogs are both oh-so-handsome on their own, I think incorporating their favorite things really brought out their personalities! First, we used a stick, and this was not any old stick – it was brought from home, because Huntley the chocolate lab puppy has a love affair with it. And let me tell you what, getting his focus when I had the beloved stick in my hands was a piece of cake! The other prop was – well – edible. And I don’t recommend it for other dogs! But Deuce the English bulldog has, over time, built up a tolerance (and a love) for this particular food.

Since this is only the Sneak Peek, I can’t show you everything… but here are the handsome boys!


An English bulldog with an overbite sits with his owner in a park.



A chocolate lab puppy chews on a stick.


Did I mention it was a gorgeous afternoon in a pretty new park? Deuce is diggin’ it.

A happy English bulldog in a park.


Okay, here’s a preview of Deuce’s snack…

McDonald's food bag with an English bulldog's snack.


Stay tuned for the rest of these boys’ photos! Thanks for such a great time at the park, Nicole & Andrew – I’ll be in touch very soon!


Premium Albums: The Leather Cover

Thursday, March 29th, 2012

Ahhhh, we’re here. This post reveals the last Premium Album that I offer, from one more totally separate album provider. This is the album I’ve been most excited about all along, for two reasons. First of all, it’s leather, and leather is always what I’ve envisioned as being a huge characteristic of a top-of-the-line photography album. I suppose I have a soft spot for it. Secondly, this album features my favorite dog in the world: my girl Bailey.


The box it comes in is leather, and has a small magnetic closure.

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


Oh. Oh yes. Take in that leather.

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


And the imprinting of Bailey’s name on the cover…

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


I hope you can see the texture of the leather. It’s top-of-the-line, and I could tell you the technical qualifications a quality guarantees surrounding it… but suffice to say, it’s NICE. And not just “nice”… I mean NICE.

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


The pages have a substrate in-between them that’s actually a different color than the prints. I think it gives the album’s side view a really distinctive look!

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A black spread to start…

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


With my embossed logo on the inside cover!

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


Could these pages be any flatter? They’re so flat they’re bending back with the cover! I love that they lay directly against it like that.

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


Sigh. I know I’m a nerd for swooning over an album… but that’s okay with me.

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


Oh hey Bailey! Here’s an example of a spread – you can see that there’s a seam in the middle (not really a gutter, per se) but it’s so thin that in the 24-inch span of this book (it measures 12×12 when closed) I think it hardly makes any difference in the overall layout.

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A closer look at the pages…

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


More leather texture. Man I wish you could feel this through your screen…

A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


A premium album with a leather cover, featuring a Rhodesian ridgeback mix, dog photography by Allison Shamrell.


I know these photos haven’t done this album (or the photo-cover one, or the silk one) justice. But I hope you can see a small part of why I’ve been so, so excited for a very long time to introduce these products. They are at the very top of the line, the best of the best in the photography industry, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to offer them to my clients!

Thanks for taking a look!

Premium Albums: The Photo Cover

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012

Okay, I’m going to run the risk of sounding really repetitive over the next few posts. Let’s just get out there what I’m feeling:

I am so excited about this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay. It may be hard to believe, but that obnoxious amount of exclamation points was actually necessary. Because this is something that I’ve been planning, researching, preparing and waiting for, for about six months. I’m introducing a new product line, and as the title of this blog post says, it’s a line of premium albums.

I already offer coffee table books – and they’re great! But many clients have asked me for more options. I wanted to continue offering all the features my clients love in their coffee table books – lay flat pages, clean design, great presentation – and still add so much more. This is a HUGE step up, in both quality and price, and it’s absolutely perfect for those clients who really want to feature their dogs’ portraits in an incredibly special way.

This post features a premium album with full-bleed photos on the front and back covers. I actually have three providers for the different types of premium albums I offer, not just one, because I felt that once my clients decide to make such a fabulous purchase, they ought to be able to choose between the best album providers in the photography industry. As far as showcasing a photo on the front cover, this lab absolutely excelled in every possible category, so I’m thrilled to offer their albums to my clients! (Remember: this is only the first of three album types. The others will be featured in their very own blog posts, because I don’t play favorites, even with inanimate objects. I’ll post links to those posts here as soon as they exist.)


Okay – let’s get started!!


The photo-cover premium album comes with its very own custom photo box! Here’s its front and spine:

A sample copy of a premium photo-cover album featuring custom pet photography by Allison Shamrell.


