
Tag: ‘Florida’

Family Portraits ~ {Pensacola Pet Photography by Allison Shamrell}

Saturday, December 17th, 2011

I had to save this image for a blog post all its own. You see, I’m totally comfortable photographing dogs: does it have a tail? four legs? a wet nose? If yes, then let’s go! I love everything about working with dogs, and I’m not exaggerating when I say I’m head-over-heels in love with my job!

Now, you ask me to photograph your family – and it’s made up of entirely humans? That’s when I start to get nervous, and yes I think I’m slightly backwards as a photographer for being more natural working with another species. But there you have it. (Maybe it’s because I don’t have human kids yet…. hmmmm….) So when my clients come to me wanting portraits that mix people and dogs, yes, I get nervous – but I also get SO excited! I think this is because I get to start within my bubble of comfort (pretty much anything without a tail is outside of that bubble), but also move slightly outwards and improve my photographic technique and skill level. Plus, I think the connection people have with their pets is absolutely magical – I’m constantly in awe of it when I spend time with my clients, and I think that a wordless bond between two creatures can easily be stronger than one built on words. And the resulting photos can be much more powerful as well, so in an odd way, photographing people and their pets can often be the highlight of a session for me.

That’s a pretty long preamble to a post containing one photo. So I’ll only say one more thing, and I’m just gonna put it out there: I love this photo.





~   Dog Photography by Allison Shamrell in Pensacola, Florida   ~


Jax, Pete & Duncan ~ {Pensacola Pet Photography by Allison Shamrell}

Tuesday, December 13th, 2011

These three delightful Yorkie and Silky terrier boys came to visit me in Pensacola all the way from Brewton, Alabama with their parents this weekend! And while I was nervous about telling them all apart, once I met them, I knew it wouldn’t be hard. Let me introduce you!


We can start with the middle brother – just because I feel like mixing it up. This is Pete, who’s 5 years old and a ball of energy!


This is Duncan, the newest addition to the family: he’s only 7 months old, weighs 4 pounds, and is pretty much scared of everything.


Last but not least, Jax, the sage (and only slightly ornery) old man at 13.


After relaxing at the park, we went somewhere a little more scenic…


Some of us jumped in the water. No names mentioned.


 I probably yammered their parents’ ears off by going on about the light at that time of day… well, this is why!


But where I think these boys really shined was the studio. Just look at that pose by the 7-month-old!


If this photo had a sound effect, it would be “whoosh”


Even old man Jax brought out his playful side!


What a beautiful trio.


Bye bye boys!


Something tells me this gallery is going to be, well, not Yorkie-sized, but Great Dane-sized! But you’ll have to wait until the new year to see!



~   Dog Photography by Allison Shamrell in Pensacola, Florida   ~



Sneak Peek: Roscoe, Buddy & Dixie ~ {Gulf Breeze Pet Photography by Allison Shamrell}

Saturday, December 3rd, 2011

I met Roscoe, Buddy & Dixie at their beautiful home in Gulf Breeze. Their Mom Dawn filled out my online contact form, and in the text box that says “Describe your pet in three words” She wrote “geriatric, something, and young”. I thought to myself, hmmm. Then I saw what she filled out as her dogs’ breeds: “oodles”. So – and please forgive me, Dawn – I thought you were just a bit heavy with the typos. I mean, there’s no such thing as an oodle and geriatric is the opposite of young… Right? And how the heck could “prime” fit into that??

So I laughed pretty hard when Dawn informed me over the phone that she has a standard poodle, a labradoodle, and a schnoodle – hence, “oodles”. And she used one word for each dog, since the oldest is 12 years old and the youngest is only 7 months! Take a look at Roscoe, Buddy and Dixie!


Dixie is a big, happy girl, and has tons of energy.


Don’t let the distinguished touch of gray confuse you: Buddy is 5 years old and Dixie’s outlet for most of that energy…


Roscoe is the old gentleman at 12 years of age. I love the paw he offered me! So polite.


Dawn warned me that they all love to sprint around the backyard for hours on end. She wasn’t kidding.


Thank you so much for introducing me to your furkids, Dawn! I can’t wait to show you all the poses they struck for me!

~ Dog Photography by Allison Shamrell in Gulf Breeze, Florida ~

Razzie & Cherry ~ {Pensacola Pet Photography by Allison Shamrell}

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

Razzie and Cherry are two miniature black poodles that live in Fort Walton Beach. They came to Pensacola for their session, and I’m so glad they did – we visited several of my favorite scenic locations!

At first, I met them both and wondered, how on earth am I going to tell them apart? Well it turns out, as the day went on it became starkly obvious who was who. Razzie (4 years old) is taller, leaner, and has a cute little underbite. Cherry (2 years old) is shorter and has a rounder face. See if you can tell them apart by the end of this blog post!


Both girls loved running around the beach! This is Cherry sprinting in front of the waves…



We also went to the park…









We also went to the studio!


We may have traded treats for cooperation.




Thanks for introducing me to your beautiful girls, Christel! I’ll see you soon!


~   Dog Photography by Allison Shamrell in Pensacola and Ft. Walton Beach, Florida   ~


Gulf Breeze Pet Fest ~ {Gulf Breeze Pet Photography by Allison Shamrell}

Sunday, November 20th, 2011

Yesterday (Saturday) was the 2011 Gulf Breeze Pet Fest! It was a lot of fun – until Mother Nature decided she didn’t like the idea of peaceful weather. So up until that moment (when three 10×10′ tents went flying, and my portraits came crashing down from their display stands) everyone was having a great time! Check out some of the adorable dogs I got to meet before having to pack up my booth…


This sweetheart wanted to snuggle up next to her Dad the whole time!

Rayne was a wonderful familiar face to see!

Bailey was the only one in her family who felt like saying hello to me…

But doesn’t her sibling Jace have the most beautiful coloring?

Tally the lab – I love her eyes!

I also adore this pomeranian’s coloring.


This is Treu, the smallest pit bull I’ve ever seen! Definitely a sweetheart, and tennis ball-obsessed!

Haha – I’m pretty sure this is Treu’s “look how good I am beeeeiiiinnnggggg” face!


Some visitors decided they needed to see my work up close…

Aaaand we have the winner for cutest pup of the day!


Honestly? I would like to steal him.

Gumbo the Maltese is a close runner-up, though. Wrapped up against mom’s chest was the warmest place to be that day!


This is Sydney, the windswept Australian Terrier!

Some dogs were there to PLAY! This is Buster, the shorthaired pointer.


Such sweet eyes.

And since the last session giveaway I did was so fabulous, I decided to hold another drawing for a free session.

This is the winner! Meet Amore the Maltese, and you’ll be seeing more of this adorable pup soon!


I’ll leave you with one more of this little dude. Have a great week!


~   Dog Photography by Allison Shamrell in Gulf Breeze, Florida   ~


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