You may have seen the update on my Facebook page, or perhaps you subscribe to The Monthly Bark and heard the news in your inbox. But if you’re hearing this for the first time… surprise! I’m pregnant! :)
At the moment I’m 32 weeks along, which means I’ve successfully survived about 7 months of pregnancy with only 2 to go. (I hear they’re the hardest 2, but hey, after having made it through 7 I’m feeling pretty good!) Our little nugget is a girl (yay!!) and she’s due on May 11th!
I’ve been married to Mr. Shamrell for 9 years now, and although we didn’t always feel ready to have kids – or not both of us at the same time, at least – now we do and our little girl couldn’t have better timing. I have to say that I’ve REALLY enjoyed being married without kids for this long, but we are both very excited & looking forward to this HUGE change in our lives and have nothing but happy anticipation for the future! (Okay, a bit of nervousness too… but it’s all good nerves!) Those 9 years I’ve spent being a dog mom, and loving it – and I believe that our dog Bailey taught me some of the most important skills of how to be a good mother (to any species) that I’ll be able to bring with me into this crazy new adventure. So in the meantime, I’m just trying to brace myself for adapting to a daughter that won’t be potty-trained in a matter of weeks – and can’t be left alone for a few hours at a time – and won’t be able to walk for the next year, haha!
Before getting pregnant, I was never one of those women obsessed with babies/pregnancy/etc. I was never the first volunteer to hold a friend’s baby (I was nervous that I’d drop the poor kid!) and didn’t know anything about what it’s like to be pregnant. So let’s just say it’s been a STEEP learning curve! For example, I’ve learned that the first trimester is 100% sucky (all the crazy symptoms, none of the belly to show for it), the second trimester is relatively easy, and the third trimester is kinda like the first (except now you have a belly). My biggest symptom by far has been fatigue; turns out it’s pretty tiring to make a human being! But beyond that, I’ve been very lucky not to experience any morning sickness, crazy mood swings, swelling/pain in my limbs… and my food cravings have been very mild ever since the first trimester ended. (The only strong cravings I had were for fruit and Taco Bell. Go figure!) So I don’t want to jinx it, but I’ve got a lot to be thankful for… thanks Mom! (And all the other awesome women in my family who handed down their easy-pregnancy genes!)
Before I got pregnant, I was super curious how Bailey would do with the experience. One of my clients told me of her two dogs, “One of them totally knew I was pregnant and got very clingy & gentle, and the other one just thought I was getting fat.” Ha! Our experience has been somewhat closer to the latter; Bailey has never been a snuggler, nor has she ever experienced any real separation anxiety, and her personality/habits don’t seem to have changed in any way these days. But she knows I’m pregnant; we’ve been telling her about our doctors’ visits and she’s seen our second bedroom slowly morph into a nursery. She’s a smart dog… I know she knows. (Plus there’s been a couple of days when she just couldn’t stop smelling me; my scent must be changing along with my body & hormones!)
I’ve read up on how to prepare Bailey for her new little sister, and all the best resources say very similar things. First: start with a basic foundation of obedience. The more Bailey knows & is willing to comply with requests like “off”, “down” and “no” the better. Pretty obvious, right? It’s also a good idea to acclimate her to “life with baby” as much as possible – which means I should be playing YouTube videos of babies crying to get her used to that sound, and going for walks with the empty stroller so it’s an easy transition to walking with a baby in the stroller. (It’s a separate discussion of whether I’ll actually follow through with these “good ideas” – I mean, won’t we hear enough crying once the baby is actually here? And how awkward will it be to walk around the neighborhood with an empty stroller?!) Terri Steuben told us that it’s a good idea to talk to Bailey every step of the way, to explain what all the new things are for (in basic terms) and set her up with a bed and water bowl in the nursery so she doesn’t feel like she’s excluded from this new part of our lives. And most importantly, we’ll need to teach the baby to respect Bailey’s personal space once she’s mobile, since then she’ll be crawling around and reaching for anything she finds interesting! Beyond that, we’ll just take things slowly and make sure Bailey is still getting plenty of love & attention so she never feels like the baby has taken her place – after all, she is our first “baby”. ;)
I’ve gotten plenty of questions about what’s happening to my business (arguably my other baby!) with this impending change. So forgive me as I answer those questions here:
~ Of course I’m coming back!!! I have NO intention of closing up shop; I haven’t worked this hard for 8+ years to pack it in now. That’s not even up for discussion. Now, I’ve stopped doing photo sessions at this point in my pregnancy because my sessions are very physical, and it’s hard to get on the ground at a dog’s level with a big pregnant belly in the way, haha! But I’ll be back in action as soon as I feel comfortable, safe and capable of doing so. To be honest, I don’t know exactly when I’ll come back – remember, I’ve never done this before! – but I expect to have a camera back in my hands in mid-to-late summer.
~ During my “maternity leave” I won’t be doing any photo sessions, but I will be reachable by email to book sessions for after I’m back in the studio. I expect that my schedule in the late summer and fall will book up quickly – after all, the last few months of the year have always been my busy season, and all the sessions I would normally book in the spring & early summer will have to wait until after I’m back from maternity leave… so it’s likely to be a packed rest of the year! (Which means you should get in touch with me NOW if you’re thinking of booking a session this year! Visit my main website and fill out that contact form at the bottom ASAP, since I’ll be giving priority to the earliest inquiries!)
~ Attention past clients: with all the downtime of maternity leave, something tells me I’ll get a little bored. And you know what I do when I have nothing else on my plate? I plan promotions & sales! So keep your eyes peeled on your inboxes for something fun & exclusive, just for you. :)
~ Attention commercial clients: ditto the previous comment! Although I won’t be out there shooting, I have THOUSANDS of stock images in my archives that would love to find a new home on your website/social media/product packaging.
A few more thoughts on the personal side of things:
~ Just laying on the couch and feeling her kick is my new favorite thing.
~ I don’t drink coffee or eat sushi, so a lot of the typical “hard to give up” foods don’t actually bother me. I’m feeling much more deprived for wine & beer, as well as cookie dough and caesar salad (both of which have raw eggs, boooo.)
~ Any hesitations I used to have about eating whatever food & snacks I want? Gone! Poof! I could get used to this… pass the Ben & Jerry’s please!
~ No, we haven’t thought of a name for her yet – still working on it!
~ I never thought I’d say this, but it’s actually been kinda fun to watch my midsection grow to the size of a basketball! Haha!
So thank you for all your support – and an extra thank you to the amazing people who have sent me cards and/or gifts!! I often refer to “the Allison Shamrell Photography family”, and you’re proving (again) that it’s not just a saying. Here’s to that family, as it grows this year by one very special little girl!