Here’s the back side.

A sample copy of a premium photo-cover album featuring custom pet photography by Allison Shamrell.


I chose to put only the dog’s name on the spine of the box, for simplicity’s sake. Kai is a sweetheart of a pit bull, and she and her mom live in New Orleans – they came all the way to Pensacola for their session, and we had a fantastic time together!

A sample copy of a premium photo-cover album featuring custom pet photography by Allison Shamrell.


The box opens from the side…

A sample copy of a premium photo-cover album featuring custom pet photography by Allison Shamrell.


It has a beautiful sheer cloth insert to protect the book…

A sample copy of a premium photo-cover album featuring custom pet photography by Allison Shamrell.


And here’s the book itself, sitting on top of its box…

A sample copy of a premium photo-cover album featuring custom pet photography by Allison Shamrell.


And finally, just the book.

A sample copy of a premium photo-cover album featuring custom pet photography by Allison Shamrell.


Ready to see inside? Me too!

A sample copy of a premium photo-cover album featuring custom pet photography by Allison Shamrell.


Here’s an example of a spread.

A sample copy of a premium photo-cover album featuring custom pet photography by Allison Shamrell.


The gutter normally found in big books is almost entirely nonexistent. This full-spread design was specifically made up of darker colors, so that you can see the most dramatic effect a white seam could have. I think it’s pretty remarkably small! I honestly don’t think it detracts from the photo much at all, so that’s one feature I love about these books.

A sample copy of a premium photo-cover album featuring custom pet photography by Allison Shamrell.


My past clients love how their coffee table books can lay completely flat, without anyone having to hold down any pages (like you would with a magazine). This book lays flat like a pro.

A sample copy of a premium photo-cover album featuring custom pet photography by Allison Shamrell.


Let’s take a closer look at those pages…

A sample copy of a premium photo-cover album featuring custom pet photography by Allison Shamrell.


The pages are thick; they have a substrate inside them that provides support and stability. Trust me, you’ll never rip one of these pages. And in the photo to the left of the collage below, you get to see a bit of how the cover is slightly padded with more substrate. To be honest, I feel bad for you: this book feels incredible and I wish you could just run your hands over it. The cover has an incredible matte finish and the slight plush cushion underneath the printed material is just… well, you have to feel it to believe it.

A sample copy of a premium photo-cover album featuring custom pet photography by Allison Shamrell.


Here’s another look at the cover.

A sample copy of a premium photo-cover album featuring custom pet photography by Allison Shamrell.



A sample copy of a premium photo-cover album featuring custom pet photography by Allison Shamrell.


The back cover:

A sample copy of a premium photo-cover album featuring custom pet photography by Allison Shamrell.


I even found a small place for my logo!

A sample copy of a premium photo-cover album featuring custom pet photography by Allison Shamrell.


Well, there you have it, the first of three incredible premium albums. I’ll be bringing these only sparingly to events; they’ll mostly be reserved for the eyes of clients  in their ordering sessions. So to see them all… just book a session! :) haha!

I hope you enjoyed looking through this book! I can’t wait to show you the accompanying two albums; stay tuned!


I’m in the People Business ~ Pensacola Pet Photography by Allison Shamrell

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

Like I mentioned in a previous post, earlier this month I spent three busy days at a photography conference called Imaging USA. During one of classes I attended, the speakers (Zach & Jody Gray) brought up an interesting quote:

“We’re in the people business serving coffee,
not the coffee business serving people.”

Guess who said this? The founder and chairman of Starbucks, Howard Schultz. And while we can debate about how successful that thought has been carried out in his business, I know for sure that it can be a fantastic principle for my business.

“I’m in the people business serving photography,
not the photography business serving people.”  – me!  Ha – look how quotable I am! (Sorry Mr. Schultz.)

One of the most simple and foundational things that I’ve done to improve my business this year is take a step back and think about everything from my clients’ point of view. I want to make sure I communicate well and keep people happy, of course, but there’s so much more to it than that. If I was in the market for a pet photographer – or really, any type of photographer – there are a few things I’d like to see.

~  that my photographer cares about me (and my pets, in this case)

~  that my photographer is proactive about communicating and can anticipate my desires, so I won’t have to ask for every little thing every step of the way

~  that my photographer goes above and beyond simply what they promised (to quote Zach & Jody: “If you give your customers exactly what you said you would, then you’ve failed!”)

