Farley is the tale of the photo session that almost never was. We were actually scheduled to meet a year ago, but just about any issue under the sun that could possibly postpone a photo session (medical issues, scheduling conflicts, inclement weather) happened. So with a saga like that leading up to the day of our photo session, I was practically pinching myself that I finally got to photograph this handsome boy! (He actually visited my studio a year ago to say “hello”, and although I remembered him I’m not sure he remembered me at the photo session… but that’s okay because we were quickly able to get acquainted again!)
Farley is the sweetest 4-year-old Bernese mountain dog. Strangers stop him & his family on the street to take his picture, so I consider myself a very lucky photographer to have him all to myself for an hour and a half straight, haha! He did a phenomenal job and I couldn’t get over his handsome smile. His obedience is wonderful, and I found it very sweet how attentive he was to his parents. At one point his dad went back over to their car to get something, and all Farley wanted to do was watch him as he walked away. He even went to stand right by his mom (as if to not lose her too?!) while waiting for dad to return from that veryyyy long, 15-second walk to the car and back. :) It was so cute the way he kept such rapt focus on his parents. They even told me that once they are in a new place for a while, he eventually decides that that spot is his new home… and then he will bark at other people for entering into his family’s new territory! It was easy to see how much he’s dedicated to his mom and dad, and vice versa. It made capturing their connection as a family practically effortless!
We started our photo session at San Dieguito County Park, and it was beautiful as always. One of the many reasons why it’s a favorite location of mine is because this park was relatively crowded that day – and yet we were able to find a huge area all to ourselves. Even if it’s “packed” we can make it work! Farley was able to have some space to run around and have fun. He also found lots to eat, including grass, dirt, snacks from other people’s picnics, more grass, and treats that we brought. I would say that he enjoyed himself…!
After our time at the park, we headed to the beach. Farley is not used to beaches with waves, since he usually goes to Fiesta Island, which is a beach inside of a bay. So he would get a little nervous and then a little brave and then a little nervous again as the waves came. But he got comfortable eventually – which I know for a fact since he almost laid down in the waves at one point! He’s definitely a water dog, so I think it’s safe to say that we had a successful photo session – and a ton of fun!
What a handsome smile. Farley is basically a supermodel.
Action photos? Say no more, Farley is always ready to run.
We lucked out with gorgeous, soft colors in the sky at the beach. It was simply a beautiful day!
Stefan & Leanne, thank you so much for introducing me to Farley – and letting me photograph him a year later! 😉 I’m excited to share the rest of our images with you very soon!

Call: 619.357.6624 // Email: Allison@AllisonShamrell.com // Visit: 11828 Rancho Bernardo Road, Suite 204, San Diego, CA 92128
Voted San Diego's Best Pet Photographer, by the San Diego A-List, since 2014
© Allison Shamrell Photography, 2022
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Tags: beach, dog photography, dogs, park, pet photography, pets, photography, purebred, San Diego, San Diego Dog Photographer, San Diego pet photography