
Tag: ‘on the job’

Happy Valentine’s Day! ~ {Pace, Florida Pet Photography by Allison Shamrell}

Monday, February 14th, 2011

Listen, nobody ever said Valentine’s Day is for humans only. These dogs are here to prove it!

Big thanks go to We Tuck ‘Em Inn for an amazing, busy day! We practically had a line out the door!

Warning: some pictures are extremely cheesy and/or cute. No need to adjust your monitor.

Some of the dogs that stopped by decided to redecorate my set…

But they were still sweeties!

Getting tired? So is she!

~ Dog Photography in Pace, Florida by Allison Shamrell ~

Sneak Peek: Buford & Rio! ~ {Pensacola, Florida Pet Photographer Allison Shamrell}

Monday, January 31st, 2011

Buford & Rio’s mom, Lori, contacted me after seeing the video I made of Cinder the Chihuahua, which you can find here. She wanted the same thing for her lovely labrador retrievers, Buford (age 14 and a half!) and Rio (just two and a half!). So the videos are coming, and here is a sneak peek of just a few photos before she gets to see all them all!

This is the old guy, Buford:

An old dog with an old door- I love shooting in historic downtown Pensacola!

Buford’s younger brother, Rio, strikes a pose in the studio! He was such a natural!

Hope this tides you over until Friday, Lori! See you then for your ordering session!

Sneak Peek of Cinder! ~ {Fort Walton Beach, FL Pet Photographer Allison Shamrell}

Thursday, January 20th, 2011

My most recent session features a very special dog from Fort Walton Beach: Cinder the Chihuahua. Her vet thinks she’ll be “crossing the bridge” pretty soon, so it was a bittersweet day as we played at her grandma’s house in Shalimar. Here are just a few pictures of her, so her mom can have a sneak peek before I show her the rest in person! I can’t wait to publish all the photos, especially because it won’t be a normal blog post! I have a special new presentation for everyone to see, so stay tuned!

Chauncey the Pomeranian ~ {Dauphin Island, Alabama Pet Photographer Allison Shamrell}

Saturday, December 11th, 2010

If the title of this post doesn’t make you want to read it, I don’t know what will.

I tell you what, this dog loves his mama! He never stopped looking to her for direction- so much for my for my commands! Chauncey wouldn’t sit or stay for anyone else, and it was really very touching. This little five-year-old is well-trained, but loves the beach so much (no fear, no way) that he got soaked before I could even get one shot! So we laughed about how these would be “really natural” pictures. And in my opinion, there’s nothing more genuinely beautiful than a dog having a good time at the beach, anyway.

See what I mean? It’s all about Mom.

A little blur effect on this one… do you like it?

Here are the chicken legs! Chauncey was soaked!

Underneath a dock where water used to be…

Thanks for a great shoot, Chauncey & Sarina!

The Three Stoog- I mean, Shelties ~ {Dauphin Island, Alabama Pet Photographer Allison Shamrell}

Thursday, December 9th, 2010

More multiple-dog shoots, you ask? Of course, I say! They’re too much fun to turn down! I personally love photographs with more than one dog in them. I think the possibilities quadruple as far as emotion and dynamics of the image. But that’s just my opinion!

And actually, the title of this post is the complete opposite of how the session went. I basically spent the whole time marveling at how regal and calming these dogs are. If I ever need dog therapy, I’m calling these guys first! They carried themselves in a way that was very different from most dogs I meet, and if that wasn’t enough, their fur is just incredible. Each of their colors are so rich, and by the end of the session, I could actually tell Andy and Zoe apart! They’re the ones with black fur; Chris is light brown. And to top it all off, we had two of the best locations I’ve ever been to; fitting, since the owners jet-sets all around the world for his job! We visited their backyard, which is expansive to say the least, and Dauphin Island, in Alabama, which contains the most dog-friendly beach I have ever seen. It was just awesome. Enjoy the photos!

Running after a beat-up, flat old soccer ball is one of their favorite things to do…

… especially for Zoe!

It started to get pretty hot outside…

So we relaxed for a while…

And then headed inside for a quick break!

Then we were off again, to the dog-friendly beach at Dauphin Island!

Aren’t they just beautiful?!

And boy, do they love their Dad. This is truly a family.

Thanks for a great shoot, pups!


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