~  that my photographer will be honest

~  that my photographer will be someone I’m happy – no, thrilled – to tell my friends about.

There’s more, of course, but that’s a short list of the things I’ve been thinking about recently. How I’ll go about satisfying these wishes is something you’ll know when you’re my client – I can’t just blog and give away all my secrets!! But suffice it to say I’ve been utilizing the Post Office more and more, and my slight obsession with HGTV is coming in handy. (Random? Yes… but you’re curious now mwahahaha!)

Another interesting thing about being in business as a sole proprietor is that while I’ve struggled to “look professional”, and have probably spent way too much time worrying about that, I always come back to the personal. Here’s another quote you might recognize before you read the credit:

Joe Fox: It wasn’t… personal.

Kathleen Kelly: What is that supposed to mean? I am so sick of that. All that means is that it wasn’t personal to you. But it was personal to me. It’s personal to a lot of people. And what’s so wrong with being personal, anyway?

Joe Fox: Uh, nothing.

Kathleen Kelly: Whatever else anything is, it ought to begin by being personal.

Of course, this is from You’ve Got Mail. I’ll tell you why this is one of my favorite movies of all time: for most of my adolescence and into college, my dream was to own my own bookshop. True story. And I still think it’d be simply wonderful! Think of it: dozens of shelves full of literary genius, books to make you laugh and cry, comfy chairs to peruse them in, obviously a shop dog would be involved (Bailey’s gonna have to start training for this), weekly discussion groups filled with critically-thinking people who want to get more out of their books, a whole building (or at least a big room) full of people who just LOVE books!

…. okay, can you tell I majored in Great Books in college?

Anyways, regardless of my past aspirations, the quote strikes me as overwhelmingly true today. While I can’t speak for big companies like Fox Books (coughcoughbarnesandnoblecough) small businesses are all about the personal, and any decision made otherwise is just not right; it just won’t work well. And there’s NOTHING wrong with that! Not a thing! I don’t know where America and all its efficiency and progress somewhere decided that to be successful and “businesslike”, you shouldn’t show people the person behind the business. Isn’t every business the way it is BECAUSE of the people behind it? Mine certainly is; my clients trust me to make certain decisions and keep various policies because we share similar taste. You wouldn’t ask a big corporation or a machine to give you a good client experience, because you can’t ever feel a strong connection to a company with which you haven’t had a person-to-person experience. Or at least I’m pretty sure that’s true. I mean, that’s why these companies hire spokespeople, but honestly, that’s no substitute.

So yes, business is personal. My business is an extension of myself. And I’m going to make sure that everything I do gives my clients the best possible personal experience they never even saw coming.


Because I can’t blog without including at least one picture: here’s Bailey, (halfway) sunning herself.


Hope you’re having a good day!

~ Dog Photography by Allison Shamrell in Pensacola, Florida ~



My Business, and The Shark Tank ~ Pensacola Pet Photography by Allison Shamrell

Tuesday, January 24th, 2012

I got back from a photography conference called Imaging USA less than a week ago. I spent three very long days (starting before the sun rose, and ending hours after it set) learning about how to best run a photography business – from the most brilliant photographers in the country. It was an absolutely incredible experience for me, and since the business side of my business has been on my mind ever since, I have a feeling the next few blog post are going to be highlighting a few of the back-end processes of things, instead of the usual peeks at the final product for any given client. Because while those kinds of posts are important too, they’re only specific to each family I work with. The way I run and grow my business (even the way I think about my business) affects everyone I come in contact with. So I think it’s worth a few blog posts!


One of my absolute favorite shows on television is Shark Tank on ABC. It was introduced to me by my friend Lina, and I can’t thank her enough for it! To introduce you, I was hoping to grab a video from YouTube to embed in this post. Unfortunately, that didn’t work, so I have to make you click over to Facebook to watch the trailer for this season (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151185590135103) and a great (pet-related!) example of what happens to everyone on the show: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10150169908923204. Seriously, go watch them! They’re very short clips. I’ll wait till you’re done.


Back? Great! So as you can tell, this show is all about business owners proving the value of their product, their company and themselves. The sharks are filthy rich and could afford to invest in every single one of the contestants, but they don’t – they’re entering legal contracts to do business with these people for the forseeable future. While my heart breaks for the people who’ve mortgaged their house multiple times, dipped into their kids’ college funds, and maxed out their personal credit to fund their company’s product – and yet the sharks still say no – there’s definitely something to be said for the realism of the show. So of course, watching this (in between yelling at the contestants and the sharks, alternatively) I get thinking about Allison Shamrell Photography. Would the sharks invest in me?


