
Tag: ‘boxer’

A Boxer on the Beach: Jamocha

Wednesday, February 20th, 2013

This happened to be a session that we had to postpone twice, unfortunately – sometimes the weather is just NOT on my side! But Pensacola was pretty foggy in the morning last week, so I promised Jamocha’s parents that waiting for a clear day would be worth the wait… and boy, was it worth it! We simply couldn’t have asked for a more gorgeous morning! You might already be familiar with this sweet boxer girl if you follow the Facebook page, but if not, let me introduce you!

 Her name is Jamocha May, after the delicious Arby’s drink! How cute is that? She’s a gorgeous & energetic young boxer.

A boxer dog runs along beautiful Pensacola Beach, and a close-up of her eye.


Don’t let her great posing skills fool you – it was actually a bit tricky to get Jamocha to lay or sit anywhere on the beach, since she appeared to be scared of the washed-up, dried seaweed laying around! Haha – she practically danced around it for our whole session! What a goofball.

A boxer and her two young parents relax on Pensacola beach.


Joy & Matt, thank you so much for being so patient! I can’t wait to get together again – especially because this time the weather won’t matter! Yay! :)

A Couple of Handsome Blockheads

Saturday, November 10th, 2012

You know I say that with nothing but affection, right? I love dogs with big, solid heads – because look how big their smiles can get! :)


These boxers are named Molson (fawn & white) & Vaughn (brindle) and without a doubt, they are the most well-behaved boys I’ve worked with in over a year. No joke, no exaggeration – I think their parents should start a training business because they clearly do it very well! And I was thrilled about the dogs’ excellent recall, because it allowed us to get pretty creative! Here’s their Sneak Peek…


Aren’t they handsome?!

Two boxers lie down in the studio.


We took a walk through downtown Pensacola…

Two boxer dogs sit in front of downtown Pensacola wooden doors.


And dug halfway to China on the beach!

Two boxers dig in the sand at the beach.


Last but not least, my personal favorite!! I love this photo so much!

Two boxers sit in the green grass with their parents in the background.


Thanks for a wonderful session, April & Bobby! And I can’t thank Molson & Vaughn enough for being good listeners… their session is proof: great obedience helps me get great photos! :)


Gus: A Mixed Breed Dog with a Mixed Past

Sunday, November 4th, 2012

Gus is one very lucky dog: after his first family had to give him up and another family didn’t take good care of him, Gus was saved from the animal shelter on the DAY he was supposed to be euthanized! I am so glad that P.A.W.S. (a rescue organization in Ft. Walton Beach) picked him up and delivered him to a foster family. And after that, it wasn’t long before Karla found him! Gus and Karla make an adorable pair; he never wants to be far from her but always seems to be testing exactly what he can get away with… plus; isn’t he handsome? And isn’t she beautiful! Clients like this make my job quite a bit easier! :) Gus is a hound/boxer mix, and I think whatever’s in him mixed very well, don’t you?


We started out at the park, where Gus had quite a time running up and down the wooden walkways…

A hound mixed breed dog sits with his owner on a wooden walkway.


We had a pretty foggy morning – and look what it did to the bay! You can hardly see the horizon! I thought it was beautiful, and I’d never seen such an effect before. I’m glad we got a few photos that captured the surreal setting.

Two photos of a hound mix dog at the beach and in the park.


Gus’ happy place: right next to Karla.

A hound mixed breed dog sits with his owner, black and white.



Thanks for making the trip out from Ft. Walton Beach all the way to Pensacola, Gus & Karla! I had a great morning with you two, and something tells me your gallery is going to be huuuuge… It’s a good problem to have though, I promise! :) Keep an eye on the Facebook page because I might not be able to resist posting another photo or two there!



Niceville Pet Photography: Memphis, Gracie & Chloe

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012

You know how this summer was pretty rainy? Like, rainier than most summers? Yeah, I do too, and so does Meredith. She’s Memphis, Gracie & Chloe’s mom, and we’ve been planning this session since JUNE! The absolutely ridiculous weather forced us to keep rescheduling until now, so first of all, Meredith should be commended for having the patience of a saint. But I already knew she’d be patient – she’s a first grade teacher! I was so excited to finally meet Meredith and her dogs in person; I felt like we were friends already from all the times we’d communicated back and forth! And our session was SO much fun with her three fur-babies; let me introduce you!


This is Chloe, a five-year-old pug. She loooooved being the center of attention! (what a cutie, right?)

A pug sits at a woman's feet on a dock.


Oh, Chloe’s face. Don’t you just want to give her everything she could ever want? Sigh. On the right is Memphis, a ten-year-old pug. I love that crazy running look that pugs get! I posted another (slightly calmer) photo of him to the Facebook page on Saturday.

A pug looks up at the camera and one runs through green grass.


Memphis’ little paws…

A close-up zoomed in on pugs' feet on a wooden dock.


And here’s big sis Gracie! She’s a boxer mix (I’m guessing with some pit bull, too) and she’s also five years old.

Dogs on a dock and looking out a car window.



Two pugs sit on a concrete bench, with water in the background.


Gracie has a bit of trust issues, so I saw both of these faces pretty often throughout the session… ha!

A boxer - pit bull mixx smiles and barks at the camera.


Gracie can MOVE!

A boxer/pit bull mix runs through a green backyard.


That’s it for now… probably one of the biggest Sneak Peeks I’ve ever posted, since I’m going on out of town for a bit. Meredith, thank you again for being so wonderful to work with – and please say hi to the pups for me! I’ve got SO many more photos to show you (remember Chloe on the blue+green comforter?) so remember to watch the Facebook page for updates! :)


Dog Photography: Outside, Inside, Outside, Inside

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

That’s exactly how this session went! We started outside in the backyard, headed inside to relax on the couch, then went back outside to play fetch, then back inside to take a nap on the bed… and it was so much fun! Honestly, I really appreciate it when my clients choose my Dalmatian Package, because it means absolutely nothing will be rushed. Everyone (you, me, and your dogs) can all relax and take our time getting a huge variety of photos! So it was a very stress-free afternoon at Harley, Buster, and Lily Rose’s house. Let me introduce you to the stars of the show!


Harley is a big yet timid boxer, whose greatest fear was that I’d steal his soul with my camera. Yes really. Despite my efforts, I think he kept it. Lily Rose is the darling girl on the right, a delightful mix of Boston terrier, pit bull and who knows what else? She is such a little sweetheart!

A boxer and a pit bull-Boston terrier mix on grass.


Buster, the “big man” of the house, is an English bulldog with the BEST head tilt.

An English buldog on a colorful bed comforter.


And I wanted to share one more photo, only because Lily Rose struck this pose on her own, and made her mom Marcia and I laugh so hard! Don’t you love her dainty toes sticking out over the bed frame?

A pit bull/Boston terrier mix peeks over the side of a bed with her paws.


To say that this was a fun session doesn’t even begin to cover it. Thanks again Marcia – I can’t wait to see you & your crew again soon!



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