It’s not often that I get to play with brand-new puppies, much less golden retriever puppies – so my latest clients gave me a real treat when they introduced me to Harley and his big brother Hudson! These San Diego golden retrievers are an absolutely adorable pair that live with their beautiful family (including two little girls to play with!) just down the road from The Grand Del Mar. And to my delight, they showed me out to a lovely backyard with plenty of grass & room to run around – pretty much a photographer’s dream! So we spent the afternoon playing fetch & posing for a few photos, and I absolutely loved getting to know this family. Raising two human kids and two dogs is no easy task, but their mom is doing it in style – and I was so impressed at how the girls interacted with the dogs. All too often, children don’t have proper boundaries established with their pets, which opens the door to all kinds of potential problems. But Paige & Presley are so great with their canine brothers – it’s obvious that they’ll be best friends as they all continue to get bigger & older together! S00o cute! I can’t wait to introduce you to the canine contingent of this family (and later, if their mom gives me permission, maybe I’ll share a photo of all four kids together)!
This is Harley. I know.
And here’s big brother Hudson! Don’t you love that classic golden retriever smile? Hudson is an incredibly handsome dog!
Hudson is ball-motivated (or really, ball-obsessed is more accurate) so we played plenty of fetch! And it was adorable to see little Harley try and keep up with his brother!
Oh Harley. Stop it right now. You are just too cute.
Ashley, it was lovely to meet you & your kids (2-legged and 4-legged)! Thanks so much for a super-fun afternoon – Ill talk to you soon! :)