I can test myself by the questions the sharks most-often drill the contestants about:

  • Have you made any money?  Well, thank goodness, the answer for me is yes. But the costs of running a pet photography business are far more extensive than I expected when I first started almost a year and a half ago! I thought the only expenses I’d have would be new equipment and treats for the dogs I’d photograph. Ha! Looks like I was forgetting a few things: insurance, professional associations’ fees, lab fees, product costs, website hosting, blog redirecting, online data backup, advertising materials, digital templates, product packaging materials, and a whole lotta postage. To name a few things. Plus, since this’ll be the first year I’m not reporting a loss on our tax return, I hear there’s a significant amount of income tax I’m about to owe. You’ll probably hear the scream when I find out how much. So, making money: definitely not a given. But at least I can say I have.
  • How many units have you sold?  Since Shark Tank has a primarily product-based premise, and my business is service-based, this question doesn’t entirely apply. But, I can say that I’ve been blessed with enough clients to keep me busy every day (and some nights!) for the majority of 2011. Of course, there are times when things are slow – like February, when the weather is just blegh and it’s generally too cold to be comfortable outside for a three-hour session. But that’s normal; every photographer has a busy season and a slow season. And since I’m a one-woman show, I’ve been selling enough units – wait, yuck, I hate how that sounds, I don’t “sell units”, I do custom sessions – I’ve been doing enough custom sessions to keep me working at capacity! Which, honestly, is how I like it. I’m one of those people that’s happiest when they have too much to do. Go figure!
  • What’s your plan for the future? Ha! I kind of giggle when people ask me about the future. With a husband in the military, and orders that could come literally any day (oh yes – we’re living the dream!) and take us across the country, the future is something I just can’t spend time worrying about. Since I don’t know where we’ll go, I can’t exactly plan to do much, and without knowing when this will happen, I see no reason to act as if it’ll be soon. It’s not ideal, but hey, it’s okay – and for the time being, I’ll keep doing what I’ve been doing, almost as if a cross-country move wasn’t even going to happen. Whenever we do get relocated, it’ll be a struggle. I know that. I’ll be starting over with no client base, no networking contacts – basically nothing but a website and business cards. Yikes. Maybe I would have thought that was enough to start a business a year ago, but now I know that I can’t do anything alone. Relationships are everything – in business as well as life, I think – and that’ll be what the future of my business depends on.
  • What’s proprietary about your company? That’s a very good question. There’s usually a specific reason why a new start-up business grows and succeeds: they have something no one else does. Something no one else can copy (usually because it’s trademarked or copyrighted). They focus on a weakness of a pre-existing product and turn it into a strength. Can I tell you something? Back when I first started, I remember designing my website and writing things like “Contact Us” and “We appreciate your business”. I didn’t want to touch my About page (that I knew I really should write) because I was embarrassed to admit that it was only me over here. No one else. I felt like no one could trust me if they knew I was doing 100% of everything; as if I needed a staff or even a partner just to run a halfway-reputable business. Wow. It’s embarrassing to admit that now… but my attitude has turned 180 degrees! Now I know that what’s proprietary about my business – what gives it its strength – is me! I’m literally the reason this business is what it is: I’ve made the big decisions about what to photograph, what products to offer, what I want my website to look like, and how to conduct myself in my business. (I would give credit to its general success, though, to my husband: he’s talked me down from some pretttttty bad ideas!) So I suppose that’s why my business is named Allison Shamrell Photography – is because it’s all me. When you decide to have a session, you get my time, my talent, my experience, my effort, my everything. And – sometimes this still surprises me – my clients don’t seem to mind that I don’t have employees. They’re okay with this one-woman operation. Thank goodness, because now I know I shouldn’t hide it, I should shout it from the rooftops!


Well, since I think this is one of the wordiest blog posts ever, I should stop there. Shark Tank is on Fridays at 8, plus it’s all over YouTube and Hulu. I can’t give it a higher recommendation. Go watch it and thank me later! And in the meantime, thanks for supporting this (very) small business.


I noticed when I was writing this that Bailey wasn’t napping in her usual spot in my office. I went to see where she was… and found the image I’ll leave you with today.




~ Dog Photography by Allison Shamrell in Pensacola, Florida ~



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